Intense buildup prank-Jimins revenge

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-Jimin POV-
"Hello everyone welcome back to my channel and if you've seen my boyfriends video yesterday then you should know that I must get my revenge, so that's what I'm doing. Basically I'm gonna just make it seem like I did something, but I didn't, and the intense buildup will end with me saying that I love him, unlike what he did yesterday my prank is going to be a happy ending and lovable prank, although what happened off camera yesterday was amazing. Anyway he's just gone for his morning walk so when he gets back home I'll do it. I'm gonna go ahead and hide the camera over here with the perfect view of the bed. Don't mind the messy sheets, imagine what ya wanna. He should be home in about 5, 10 minutes so this shouldn't take too long."-JM
*after Jin gets home*
"Ok guys he's unlocking the door, let's go."-JM
"Honey I'm home."-J
"I'm in here."-JM
"Hey baby. Are you okay."-J
"Ummm, sit down, I need to tell you something."-JM
"Baby, what's wrong, you're never this serious."-J
"So I need to tell you something, and I've been meaning to tell you this for a while."-JM
"What is it."-J
"Now let's get one thing straight, promise that you won't freak out."-JM
"Not unless you give me a reason to freak out."-J
"So I just don't want you to think differently about me after I tell you."-JM
"Please just say it you're kinda scaring me."-J
"Ummm so I kinda."-JM
"Oh my god, did you cheat."-J
"No, it's not that."-JM
"Then what."-J
"I ummm I, I don't know why this is so hard to say right now."-JM
"Are you having to move across the world."-J
"No, I wouldn't leave you like that. Ummm so I kinda, really."-JM
"Really what."-J
"I really love you."-JM
"I love you too, now tell me what you're trying to say."-J
"I'm sorry, but I got my revenge."-JM
"What do you mean."-J
"I did the intense buildup prank."-JM
"I thought you cheated or something."-J
"Do you not trust me."-JM
"Well you try having a hot boyfriend and then you'll start to notice the guys looking."-J
"But I don't need a hot boyfriend, I have you."-JM
"So you're saying I'm not hot."-J
"No there just isn't a good way to put that, but I love you."-JM
"I love you too. And my ass still hurts."-J
"You do know there's a camera, right."-JM
"Ummm guys forget I said anything."-J
"So this video seems kinda short so why don't we vlog the day."-JM
"Sounds good."-J
"You know what else sounds good."-JM
"You when you scream my name."-JM
"Yes daddy."-JM
"Not right now, there's a camera."-J
"Right, but I'm still gonna call you daddy."-JM
"Go ahead."-J
"But last night it went the other way around."-JM
"Hey, stop."-J
"Oh ok fine."-JM
"So let's get on with our day."-J
"Yeah let's do it."-JM
"Not what I meant."-JM
"Ok but it's what I meant."-J
"And you say I'm dirty."-JM
"Well you kind of are."-J
"Anyways what are we doing today."-JM
"Not sure, it's raining so we can't go to the park."-J
"Yeah, I mean we could just stay here and cuddle."-JM
"That sounds nice."-J
"Oh and guys before I forget on Thursday we are going to see our parents for two weeks so we won't film videos together or even see each other for two weeks, unless you count video chat."-JM
"I'm gonna miss my little love bug."-J
"I'm gonna miss you too babe."-JM
"And what are we doing after we get back in two weeks."-J
"I think you know what, but we can't film that."-JM
"We should do more fun things, and not the inappropriate kind of fun."-J
"Yeah we should, so how will you be planning to propose."-JM
"I've got a few ideas but none of them seem romantic enough."-J
"What do you have planned."-JM
"I'm not telling you it'll ruin the surprise."-J
"Oh fine, at least I tried."-JM
"Do you want to hear one idea I had, but I've decided it's not romantic enough."-J
"Ok so it's basically a long walk on the beach near sunset and then while the sun is setting, I just do it."-J
"That sounds adorable."-JM
"Or a picnic at the place we met, then we recreate our first date, and when we get to the part where I walk you home, I take you to the park where we had our first kiss and then propose."-J
"Awww, can you do that."-JM
"But you'd already know, plus we've been together for two years."-J
"Your point."-JM
"How about I just propose tomorrow."-J
"Too soon. I haven't had enough time to prepare."-JM
"See there is such thing as too soon to get engaged."-J
"Plus you have to ask my parents."-JM
"True, but I've already done that."-J
"You've already asked my parents if we can get married."-JM
"Yeah of course, they're just waiting for when I do it."-J
"Do it, do it."-JM
"Give it a few more weeks."-J
"Weeks! Omg I have to plan a wedding and get a suit-."-JM
"Baby, you're going into hyper mode."-J
"I have so much to do to prepare for this."-JM
"Do you need months or years then."-J
"Years takes too long, maybe months."-JM
"Ok then in a few months."-J
"How many months."-JM
"Ten thousand."-J
"No, too far away."-JM
"I knew you'd say that."-J
"Anywho what do we have planned for tomorrow."-JM
"Don't know."-J
"Cuddle some more sounds good."-JM
"True and starting in three days we won't get to cuddle for two weeks."-J
"Damn, but hey at least we'll be in the same country."-JM
"Yeah that is a plus."-J
-three days later-
(Off camera)
"Ok baby have you got everything."-J
"Yeah, I'm gonna miss you."-JM
"I'm gonna miss you too, and we aren't even riding the same train."-J
"I love you."-JM
"I love you too baby."-J
"We better get to the station."-JM
*at the station*
"I'll see you in two weeks, call me when you get there."-JM
"I will, bye baby."-J
"Bye, I love you."-JM
"I love you too."-J
-Third person POV-
And with that final goodbye they spit ways and were off.

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