Being PDA infront of my mom-Jin ver.

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-Jin POV-
"Okay guys so today we have a plan to prank my mom, we are basically gonna be touchy and stuff in front of her."-J
"This was his idea, I had nothing to do with it."-JM
"You're the one who woke me up and said you had a great prank idea."-J
"Whatever, Anyways since we are the only ones awake at the moment, let's just say in bed."-JM
"Sounds good to me."-J
"I love you."-JM
"I love me too."-J
"Just kidding, I love you too."-J
"So when she wakes up what all are we doing."-JM
"So we are basically just gonna be all over each other and kiss every second and make her feel uncomfortable."-J
"Okay, so why not start now."-JM
"She isn't awake yet that's why."-J
"Right, this is probably one of the best pranks we've ever done."-JM
"I don't know, I personally like the I don't wanna kiss you prank."-J
"I hated it."-JM
"I know, I think she just woke up."-J
"Yeah she did, let's go."-JM
"I don't think she'll even get mad."-JM
"Yeah we do kiss a lot in front of her, but this time we'll just be over the top with it."-J

-Third person POV-
They went downstairs and set the camera up so that nobody would notice it, and one they were in front of Yeri they began kissing, but not making out, they save that for when they're alone. Yeri noticed but didn't care because they usually do that.
"Hey we eat there."-TH
"We weren't gonna do it in the table."-JM
"Yeah never."-J

They began kissing again but nobody seemed to notice anything different. Well until Jimin started laughing. That's the only reason any of them looked at them. They went to sit on the couch and they still were kissing but just the occasional peck on the lips and cheek.
"So what happened with you two."-TH
"What do you mean."-J
"You're a lot closer."-TH
"We always kiss."-JM
"That's true but never this much."-TH
"That's what you think."-J
"Yeah, this isn't anything new."-JM
Yeri came over and sat down on the couch and Jin pulled Jimin into his lap and cuddled into him but nobody seemed to care as this was normal, they started kissing but still not making out, yet.
"Well we're gonna go see his parents for a bit."-TH
"Okay have fun."-Yeri
"We will."-TH
Now that they were the only three in the house, Yeri moved of to the chair and they began to kiss a little more roughly.
"Mmmmm baby."-JM
"Boys if you're gonna do that then please go upstairs."-Yeri
"Sorry mom, he's just so hard to resist."-J
"I didn't need to know that."-Yeri
"Although now that you mention it, why don't we go upstairs."-JM
"Okay let's go."-J
"She doesn't even seem bothered, bruhh I thought this would work."-JM
"Well maybe we should just stay up here for a bit and then go back downstairs, and be a little more risky with things."-J
"Okay, but how, she's used to us kissing by now."-JM
"Maybe we kiss too much."-J
"Yeah perhaps, oh well it's fun."-JM
"Why'd you start laughing earlier."-J
"I don't know, I guess something just felt funny, who knows."-JM
"Oh something felt funny."-J
"Not like that."-JM
"I guess I'm just dirty minded."-J
"Yes you are."-JM
"Only for you baby."-J
"Your mom is downstairs, do you really wanna risk that."-JM
"Well don't be too loud."-J
"We'll do that when we get back to our apartment okay daddy."-JM
"Or we could wait till she leaves, if she leaves anytime soon."-J
"Nope, you're gonna have to wait, sorry."-JM
"You're so getting a punishment when we get back, hope you're prepared for it."-J
"I will be if you help me."-JM
"Well let's turn the camera off and we can, just as long as you're quiet."-J
"Not right now daddy."-JM
"So you got me hard for nothing."-J
"Sorry daddy, but we can't do that right now."-JM
"When we get back you won't be able to walk for at least a week."-J
"That's fine by me."-JM
"At least let me give you a hickey so that whenever we go out everyone will know you're taken."-J
"Fine, but let me turn the camera off, sorry guys but this is to be kept private."-JM
"See y'all later."-J
*off camera*
Jin began to kiss the others neck, then he began to suck on the spot he knows is his sweet spot, thus causing the other to moan but he had his hand over his mouth so it was barely audible. He bit down on the place and when he pulled away he smiled at the deep purple mark that he had just made.
"Wow that felt good."-JM
"Imagine how good it'll feel when my dicks inside you again."-J
"I don't wanna imagine it because then I'll want it too much."-JM
"Well how about we go get a shower."-J
"Okay but we can't do anything."-JM
"So no more hickeys."-J
"I didn't say that."-JM
*after shower*
"Okay this was a little too much."-JM
"Yeah but you know it felt good."-J
"Yeah it did but still, you went overboard with the hickeys."-JM
"I feel like you're overreacting."-J
"Look at this."-JM


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"It's not that bad

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"It's not that bad."-J
"Not that bad, it looks like this is least a weeks worth, not a days worth, and we're hanging with our friends tomorrow."-JM
"They've given each other hickeys before."-J
"Well yeah but still."-JM
"Don't worry, just wear that black turtleneck, it looks hot on you anyways."-J
"It's gonna be burning hot tomorrow."-JM
"My mom has some concealer, I could ask if you could borrow it."-J
"I'd rather have to be burning up then have to wear makeup on my neck."-JM
"Get your revenge."-J
"What do you mean."-JM
"Give me a hickey that I'll be forced to hide."-J
He began sucking on his neck, then slowly biting on it, then he pulled away and looked at the mark.

"-JMHe began sucking on his neck, then slowly biting on it, then he pulled away and looked at the mark

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"Wow, hey we could just wear hoodies."-J
"Yeah we could but that's the easy way out of it."-JM
"Anywho let's get back to the prank."-J
"I almost forgot about that."-JM
*back on camera*
"Hey guys we're back, and no you're not seeing things we do have hickeys on our necks but we didn't do it, his mom is downstairs."-JM
"Yeah we took a shower and things got heated."-J
"And not just the water."-JM
"Wow I'm usually the one with jokes."-J
"Explains a lot."-JM
"Oh well, you love me."-JM
"Yes I do indeed love you."-J
"I love you too."-JM
"Well guys the prank didn't really work and it's already dark outside, she's just too used to us kissing, but I mean it was worth a try."-J
"Yeah at least we tried."-JM
"And that's what matters."-J
"So we're gonna end the video here, we won't be uploading a video tomorrow because we are gonna be hanging with our friends and we don't wanna film all of that but we might try to post on Instagram, not sure yet, but I hope you enjoyed the video see ya later."-J
*off camera again*
"So wanna go to bed that way we won't be tired."-J
"It's midnight, we need to get to sleep."-JM
"Night, I love you."-JM
"I love you too baby."-J

-Authors Note-
I have no clue why I've been uploading a lot here lately but I have been pretty bored here lately so that may have something to do with it. Anywho...

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