Talking dirty prank- Jimin ver.

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-Jimin POV-
"Okay guys so to get back at him for the prank he pulled yesterday I'm gonna do the talking dirty prank, I know that talking dirty really affects him so this should be fun. Anywho he should be back in a second, so I think we should just wait and make this look like a vlog so he won't be suspicious. But I worried about what'll happen, I mean I love his punishments but I don't wanna get punished, my ass still hurts. Okay that was TMI but whatever. Anyways I just saw him pull up, so I'm gonna set the camera up and begin."-JM

I sat up the camera and he came in and sat on the couch, I climbed on top of him and slightly grind on him.
"Umm are you okay baby?"-J
"Yeah, I'm perfectly fine daddy."-JM
"Baby, we just did that yesterday, I don't think you wanna get into it today."-J
"Sorry, I just can't help it, daddy's big sexy dick always feels so good in my ass."-JM
"What's gotten into you."-J
"I'm not sure, I guess I just want your dick in my ass, it just feels so good."-JM
"We'll do it later, give your ass a rest."-J
"Such a caring daddy, and a sexy one too."-JM
"Baby, if you need to then go jerk off."-J
"No it's not that, I just can't stop thinking about what we did yesterday."-JM
"Yeah it was pretty fun."-J
"Just looking at you makes me horny."-JM
"Baby, you're so dirty today."-J
"I want you all the way inside me, it feels like heaven."-JM
"Damn baby."-J
"I'm sorry, I just want you to fuck me right now, your dick is so addictive."-JM
"Yet you love to top."-J
"I wanna please daddy, can I suck you off."-JM
"Later, but I'll be fucking you first."-J
"I've been a bad boy daddy, I need a punishment."-JM
"And you'll get one later."-J
"Please daddy, I need you inside me."-JM
"Later, Ugh you're already making me hard."-J
"I love it when you're hard, I just wanna be your personal toy, just use me and throw me away."-JM
"I'd never throw you out like a toy baby, you're the one I love the most."-J
"I love you too daddy, I want you inside me."-JM
"You've became so dirty."-J
"Make me your slut daddy."-JM
"You aren't a slut, don't cal yourself that baby."-J

I reached down and touched his dick, slightly rubbing it.
"I love your dick daddy, especially when it's deep inside me."-JM
"I love your tight ass wrapped around my dick."-J
"Please just use me like your little fuck toy."-JM
"I'll never use you, you're my amazing boyfriend and I fucking love you."-J
"I love you too daddy, I wanna be your whore."-JM
"Don't talk like that, I don't like it when you talk about yourself like that, your aren't a slut or a whore."-J
"Can I tell ya something."-JM
"I'm not wearing any underwear right now."-JM
"Is that suppose to turn me on."-J
"Please fuck me daddy, I'm so needy for your dick."-JM
"We have other things to do today."-J
"I want you to make me your bitch."-JM
"Stop, please."-J
"Do you not like me or something."-JM
"I love you, but it's kinda getting annoying."-J
"I love you too."-JM
"Now please stop."-J
"I love being your little slut."-JM
"You're not a slut now stop."-J
"Stop talking and just fuck me."-JM
"No, now can you please get off me, I have things I need to do."-J
"Can you do me instead."-JM
"No, you're actually kinda turning me off right now."-J

