I got beat up prank-Jimin ver.

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-Jimin POV-
"Okay guys so I have a prank I'm gonna be pulling on my fiancé, I'm gonna be doing the 'i got beat up prank' and he's very protective over me so I don't know what he'll do, but we shall find out, so I'm not gonna let someone punch me obviously, so I'm gonna be using makeup to recreate the bruise, and you know I could also later do the hickey prank, or we could do the hickey challenge, hmmm so many possibilities for videos but enough about that, let's get into the makeup."-JM
I went to the bathroom and got into the makeup and started making the bruise, about a half hour later I finished.

"Okay so I finished it, I think it looks pretty convincing, and he is like really protective over me so I don't know what he'll do

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"Okay so I finished it, I think it looks pretty convincing, and he is like really protective over me so I don't know what he'll do."-JM
I heard the door unlock and I quickly set up the camera and got to acting like I was crying, I got the mirror so it would seem like I was looking at how bad it was, I heard him come closer to the room, I put my hand over the fake bruise and he walked into the room.
"Baby, what's wrong, what happened."-J
He moved my hand away from my eye, he looked pissed.
"Who the fuck did this."-J
I didn't answer him.
"Baby, who did this."-J
"I d-didn't see a f-f-face."-JM
"What do you mean."-J
"I w-was w-walking and s-s-someone attacked m-me."-JM
He pulled me closer to him and kissed my head.
"I'm gonna find whoever did this and I'm gonna kick their ass."-J
"N-no it d-doesn't mat-ter."-JM
"Yes it does matter, you're my baby and nobody hurts my baby."-J
He got up and walked out of the room, I had already set up more cameras so I didn't need to grab the one in the room, I followed him and saw he was getting his keys.
"Where are you going."-JM
"Police station, there has to be camera around a there, what street."-J
"Babe, you don't have to go to the police, it's not that big of a deal."-JM
"Someone hurt my baby, it's a big deal."-J
"Stay right here."-JM
I went to the bathroom and got a makeup remover and walked back to where he was. I wiped the makeup off and he looked relieved but mad at the same time. He pulled me closer and hugged me.
"I thought someone hurt you, you had me pissed off at nobody."-J
"Sorry, but hey at least I know you'd kick someone's ass for me."-JM
"Of course I would, I love you, I do anything to keep you safe."-J
"I love you too babe, but seriously you don't have to beat anyone up for me, ever."-JM
"I should've known it was a prank, nobody would ever hurt such a beautiful person like you for no reason."-J
"That you know of."-JM
"Who do I need to hurt."-J
"Baby, has someone ever hurt you."-J
"Not physically."-JM
"Who's ass do I need to kick."-J
"Nobody's, it was a long time ago."-JM
He pulled me closer and kissed me, I kissed back and surprisingly we didn't end up making out.
"I love you."-J
"I love you too."-JM
"If anyone ever hurts you I need you to tell me, okay."-J
"Well there was one person."-JM
"Please don't remind me about that."-J
I pecked his lips and went over and sat on the couch, he laid down with his head on my lap, I played with his hair and he smiled.
"You're my favorite person."-J
"And you're my favorite person."-JM
"Please stay with me forever."-J
"Of course I'll stay with you forever."-JM
"Good, I don't what I'd do without you."-J
I picked up the camera.
"Okay guys so that's it for today's video, make sure to like and subscribe and tune into the next video, bye."-JM
I turned off the camera and set it on the table, I turned on the tv and continued petting Jins hair.
"I'm not a dog."-J
"You're mine, I can pet you if I wanna."-JM
He sat up and climbed on top of me.
"And you're mine but you don't see me petting you."-J
"Maybe I just love you more."-JM
"Nah that's not possible, I love you more than anything."-J
"Wanna prove it."-JM
"Do you want me to prove it."-J
"Yes I do daddy."-JM
"Well then it's too bad you'll have to wait."-J
"Why do I have to wait."-JM
"Yoongi is coming over and I'm helping him propose."-J
"He's gonna propose!!"-JM
"Yeah, don't tell Hoseok."-J
"I won't tell him, trust me getting proposed to is an amazing experience."-JM
He smiled and kissed me, I hugged onto his waist and kissed back. I hated when there was a knock at the door, he climbed off of me and went to the door, when he came back Yoongi was with him.
"Hey Jimin."-Y
"Hey Yoongi."-JM
"Why does it look like you have makeup on."-Y
"I got beat up prank, had to fake a bruise, he fell for it."-JM
I stood up and Jin wrapped an arm around my waist and hugged me close to him.
"Well the only reason I fell for it was because it looked like someone hurt my baby, and nobody hurts my baby."-J
He picked me up and I wrapped around him with my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, he hugged me closer.
"So what are you thinking as to the way you're gonna propose."-J
"Well our anniversary is coming up and we have reservations at the restaurant we went to on our first date and afterwards I'm taking him to the beach where I'll have something set up, I need help writing the speech, I'm not good with words."-Y
"How'd you know his dream proposal."-JM
"I heard y'all talking, that's when I heard him say it and I've actually had this planned for a few weeks now."-Y

*five hours later*
"Thanks so much guys, I gotta go, he was needy earlier."-Y
"Didn't need to know that, but you go get that ass bro."-J
"Bye guys, and bro you probably gonna be the one getting that ass."-Y
"I'll gladly get that ass, bye."-J
"Pray for me."-JM
Yoongi left and Jin picked me up and walked me to the bedroom and sat me on the bed, he climbed on top of me and kissed me deeply, I pulled away and giggled.
"You know I was just kidding earlier, right?"-JM
"You shouldn't kid like that, now I want you."-J
He leaned in and kissed my neck before sucking on it.
"Daddy, stop, I don't wanna do it tonight."-JM
"Then don't joke about it."-J
He started taking off our clothes and once we were both naked he started kissing down my chest. I kept trying to back away from him but it was no use, he captured my lips into a passionate kiss, I didn't pull away because I love his kisses. He moved his hand down and started rubbing my dick, I tried to pull away because I really didn't wanna do it right now.
"Daddy stop."-JM
That didn't work, it only made him start going faster.
"Baby, stop, please."-JM
He still didn't stop and I knew what would make him stop.
"Kim Seokjin, stop."-JM
He immediately stopped and backed away from me, I rarely call him by his full name, he looked at me with fearful eyes.
"Now maybe next time you'll listen to me."-JM
"I'm sorry."-J
We both got dressed again and he walked out of the room, I was confused so I went after him and he was curled up on the couch like he was gonna sleep there.
"What're you doing."-JM
"Sleeping on the couch."-J
"Aww come on, I'm not mad at you, come sleep with me, I wanna cuddle."-JM
"But you used my full name, you only do that when you're mad at me."-J
I tried to pull him off the couch but it was no use.
"Come on, I wanna cuddle."-JM
"You have pillows."-J
I sat on his legs.
"Please babe, I wanna cuddle."-JM
"I don't deserve cuddles."-J
I laid on top of him and kissed him, I pulled away cupped his cheeks with my hands.
"You deserve every bit of love in my heart, my beautiful Jinnie."-JM
"You're so cute Jiminie."-J
"I love you."-JM
"I love you too, now let's go to bed."-J
We walked to the bedroom and laid down, I cuddled into his side and he cuddled up with me.
"This is much better."-JM
"Yes it is."-J
"I love you baby."-JM
"I love you too."-J
He fell asleep and soon after so did I.

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