Ignoring my fiancé prank-Jimin ver.

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-Jimin POV-
"Hey guys so today I got a fun yet potentially painful idea, I will be doing the ignoring my fiancé prank, now the last time I ignored him it didn't end well so let's just hope it goes okay this time, he had to take a phone call so he's outside but he'll be back inside in a bit, I'm gonna set this camera up and then we'll get this started."-JM
I put the camera on the tripod, he didn't take it off the tripod after his prank yesterday so he won't think anything of it. After I set the camera up I sat on the couch and got on my phone, I already have a bedroom and kitchen cam so we're good, a little while later he came in and sat down beside me and cuddled into my side while he watched tv, I turned away slightly but he kept cuddling up to me.
"Hey baby."-J
I didn't answer and he wrapped his arms around my waist while he was cuddling me.
I didn't answer to any of the names he called me, I almost answer when he called me Minnie, that was the first nickname he gave me.
"Baby why aren't you answering me, what'd I do."-J
I wanted to pull him in and kiss him and apologize but I gotta keep going with this prank.
"Minnie, come on you always answer to Minnie, what did I do, I'll fix whatever I did if you'll just tell me."-J
I got up and walked to the kitchen to fix me a salad and get some water, he followed and hugged me from behind when I was trying to make the salad, I didn't pay him any attention. He whined and kissed my neck, after I finished making the salad I walked back into the living room and sat on the couch and started eating.
"Baby why aren't you talking to me, you aren't even looking at me."-J
It didn't take me long to eat since I was hungry so once I was finished eating I walked over and out the bowl in the sink and walked into our bedroom and got my phone and sat on the bed, a little bit later he came in and laid on top of me.
"Baby, please answer me, what'd I do."-J
He nestled into my chest, I felt bad but oh well he'll get over it with another prank. He leaned up and kissed me, I didn't kiss back, which was hard, he pulled away and I saw that he looked sad.
"Baby, what'd I do, please just tell me, and if I did something then yell at me."-J
I wanted to stop this but I also wanted to continue on with this prank, I like it, it gets funny.
"Is this about yesterday before you had to go to work, if it is then I'm sorry."-J
"I love you baby, please talk to me."-J
"Oh sweet fiancé of mine, talk to me please."-J
He's so cute, I think I've been doing this prank for long enough.
"You're adorable."-JM
"Yay you talked to me."-J
"Look in the right corner of the room."-JM
He looked over to where I said and then looked back at me.
"Really, I thought you were mad at me for something."-J
"You didn't do anything though."-JM
"I know, I thought you hated me for nothing."-J
"I could never hate you."-JM
"I love you."-J
"I love you too."-JM
A little while later we turned off the living room and kitchen cameras and I started my outro.
"Okay guys so that was the ignoring my fiancé prank, let me know how your partner would react to this, don't forget to like and subscribe and tune into the next video, bye guys."-JM
I turned the camera off and sat it on the desk and put it on the charger, I walked over to the bed and sat beside him and he immediately cuddled up to my side and nestled into my neck.
"Please never ignore me again."-J
"I would never, I love you."-JM
"I love you too baby."-J
"You're so cute."-JM
"So are you, you're the cutest person I know."-J
"Can we just stay here and cuddle for a while."-JM
"Of course, it's not like we have anything else to do."-J
"Yeah true, there's not much to do."-JM
"It's been a while since we've done it, wanna do it."-J
"Not right now, I wanna cuddle."-JM
"Can we cuddle while I'm inside of you."-J
"Yeah I suppose."-JM
I rolled over and he slipped our pants off, he gently pushed himself all the way in, it hurt a little but then I got used to it.
"Mmmm I like this."-J
"You're so big."-JM
"You like it though."-J
"Yeah you're right."-JM
He moved a little and it felt so good.
"Fuck me."-JM
"Fuck me, please daddy."-JM
He gently started thrusting, I changed our position to where I was sitting on his dick and started bouncing and grinding my hips.
"Mmmmm baby, you're so good at this."-J
"Thanks da-addy."-JM
He rolled us over and thrusted deep into me, he immediately hit that one spot, I moaned loudly and he kept hitting that spot until I came, he came deep inside of me, he carefully pulled out and laid beside me, I cuddled into his side and he wrapped his arms around me.
"I love you."-J
"I love you too daddy."-JM
"Can we do it everyday, it's always amazing."-J
"I suppose we can, it is always amazing."-JM
He cuddled me tightly, I tried to get even closer but we were already as close as we could be, I looked up at him and gently kissed him, he kissed back and we just laid there cuddling and kissing.
"You're so cute."-J
"So are you daddy."-JM
"You're mine."-J
"And you're mine."-JM
"I love you so so so much."-J
"I love you more."-JM
I felt myself slowly start drifting off to sleep.

-Jin POV-
I saw that he had fallen asleep, I loosened my grip on him and pulled the covers over us and then went back to cuddling him.

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