♡♥《Urata x Reader 》 ♥ ♡

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☆☆Y/N's POV☆☆

"Sakata-chan!!!!"I called my best friend who I haven't seen for 6 years but we kept in touch through our phones.

"Y/N-chan!!!"My red-haired friend shouted my name and ran up to me. I hugged him as he hugged me back.

"How's Urata!" I excitedly asked.

"Oh he's at Mafu's house!" He excitedly said. I blinked, not knowing who Sakata was talking about.

"Sorry but, whose Mafu?" I asked, cause the only utaites I listen to is Sakata and Urata but the name 'Mafu' sounds so familiar.

"Oh sorry, I forgot about that" the red head male scratched his head.

"Mhm, of course you do, Aho no Sakata" I put emphasis on his name. He gulped, trying to hide his fears from me.

"Anyways what shall we do before going there?"

"Eat takoyaki?" Suggested Sakata. I agreed and told him where is the stall. He said that he doesn't even know... he really lives up to his name. I searched in Google for a store that's near us. I managed to find one and told Sakata to follow me. We ordered 4 takoyakis, 2 for me and Sakata, 2 for Urata and whoever Mafu is. We ate ours before going to Mafu's house. I was greeted by a man with white hair. He let us in his house and led us to where Urata is. I got bombarded by Mafu's cute little cuties whose name were Potato and Iroha. It turns out that Mafu and Urata were both recording a video and just finished when Sakata and I knocked on his door.

"Urata!" I ran over him and glomped him into a hug. He blushed and yelled at me to not do that again, we all know he's a tsundere. I pouted and looked at Yamadanuki, I smirked and do some hand getsures to tell Yamadanuki to come to me. The tanuki understood what I'm doing and went over my should and rest there peacefully. I stuck my tongue out at him while he fumed in anger. The other two chuckled as they watch the scene unfold.

•○●[3rd POV]●○•

"Oi Mafu! Where's the---" There came a brunette that has a sheep? Oh wait, it's a cat inside a sheep's costume, it's kinda cute actually. I also did the same hand gestures to the cat and it also got the signal. Amatsuki's eyes widened as he saw his pet ran away from him.

"Chotto matte!" But stopped when it went to Y/N and purred. Mafu was amused to know that Urata's friend is an animal lover and would attract many animals. Urata stared at the only female in the house petting his tanuki and playing with Amatsuki's cat and feeding Mafu's cat, he blushed slightly and cursed himself for doing so. And of course,  the blush was seen by all execpt Y/N whose too busy with the animals.

"You should probably confess to her now, Urata" his friend Sakata said, worried that Y/N will be taken by another man that's not Urata.

"Even though I just met her, I agree with Sakata. You probably have a crush on her a very long time ago based on the expression you gave and the emotion in your eyes that I can only see" All of them deadpan at Mafu.

"Everyone can see that, Mafu. We're not dumb" Amatsuki said, but remember, Sakata is an Aho so he probably don't get what Mafu means.

"Wha?" Y/N walked butted into their conversation just in time before they hit Sakata for his stupidity (I don't hate Sakata, he's just cute, funny and cringey as heck)  Sakata ran away, scared for his life while being chased by Mafu and Amatsuki.

'This is my chance' Urata thought.

"Y/N-chan,  I've been meaning to tell you this for awhile now" Urata glanced at the door hopng his friends wouldn't come in and interfere. And they didn't.

"I like you" Urata blushed in embarrassment and shame, thinking thag Y/N will reject him.

"Took you awhile to realise that, baka" Y/N hugged Urata and whispered in his ear.

"I like you too" Urata cried tears of joy.


"Mafu, did you film it?"

"You know I did"

A/N: Please my give me requests!! I will try my best to spice up the next chapters. New scenario, crossovers and more! Please stay tune ww

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