Surprising my boyfriend-Jimin ver.

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-Jimin POV-
"It's been a week now since I last saw my boyfriend and really wanted to surprise him so I'm getting on a train and I'll be there tomorrow as it is late, that way when he wakes up I'll be there with him either cuddling him or I might be sitting in the living room. I really can't wait, you guys have no idea how in love I am with him. Okay so at the moment I've just finished packing and I'm about to go meet Yoongi so he can drive me to the train station, once I get to Daegu his brother, Taehyung, will be picking me up and driving me to their house, I can't wait to see his mom and him again. So let's get to the train station and I'll check back in when I get to Daegu. Bye for now."-JM

I stopped filming and went outside to meet Yoongi and we went to the station.
"Have fun kid, hope you can walk next time I see you."-Y
"His mom and brother will be there, I don't think we will be doing anything like that."-JM
"Okay whatever you say, bye."-Y
"Bye hyung."-JM

A little bit after I got on the train I received a text from my beautiful boyfriend.

Jinnie❤️: Hey baby what are you up to;)
Jiminie 💜: Nothing much just chilling
Jinnie❤️: Hmmm sounds fun, my brother just went to bed and since my mom isn't home I'm currently blasting music in my headphones to block out the sound of my brother and his boyfriend having sex, I miss you
Jiminie💜: I miss you too, and I bet we could be louder than them;)
Jinnie❤️: I really miss you now, but I gotta go, I love you
Jiminie💜: I love you too baby, can't wait to see you again;)
Jinnie❤️: bye baby:(
Jiminie💜: I wish I could kiss that frown away ^-^
Jinnie❤️: you're too cute, bye
Jiminie 💜: bye:)

I really miss him, so much that I wanted to tell him that I was coming to see him. But I need it to be a surprise. I want to see him so bad I wish I wasn't on this train but instead in his arms. So a bit later I got off the train and met Taehyung there and I'm assuming that was his boyfriend with him.
"So you ready to surprise him."-TH
"Yeah this is gonna be fun, I can't wait to see him."-JM
"Oh and this is Jungkook."-TH
"So you're his boyfriend."-JM
"Yeah that'd be me, how'd you know."-JK
"That's my business."-JM
"Jin told him most likely."-TH
"Yeah he did, you two apparently kept him awake too long."-JM
"You said to keep him awake for awhile so that he'd sleep longer."-TH
"I didn't say traumatize the dude."-JM
"Hey we did what we were told to do, we kept him awake and he's still probably sleeping so you can sneak in without an issue."-JK
"Well thanks either way."-JM

*at Jin's house*
I snuck to his room and started cuddling him and of course he cuddled back, as I have slept well I didn't go back to sleep. It was funny to watch him wake up and see his questioning with his eyes closed face. I set up a camera to catch this so it's on video, when he opened his eyes and realized it was me that he was cuddling he smiled so big and hugged me ten times closer.
"Baby, wait what are you doing here."-J
"I wanted to surprise you."-JM
"I missed you so much."-J
"I missed you too."-JM
"You're welcome by the way."-TH
"You were in on it."-J
"We both were."-JK

~Third person POV~
Jin pulled Jimin closer and kissed him, not caring at the fact that not only way his brother and his brothers boyfriend were still in the room, his mom was also now in the room.
"Oh hey Mrs.Kim."-JM
"Please just call me Yeri or mom."-Yeri
"Mom when did you get home."-J
"About the time he was just getting here, you better be good to him, he really loves you."-Yeri
"I really love him too."-J
"I love you more."-JM
"I bet I love you more."-J
"Should the three of us leave the house for a bit."-TH
"I just got home I'm gonna go sleep."-Yeri
"We'll leave you guys alone, remember that since we're all here you can't do it."-JK
"Yeah we know."-J
"We'll just have to wait till we get back to our house."-JM
"Yeah we will, really you put a camera up."-J
"I making a vlog don't judge me, you're a youtuber too."-JM
"Yeah I know."-J
"I love you."-JM
"I love you too."-J
"Do you smell food?"-JM
"Yeah I do, let's go downstairs."-J

