Nightmare prank- Jin ver.

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-Jin POV-
"Okay guys so Jimin is editing his video right now so he can't hear me, I'm gonna be doing the I had a nightmare prank, he has really cute reactions when I have nightmares, now he is gonna be going to work at like two and it's one right now so I gotta get this show on the road, I have a camera set up in the living room, I'm basically gonna be walking in there wrapped in a blanket and say I had a nightmare, I'm gonna make it look like I've been crying so that it's even more believable."-J
I took the camera into the bathroom and made it look like I was crying and I wrapped up in a blanket.
"Okay guys I think I'm ready so let's go make him think I had a nightmare."-J
I walked out of the room and made my way over to him, I sat down beside him and cuddled up to him.
"What's wrong babe."-JM
"I had a nightmare."-J
He sat his computer on the coffee table and cuddled back to me.
"Poor baby, do you wanna talk about it."-JM
He started rubbing my back and kissing my head.
"It's okay, I'm here, your baby's here."-JM
"I love you."-J
"I love you too."-JM
He pulled me closer and kissed me, I pulled away and nestled into his chest, he laid back and and I laid on top of him, I took of his scent and even though I didn't actually have a nightmare it was still relaxing.
"Wait why is there a camera in the corner, is this a prank."-JM
"Okay yeah it is but let's stay like this for a while."-J
"I gotta start getting ready for work."-JM
"Awww but why, I wanna lay here with you."-J
"Babe, I gotta get ready."-JM
"You still have like an hour, we can cuddle until you have to actually get ready."-J
"You have twenty minutes."-JM
"Aww but I want longer."-J
"Well I do too sometimes but you got what ya got."-JM
"I'm kidding, I love you."-JM
"I love you too."-J
He started petting my hair, I moved up and kissed him, he kissed back and we pulled away. I got up and grabbed the camera.
"Okay guys so that's how he reacts to when I have nightmares, I mainly wanted to do this prank to show how cute his reactions are, don't forget to like and subscribe and tune in to the next video, bye guys."-J
I turned the camera off and sat it on the table and went back to cuddling but he got up and walked into our room.
"Baby, come back, I wanna cuddle."-J
"I gotta get ready for work."-JM
"But I wanna cuddle."-J
"Then call your brother."-JM
I got up and walked into our room and saw him naked.
"Damn, now that's a view I love to see."-J
I walked over and sat in front of him and looked up into his eyes, I checked the time and he had a half hour left so I spread his legs and got in between them, I licked the tip and slowly started sucking it.
"Babe, stop I have to get ready."-JM
"But I wanna please you."-J
"Later but right now I have to get ready."-JM
I slowly started deep throating him, but still got no reaction from him.
"Babe, I love you, but seriously you need to stop."-JM
"Do you not like me anymore."-J
"Aww baby of course I do but I gotta get ready."-JM
He stood up and got ready, by the time he was finished getting ready it was time for him to go.
"Bye baby."-J
"I love you."-J
He left, without saying it back, I got kinda sad but ignored it, I flopped down on the couch until I got a text from one of my friends.

Yoongi: hey wanna hang out, I'm bored
Jin: yeah sure when and where
Yoongi: how about my place and whenever you get here
Jin: okay I'll be there soon

I got ready and made my way out of the apartment and went to his house.

-Jimin POV-
I went to work and felt a little guilty about not saying those words back, once I got there one of my coworkers came up to me and tried to flirt but I ignored her again.
*at home*
I got back home and felt exhausted after the day, I walked into the kitchen and made a small salad and sat on the couch and watched tv, there was t much on but it was entertaining, once I was done I put the bowl in the sink and walked into our bedroom, but he wasn't in there, I checked the whole apartment but he wasn't anywhere in the place. Just then my phone buzzed.

Jinnie❤️: hey baby, I was hanging out with Yoongi and we lost track of time, I'll be home soon, got stuck in traffic.
Jiminie💜: okay, get home safe, I love you
Jinnie❤️: love u too, see u soon ^-^
Jiminie💜: k, you're too cute bye babe
Jinnie❤️: bÿę båbÿ

I put my phone on the charger and went back into the living room to wait on him, he came through the door at about midnight.
"Hey baby, sorry I'm late."-J
"It's okie."-JM
I walked over to him and hugged him, he held me gently and I walked us over to the couch, we fell onto the couch with him on top of me.
"Guess we always knew I was the top."-J
"Oh shush."-JM
"I love you."-J
"I love you too."-JM
He nestled into my chest and we laid there enjoying each other's company, eventually we made our way back to our room. We cuddled into bed once we got our pajamas on, he nestled really close to me.
"Hey baby, can I ask you something."-J
"Yeah sure."-JM
"Do you like me."-J
"Of course I like you, heck I love you, what makes you ask."-JM
"Well you didn't say it back earlier, and you didn't even react when I tried to suck you off."-J
"I wasn't in the mood, I had to get to work, I love you."-JM
"I love you too."-J
We cuddled until he fell asleep, I turned away from him and he cuddled into my back, he's so cute, I felt myself slowly start drifting off.

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