No video- Jin ver.

391 9 4

-Jin POV-
I woke up and i honestly didn't wanna get up but I have to, I got dressed and went to the living room and watched tv. My phone buzzed and I didn't wanna answer it until I saw who it was.

Jimin: hey can I come over today and get some things?
Jin: yeah of course
Jimin: thanks, I be over soon and can I bring some friends to help
Jin: yeah that's fine
Jimin: okie, we'll be over soon then, see ya
Jin: see ya.

I honestly don't know why I broke up with him, I never wanted to but after we got into an argument and he left I thought that'd be for the best. I never meant to do this, I never wanted to hurt him. I laid down on the couch and just thought for like an hour until I heard someone unlocking the door, there's only two people that have a key so I wasn't afraid. I stood up because I know it's not polite to not greet people.
"Jin I wanna talk to you for a second."-Y
"We'll go start getting things."-H

They went to the bedroom and me and Yoongi sat on the couch, this feels like an awkward interview.
"So I need to ask you something."-Y
"What's up."-J
"Why'd you break up with him."-Y
"I felt like it was for the best, but now I realize that it wasn't."-J
"Do you miss him."-Y
"Yes a lot."-J

-Yoongi POV-
I wanted to play matchmaker so I made him confess a lot of things while he didn't know that Jimin was listening.
"Do you still love him."-Y
"Well of course I do, I have ever since the day I met him, I miss him even though it was just a day."-J
"If you could, would you confess all of this to him."-Y
"Yes, I need him, he's the first person I've felt this much for."-J
"Would you wanna get back together."-Y
"Of course, I miss him and we both know I can't live without him."-J

-Third person POV-
Jimin came up behind Jin and hugged him, Jin was startled, he didn't think that Jimin would've been listening.
"Did you hear any of that."-J
"I heard all of it."-JM
"I'm sorry."-J
Jimin pulled Jin in and kissed him deeply, Jin immediately kissed back, neither of them wanted to pull away, but they had others in the room so they had to pull away.
"Will you be mine again."-J
"Yes, I love you so much."-JM
"I love you too baby."-J
"Mission accomplished."-Y
"You guys planned this."-J
"Well duh, we can both see that you two are meant to be, you may have arguments and you may spend some time apart because of the arguments but what couple doesn't."-H
Jimin went around to the other side of the couch and sat on Jins lap, they immediately cuddled into each other.
"I missed you baby."-J
"I missed you too daddy."-JM
"Welp we should get going, see y'all later."-Y
And they left before anything like that happened between the couple.
"Can we just stay here and cuddle."-JM
"Of course."-J
They laid down and cuddled while watching tv, occasionally kissing.
"Hey daddy."-JM
"I wuv you."-JM
"I love you too baby."-J
"Please never leave me again."-JM
"I will never leave you again."-J
"I promise."-J
"Can I trust you."-JM
"Of course you can, I promise to only be loving to you for the rest of our lives."-J
"You're the best boyfriend I've ever had."-JM
"Out of how many."-J
"Two, so you're the better one out of the two."-JM
"I love you more than anything in the universe."-J
"I love you more daddy."-JM
"You really like calling me daddy don't you."-J
"Yes I do, and I know that you like being called daddy."-JM
"Yeah that's true."-J
"I was so miserable without you."-JM
"Me too, I never wanna spend another day without you."-J
"Me neither, but I gotta get to work."-JM
"Aww man, but I wanna cuddle more."-J
"I do too, but I gotta go."-JM
"When will you be back."-J
"Around eight or nine."-JM
"But that's so many hours away."-J
"I know, I don't wanna leave but I gotta, I love you."-JM
"I love you too baby."-J

*at 8:30*
"Oh honey I'm home."-JM
"I'm in the kitchen."-J
"Hello, what ya doing."-JM
"Cooking a snack."-J
"What ya cooking."-JM
"Pasta, want some."-J
"Sure, thanks."-JM
"You're welcome, how was work."-J
"Good, my coworker kept hitting on me though, she's really getting on my nerves."-JM
"Well you're hot, if someone wasn't hitting on you I'd be confused."-J
"Still I don't like being hit on, unless it's you hitting on me."-JM
"Speaking of which, I need to apologize."-J
"What for."-JM
"For slapping you, I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have done it."-J
"It's okay, I know you were just upset."-JM
"No really it's not okay, I love you and I said I'd never hurt you."-J
"Hey, it's okay, I forgive you, and hey I still love you."-JM
"I don't deserve you."-J
"Yes you do, I love you so much."-JM
"I love you too baby."-J
They pulled each other into a love filled kiss, never wanting to let go, but they pulled away.
"I really fucking love you."-J
"You know if you rearranged the words in that sentence you could've said that you really love fucking me."-JM
"That's what you heard out of that sentence, really?"-J
"I love you too."-JM
"There ya go."-J
"Although I do love fucking you."-JM
"I love it when you fuck me."-J
"I love it when you fuck me."-JM
"We're a dirty couple aren't we."-J
"Nah, we just have a way we love each other, and if that's by expressing how much we love it when we fuck each other then so be it."-JM
"You're adorable."-J
"So are you daddy."-JM
"Such a pretty baby."-J
"Yes you are."-JM

They laid down and cuddled while watching titanic.
"This movie is cute but sad."-JM
"Yea, unlike you, you're just cute."-J
"Aww are you crying."-J
"Yes, and hell Cal is a fucking prick, he couldn't accept that Rose didn't love him and that she loved Jack."-JM
"It's just a movie sweetie."-J
"I know but still, and they got separated."-JM
"It was just for a little while."-J
"Still, we were separated for a little while and it was hell."-JM
"Yea true, I can see why she got off the lifeboat."-J
"I'd get off any lifeboat for you."-JM
"If you'd be on a lifeboat I'd most likely be with you."-J
"Well yeah but still, if you weren't."-JM
"I love you."-J
"I love you too."-JM
"I'm tired, goodnight."-J

-Authors Note-
So I'm watching Titanic while writing this, and yes titanic is one of my all time favorite movies, watching titanic and cuddling a dog is all I need, stay safe during this shit. I PURPLE YOU 💜💜💜

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