Passing out prank-Jimin ver.

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-Jimin POV-
"Okay hey guys so I have a prank today, I'll be doing the passing out prank, I had this planned since this morning so I told him I wasn't feeling too well, he even wanted to stay home and take care of me, he really is the best boyfriend, shame that I have to prank him so much, anyways so I'm in the living room so that when I do fall I won't get hurt, so basically I'll be sitting down and then I'll say I need to go to the bathroom and once I'm in clearance of the table I'll fall, I wonder how panicked he'll be. Oh well we shall find out when he gets home in about, oh I don't know, an hour or so."-JM
I set up how I wanted to do this and I set up the camera and sat on the couch, by the time I was done he was unlocking the door I started acting sick and laid down.
"Baby I home."-J
"In here."-JM
"Hey, you feeling okay?"-J
"Not really, I still feel like shit."-JM
"Aww poor thing."-J
He sat beside me and brought me in to cuddle him but he wasn't squeezing. I took a deep breath, taking in his scent, I really missed him today.
"You're so cute."-J
"Thanks daddy."-JM
"Want anything to drink."-J
"A water."-JM
He got up and went to the kitchen and came back with a bottle of water, he sat back down and handed me the water, I took a sip and set it on the table and leaned back over on him.
"Awww baby, you must feel miserable."-J
"Well hey if you're still feeling like this tomorrow I'm staying home with you."-J
"No it's fine, I can handle it."-JM
"Why won't you let me take care of you."-J
"Cause I'm fine."-JM
"I can tell you aren't fine."-J
"Yeah, I feel like crap, but you don't have to stay home."-JM
"I'd rather be here with you while you're sick than be at work worrying about you."-J
"Well still I don't want you to miss work because of me."-JM
"I'll miss anything for you."-J
"Babe, really I'll fine here alone."-JM
"Like hell, I'm staying here with you."-J
"Baby please, you don't have to."-JM
"I know I don't have to, but I want to."-J
"But I don't want you to, I'll be fine."-JM
"Don't lie to me."-J
"But seriously I will be fine."-JM
"Are you sure."-J
"I've made it through today alone, I can do it again."-JM
"Yeah I know but I wanna be there to take care of you, you're my baby."-J
"Yes but I'm old enough to take care of myself."-JM
"I know, you're a big boy, but still, let me take care of you."-J
"I don't wanna be a burden."-JM
"Taking care of my beautiful boyfriend is not a burden."-J
"I'm not beautiful."-JM
"Yes you are, you're so beautiful, in every way."-J
"Thanks baby."-JM
He hugged me and then I suddenly remembered the prank, I gotta get this show on the road, I hugged back and once we pulled away I started to get up.
"Where are you going."-J
I got up and walked a few steps and once I was away from anything I could fall or hit my head on, I pretended to pass out and I fell.
He ran over to me and cradled me in his arms, he was lightly tapping my face. I was so close to laughing at him but I didn't.
"Baby, wake up, please wake up."-J
I still wanted to scare him but I was starting to feel bad.
"Hey, please wake up, please."-J
I slowly started to open my eyes, I pretended to be confused.
"W-what happened."-JM
"You passed out, that scared me half to death, I thought you wouldn't wake up."-J
"Hey it's okay, I'm right here, I'm fine."-JM
"You just passed out, I'm taking you to the doctor."-J
"No need to prank them too."-JM
"Oh you know, the classic passing out prank."-JM
"Are you serious, wait you haven't been feeling well all day."-J
"I've been feeling fine, I've known since this morning that I wanted to do this prank so I've been acting like I was feeling sick."-JM
"You had me worried sick all day for nothing."-J
"Not for nothing, hey at least now I know you care."-JM
"Well of course I care about you, you're my baby."-J
"Awww I love you."-JM
"I love you too."-J
I pulled him in and kissed him, he kissed back, it wasn't a rough kiss, it was a loving kiss, after a few seconds we pulled away. I got off the floor and pulled him up with me, I grabbed the camera.
"Well that's it for today's video, he had the cutest reaction, anyways don't forget to like and subscribe and tune in to the next video, bye guys."-JM
I turned the camera off and set it on the table, I looked over and saw him sitting on the couch, I sat beside him.
"I'm sorry."-JM
"It's okay, but dear lord you gave me a heart attack."-J
"Aww you really love me."-JM
"Well of course I do, I have ever since I met you, I'm really happy our best friends are dating each other."-J
"Me too."-JM
"I was so scared, I thought I lost you, and if I lose you I lose my soulmate, my baby, and my best friend."-J
"Awwww babe."-JM
I hugged him tightly, I saw that he had tears lining his eyes, I felt really bad.
"I'm sorry."-JM
"It's okay baby, I'm just glad I didn't actually lose you, I don't know what if ever do."-J
"You're gonna make me cry."-JM
"Awww don't cry baby, if you cry I'll cry and it won't be a pretty sight."-J
"Hehe, you're so cute."-JM
"So are you."-J
"I love you so much."-JM
"I love you too baby."-J
"Never leave me."-JM
"I will never leave you."-J
"You promise."-JM
"I promise."-J
He pulled me in and kissed me deeply, I kissed back and he squeezed my ass, causing me to moan and he slipped his tongue into my mouth, I gently sucked on his tongue causing him to moan, we ran out of air so we pulled away.
"I really love you."-J
"I love you too daddy."-JM
"Can I fuck you."-J
"Sure, just don't be too rough."-JM

*after they took a shower*
"I said not too rough."-JM
"Sorry, but sometimes I can't resist."-J
"Hey it felt good though, I mean my ass hurts like hell now."-JM
"Sorry bout that."-J
"It's okay, goodnight."-JM
"Night, I love you."-J
"I love you too."-JM

They both fell asleep~


-Authors Note-
Huge surprise coming in the next chapter 😏.

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