Cheating with the door locked prank-Jimin ver.

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-Jimin POV-
"Okay hey guys so I had an idea this morning after Jin left for work, I'll be doing the cheating with the door locked, I went out and bought some pants and a shirt so it'll be something he's never seen before, I also just wanted an excuse to get a new outfit, so I'm gonna get a drink and some snacks so I won't die in here, I've got prerecorded moans on the laptop and I'm gonna be bouncing on the bed, now I'm gonna feel bad because we are engaged now, and let's be honest here, I would never ever cheat on him, I love him too much to do that, so I'm just worried for how he's gonna react. But he should be home any second so I gotta go get supplies."-JM
I took the camera and went into the kitchen and got a drink and some snacks, I went back into the room and locked it, a few minutes later I heard the door open so I started bouncing on the bed and fake moaning. I was trying so hard not to laugh.
"Baby, are you alright."-J
"Uhhh fuck, harder."-JM
I heard the door knob rattle and I wanted to laugh but I kept bouncing and rocking on the bed.
"Uhhh this feels so good, ahhhh daddy."-JM
"Baby how could you."-J
"Oh yeah right there."-JM
"Jimin, why're you doing this, I thought you loved me."-J
"Do you think you could leave for about ten minutes."-JM
"I can't believe you would do this."-J
"Ahhhhhhh yeahhh like that, harder."-JM
"Why, I thought you loved me."-J
"Shit, uhhhh fuck me harder daddy."-JM
"Whoever's in there with you is gonna get their ass kicked."-J
"Oh yeah, don't staahhhhp."-JM
He started banging on the door.
"Unlock this door right now, I mean it, I'll tear this door down."-J
"AHHHHHHHHHH fuck yeah."-JM
If I'm being honest the only way these fake moans are convincing is because I'm imagining us doing it.
"Mmmm damn this is amazing."-JM
He kept hitting the door and I could tell he was getting more pissed, I heard him walk away and I heard the door slam shut.
"Okay guys so I think he left, let's check."-JM
I grabbed the camera and unlocked the bedroom door and opened it a little and heard the front door open.
I heard him start running and once I could see him I tried to close the door but he pushed it back open and charged for the bed only to see that nobody was there.
"It's a prank."-JM
He sat on the bed and that's when I noticed he was crying.
"Awww babe, I'm sorry, you know I'd never cheat on you."-JM
He didn't say anything, I went over and sat on his lap and hugged him, he leaned his head on my chest and hugged back while still crying.
"Babe, it's okay, there was nobody in here with me, calm down."-JM
"Why would you do that, I thought you were cheating."-J
"Well I had to get back at you."-JM
"For what."-J
"Last night."-JM
"That's not fair."-J
"I'm sorry babe."-JM
"I hate you for this."-J
"I love you too."-JM
I kissed his forehead and he leaned away, I knew he was mad at me, he slid me off of his lap and stood up. He started walking out and I went over and hugged him.
"Don't leave me."-JM
"I was going to go get the box of tissues from the living room."-J
"Still, don't leave me."-JM
"Don't worry, I don't plan on leaving you, ever."-J
We sat back down on the bed and cuddled and after a minute or so I started the outro.
"Okay guys so that's the end of my cheating with the door locked prank, he probably hates me right now so I'm gonna have to make him love me again, bye guys."-JM
I turned off the camera and sat it on the nightstand and I turned back to him and cuddled into his side.
"I love you daddy."-JM
"I love you too baby, but never do that prank again, I'm gonna have to get back at you for that."-J
"Did you honestly think I'd cheat on you, especially after you proposed."-JM
"I guess that's why I fell for it, I couldn't believe it."-J
"I never in a zillion years would even consider cheating."-JM
"I know."-J
"Good thing you know."-JM
"So what do you wanna do now."-J
"No sex, my ass hurts."-JM
"Well I know that, but what do you wanna do."-J
"Cuddle, I enjoy our cuddles."-JM
"I enjoy our cuddles too, how are you so cute."-J
"I don't know, I just am."-JM
"You're way too cute."-J
"Hehe, so how was work."-JM
"It was okay but I really missed you."-J
"I missed you too."-JM
"And then when I come home this happens, today was terrible."-J
"Aww daddy."-JM
I hugged him closer and he snuggled into my chest.
"I love you."-J
"I love you too."-JM
"But I'm serious if you ever do that prank again I'll-."-J
"You'll what, I know you won't leave me and let's be honest, you'd never hurt me again."-JM
"Yeah, I know but please never do that again."-J
"I won't, but that doesn't mean I won't prank you anymore."-JM
"I know, and trust me I'll definitely prank you back for this."-J
"I know you will, I want some food, and chocolate, oh oh and watermelon juice."-JM
"What's with the cravings."-J
"I don't know, I'm hungry."-JM
"Me too, want me to fix us something."-J
"I wanna cook for you this time."-JM
"What're ya gonna fix."-J
"I don't know."-JM
"Well what're you in the mood for."-J
"I don't know."-JM
"Yeah me either."-J
"Can we just cuddle until we figure it out."-JM
"Yeah of course, I love cuddling with you."-J
"I love you."-JM
"I love you too baby."-J
"Never leave me."-JM
"I would never think about it."-J

-Jin POV-
I looked over and saw that he was asleep and he looked so cute in my arms, I never wanna let him go, he's my baby and he shall always be my baby.

-Authors Note-
Thank you @buyingcooki for the idea on this prank, if anyone would like to recommend any pranks I'll be happy to write them.

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