I got up and walked into our bedroom, I can't believe he said that.
"Guys I can't believe he said I was turning him off, well okay then, no pleasing for him."-JM
I sat on the bed and continued talking, a little bit later he came into the room.
I didn't answer.
"Baby, you okay."-J
I still didn't answer.
"Please, answer me."-J
Once again I didn't answer.
"Well fine then, be a bitch."-J
He left the room, and I started laughing.
"Okay guys I'm gonna keep ignoring him for a bit, this should be fun, anyways don't forget to like and subscribe and tune into the next video, bye guys."-JM
I turned the camera off and set it down and went to the kitchen and looked for a snack.
"Baby are you still going to ignore me."-J
I didn't answer.
"Answer me please."-J
No answer, when will he get it. Then all of a sudden I felt him basically slam and pin me to the wall.
"Answer me damn it."-J
I didn't answer.
"You know sometimes you really get on my nerves."-J
Well that hurt, but I still didn't answer me.
"Fine, you can sleep on the couch tonight, fucking bitch."-J
"Fuck you too."-JM
"Oh now you wanna answer me."-J
"Yeah got a problem with that."-JM
"Don't sass me."-J
"I'll do whatever the fuck I wanna do."-JM
He grabbed my wrist really hard.
"Don't talk to me like that, bitch."-J
I pushed him away.
"Don't tell me what to fucking do."-JM
I guess I really pissed him off because he slapped me, he actually hit me, I never thought he would do that, I could see that he instantly regret it though so I know he's sorry, but I'm gonna make him feel even guiltier about it.
"I'm so so sorry baby."-J
I backed away from him and he immediately pulled me closer and hugged me.
"Please, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that, please forgive me."-J
I got up and ran to our room, stupidly forgetting to lock the door.
"Please forgive me baby, I would never do that on purpose."-J
"But you did do it."-JM
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean too."-J
"Fuck off."-JM
"Please don't say that."-J
"I wanna break up."-JM
I can tell he actually bought it because he immediately hugged me close.
"Please don't, you know I love you, I'm so so so sorry."-J
"Too bad."-JM
"Please don't do this, I need you, you're the only person who's ever made me this happy."-J
"I'm sure you could find someone else, I always see you looking at other people."-JM
"Please don't leave me, you're like my oxygen."-J
I broke free from the hug and grabbed my phone and wallet before starting to walk out.
"Please stay with me."-J
"No, I've put up with this shit long enough."-JM
"What shit, my love and affection."-J
"Yes, I'm sick of you honestly."-JM
"And here I was thinking you loved me."-J
"I did."-JM
"Why are you doing this."-J
"As if you don't know why."-JM
"Fine leave, I don't care, but don't even think about coming back unless it's to get your shit."-J
"Fine I will, bye."-JM
I walked out of the apartment before going downstairs to my car and went to meet a friend, I told him the whole thing, I realized I still had a camera set up that was filming, so I edited it into the video and I'll have to wait till later to finish it. I had to get going so I pretended that i was coming to get my stuff. When I walked in I saw him sitting on the couch eating ice cream and crying. I feel bad now, team bottom is winning. I went up behind him and hugged him and put the camera I was holding in front of him.
"Wait why are you recording."-J
"It was a prank."-JM
"It was kinda two pranks, the talking dirty prank and break up prank."-JM
"You were way more brutal with that prank."-J
"I'm sorry."-JM
"So you don't wanna break up."-J
"No, I never have and never will."-JM
"I love you, and I'm sorry about earlier."-J
"I still don't forgive you but I love you too."-JM
"I know I shouldn't have done it, I was angry, not that that's an excuse, but I'm really sorry."-J
"Fine, I'll give you a second chance."-JM
"Thank you so much baby."-J
"You're welcome."-JM
I turned the camera off and after a bit I edited all the footage together and uploaded it.
"I love you."-J
"I guess I love you too."-JM
"Do you?"-J
"Do I what."-JM
"Do you love me?"-J
"Of course I do."-JM
"Are you sure."-J
"Why are you questioning me."-JM
"You didn't answer me, so you don't love me."-J
"Yes I do, I always have and I've never stopped loving you."-JM
"Don't lie to me."-J
"Don't start with this shit, you know I love you."-JM
"No you don't."-J
"Do you actually wanna break up."-JM
"See, you're giving up, you don't love me."-J
"Yes I fucking do."-JM
"Stop lying to me."-J
I stood up and went to our room and grabbed my overnight bag and left, I obviously went back home, my friends were shocked to see me.
"What are you doing here."-H
"I'm staying here for a little bit."-JM
"What happened."-H
"He doesn't think I love him."-JM
"Oh I'm sorry, Wait so did you guys break up."-H
"No, I just left."-JM
"Hey who's here, oh hey what are you doing here."-Y
"So first off I was filming a prank video and after it we got into an argument, it wasn't a bad prank, it was the talking dirty prank and the argument got heated and he slapped me, then I decided to do the break up prank as well and he bought it and when I came back to tell him it was a prank we made up and then he started questioning if I love him or not."-JM
"Wait he slapped you."-H
"Yeah he did, I think we might actually break up."-JM
~phone rings~
"I got it."-Y

-Third person POV-
"Hey bro is Jimin there."-J
"Yeah he is, why do you need to talk to him."-Y
"Please I need to talk to him."-J
"Fine, Jimin phones for you."-Y
"Okay? Hello."-JM
"Hey, I need to talk to you."-J
"What is it."-JM
"Look I've been thinking about what happened earlier and maybe we should go on a break for a bit."-J
"Yeah , maybe we should."-JM
"I'll see you when you need to come get your things, bye."-J
"So what was that about."-Y
"He just broke up with me."-JM
"Oh no."-H
"It's fine, I knew it was going to happen anyways, I just didn't think it would be this soon."-JM
"Want some ice cream."-Y
"Nah, I'm just gonna go lay down."-JM

-Jimin POV-
I went upstairs and laid down and immediately started crying, I can't believe it's actually over, it's all my fault, if I wouldn't have done all this shit then we would still be happily together, I wanna just run back to him and hug him and kiss him, but I guess he actually thinks this is for the best. This is not for the best, I love him too fucking much, and I'm gonna have to go over there and get my stuff tomorrow, and I know he's gonna be there so I'm gonna have to face him and try not to cry and kiss him, I wanna be in his arms cuddling right now, but instead I'm here crying because we just broke up. I ended up crying myself to sleep.

-Authors Note-
Okay don't hate me, they're gonna get back together in the next chapter anyways.

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