They went downstairs and waited for breakfast to be ready, they just cuddled in the living room. Jungkook and Taehyung were on the other chair cuddling.
"Breakfast is ready."-Yeri
"Okay mom we'll be there in a second."-J
"I heard food I'm gonna be in there now."-JM
"Me too it's food."-TH
"We're dating weirdos."-JK
"Yep we are."-J
"You know you love us."-JM
"I suppose."-J
"You know you love him, don't deny it."-TH
"Yeah I know, I really do love him."-J
"I love you too."-JM
"Well we're going out for the day, see y'all later."-TH
"Bye be careful."-J
"I will hyung, bye mom."-TH
"Bye sweetie."-Yeri
"Wanna go get ready and go somewhere."-J
"We were gonna catch us son, I haven't seen him in a while."-Yeri
"Oh okay."-J
"We'll hang out later babe."-JM
"Okay baby."-J
"Why don't we all just hang here and catch up."-Yeri
"That's sounds fun."-JM
"Yeah let's just hang here."-J
"So how have you been."-Yeri
"I've been good."-JM
"Has he been good to you."-Yeri
"Yes he's been good to me, especially in bed."-JM
"Baby that's my mom, she didn't need to know that."-J
"I meant with cuddles, dirty minded kid."-JM
"Honestly I thought that too."-Yeri
"Is the camera still on?"-J
"Yeah it is, you guys see how dirty minded he is."-JM
"Well listen to what you said, it sounds wrong."-J
"It was suppose to."-JM
"From what I've seen in y'all's videos, I would've thought y'all were married or something."-Yeri
"Maybe soon."-J
"I said maybe soon."-J
"Are you gonna propose soon."-Yeri
"I wouldn't tell, it would ruin the surprise."-J
"So you are gonna propose soon."-JM
"I didn't say that."-J
"I'd say yes either way."-JM

Jin pulled Jimin into another kiss and this time it lasted longer than they thought, not a make out kiss though, they just missed the feeling of each other's lips. And they also missed something else about each other if ya know what I mean.
"Don't forget I'm here."-Yeri
"I still need the rings, but I've been looking."-J
"Really, you've been looking for rings."-JM
"Yeah I have been, why do you seem so shocked."-J
"I just didn't think you would've already been looking."-JM
"I've already said that I wanna marry you."-J
"Awwwwwwww, you guys are so cute together."-Yeri
"So are we gonna make it official?"-JM
"Once I get rings."-J
"Let's go shopping now, there is a really good shop down the street at the mall."-Yeri
"I don't want him to be with me when I'm getting the ring."-J
"Ah man but I wanna go too."-JM

•knock knock knock •
"I'll get it."-J
"Hey Yoongi, who's he."-J
"This is my boyfriend, Hoseok."-Y
"Nice to meet you Jin."-H
"Nice to meet you too, come in."-J
"Well well well, look what the cat drug in."-JM
"Hey it's been a day."-H
"You two know each other."-J
"He's my best friend."-JM
"So you're the boyfriend he won't ever stop talking about."-H
"Yep I'm his soon to be fiancé."-J
"Dude don't ruin the surprise, he's right there."-Y
"We were talking about just before you guys got here."-JM
"Oh, so is it official yet?"-Y
"Not yet, I'm gonna go get the rings soon though."-J
"I'll go with you, that'll give them time to hang and we can hang too."-Y
"Are you gonna propose too."-H
"Two couples are getting engaged soon, my heart can't take the cuteness."-Yeri
"Mom really."-J

*end on the day/video*
"Well guys I hope you enjoyed this video today, I know I did."-JM
"I enjoyed it too, I'm glad you came."-J
"I'm glad too, I had this all planned for weeks."-JM
"Really weeks."-J
"Yeah, anyways don't forget to subscribe and stay tuned into the next video, on both of our channels, bye guys."-JM

Jimin turned the camera off and set it on the desk in Jin's room.
"This was a good day."-J
"Yes it was, I'm glad I planned this."-JM
"I am too."-J
"Well goodnight I love you."-JM
"I love you too baby, night."-J

-Author Note-
Thanks for reading, never forget to love yourself and take care of yourself, I PURPLE YOU!

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