I lost my memory prank-Jimin ver.

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-Jimin POV-
I woke up and saw that Jin was still asleep and I quickly got up and got my camera and went to another room.
"Okay guys so today I have a great idea as a prank. I'm gonna do the I lost my memory prank, I already set up the other cameras, now I think I'm gonna pretend to bump my head and then I'll lose my memory."-JM

I giggled and then started setting up the camera I was holding and some others for better angles, he's gonna kill me for this prank. This might be my last prank. I soon got done setting the cameras up so I smirked and picked up a book and slammed it down and then quickly laid down on the ground as if I'd fell.

I heard him come rush into the living room and I know he immediately panicked. He ran over to me and pulled me into his arms and sat on the couch with me.
"Baby wake up, please wake- wait is this another prank?"-J

I didn't answer him but I was a little worried he'd figure it out before I could get a good reaction out of him.
"W-who are you?"-JM
"Okay yeah it's a prank, nice job."-J
"What do you mean? What prank?"-JM
"Babe I've known you for years, I'm not falling for it."-J
"Why are you calling me babe? I don't know you."-JM
"Then why are you letting me hold you?"-J
"You're warm."-JM
"You can't stop the prank Min."-J
"I don't know what you're talking about."-JM
"Yeah okay, so You're telling me you aren't pranking your fiancé by saying you've lost your memory?"-J
"Babe, really. You've gotta do better than this to trick me."-J
"I'm not trying to trick you though."-JM
"Oh Fine, you've gotten too clever with my pranks."-JM
"You Just prank me too much for me to fall for these things anymore."-J

I got up and got the camera that I hid and sat back down on the couch.
"Well guys he didn't fall for it, but it was cute that you were worried at first."-JM
"Even though I knew it was a prank I'd still be scared if I ever came out and saw you on the floor, you're precious to me."-J
"I love you."-JM
"I love you too babe."-J
"Well everyone, make sure to like and subscribe. Comment down below what you wanna see next, I'm curious where to take our couple adventures on YouTube."-JM
"Me too, but we'll figure it out."-J

We finished saying goodbye and I turned the camera off. I pecked his lips before getting up and going into the kitchen.
"What do you want for lunch?"-JM
"What do you feel like fixing?"-J
"I don't know, that's why I asked you."-JM
"I'll take you for dessert if you're offering."-J
"Ha ha, no. Not right now babe."-JM
"I know, how about we try making out? That always motivates us."-J
"I'm willing to try that."-JM

He pulled me closer and kissed me deeply, I kissed back and it didn't take long for our lips to be moving in perfect sync. He held me tightly as he licked over my bottom lip, slowly moving his tongue into my mouth. I welcomed it happily, enjoying the feeling of being this close to the one I love. I let him explore every inch of my mouth that he wanted while I moved my tongue against his every now and then. After a little while we pulled apart for air. I looked up at him and blushed as he was looking at me with such love and lust in his eyes.
"I cant wait to be with you forever."-J
"Neither can I love."-JM
"How about we make homemade pizzas?"-J
"That sounds good, do we have all of the stuff?"-JM
"Yep, we Just have to make the dough."-J
"I get to see you needing dough, this is gonna me fun."-JM
Also if that's not the right way to spell needing in this context an someone tell me, my phone put it as that but idk, thank you.

"Oh right, you have a hand kink."-J
"No I don't!"-JM
"Sure okay, I'll believe it when I see it."-J
"I just happen to have a hot boyfriend who also has hot arms and hands. That not a hand kink, that's a Kim Seokjin kink."-JM
"Boyfriend? Am I being demoted already?"-J
"Im not used to saying fiancé yet, I think husband will sound more natural."-JM
"I think so too, Kim Jimin."-J
"How about Park Seokjin."-JM
"Kim Jimin flows better."-J
"Im always destined to be the bottom."-JM
"Yes you are, but you're my bottom and I love you."-J
"I love you too."-JM

-After Lunch-

We cleaned up the kitchen and went over to the couch. I sat down with my laptop to edit some videos and check our accounts and such. He sat next to me and laid his head on my shoulder and watched me edit, he's never been good at editing.
"Hey babe?"-J
"How about we don't prank each other anymore? At first they were fun but then we almost broke up and I don't think it's worth the risk and we're getting too old for that."-J
"I agree, plus it's getting harder to think of ideas that we won't figure out in two seconds anyways. I say we should just be a couples vlog channel for a while."-JM
"Yeah, I still wanna show the world how much I love my fiancé, but I don't wanna have to hurt you to do that."-J
"The pranks are getting pretty childish. What if we start an onlyfans?"-JM
"I don't want anyone looking at your body except for me."-J
"Well not those kind of pictures. No naked skin has to be shown, but like flirty or touchy picture maybe."-JM
"Or like behind the scenes of our lives, wedding pictures."-J
"Yeah, oh we should probably start planning our wedding eventually."-JM
"Yeah, we Need to decide on a date we can both agree on."-J
"What season should it be in?"-JM
"Autumn, pretty leaves."-J
"So maybe it could be on my birthday next year?"-JM
"Yeah but then our anniversary would take focus from your birthday."-J
"Birthday and anniversary sex in the same day, twice the fun."-JM
"We could have sex everyday if you love it that much."-J
"No that's too much, maybe our usual routine of twice a week is good."-JM
"Every Tuesday and Friday."-J
"You want another day don't you?"-JM
"Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday?"-JM
"Or maybe Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday? Sunday isn't a day to fuck."-J
"I can give you three or four, not six."-JM
"I'll be okay with that, unfortunately for you though it's Saturday."-JM
"Well they say oral sex is a work around."-J
"Jin, no."-JM
"I know, I know. Well the I shall get in touch with you Tuesday."-J
"Alright, pleasure doing business with you."-JM
"Indeed Kind sir."-J
"Eww, don't make me regret wanting your dick in me."-JM
"I love you."-J
"I love you too weirdo."-JM

I pecked his lips and went into our room to put the camera and my computer on the chargers. I sat on the door of our bed and watched cars go by in the street below, I love having our bed against the wall because I see all the excitement below us. He came in and sat beside me.
"You like watching people don't you?"-J
"Yeah I do, I love living in the city."-JM
"But all the noise gets annoying."-J
"But it's close to everything."-JM
"And everyone."-J
"I wouldn't mind moving into a more suburban area whenever we have kids one day."-JM
"Neither would I. I wish we could have kids now but I don't think either of us is ready for that."-J
"Oh no definitely not."-JM

-After Dinner-

We did our final cleanup of the kitchen before going and getting in the shower. We both just washed up and got out, once I dried off I got into a pair of pajamas and he dried off and got into a pair of underwear before lying down. I laid next to him and smiled.
"Being between you and the wall feels so secure."-JM
"I like when you feel safe."-J
"I like that you're the one who makes me feel safe."-JM
"I wish my dick could be safe inside your ass right now."-J
"And that's my cue to go to sleep."-JM
"Im just kissing babe."-J
"I love you."-J
"I love you too."-JM

I nestled up to his side after getting under the covers and closed my eyes. He held me close and got under as well. He pecked my forehead before resting his head right above mind and trying to sleep as well.

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