▪□■[ Luz x Reader ]■□▪

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"Hey look, isn't that the girl?" Many whispers were heard throughout the building as I walk by the hallways. I looked down on the floor, wondering why am I like this in the first place. I have one friend who used to stay by my side until a new bunch of friends invited him to their group. He started to forget about me eversince then. I stumbled over my foot as I was walking.

"Ew, she doesn't even know how to walk..." The disgusting words reached my ears. Why don't I tell you guys why they're like this to me...

I was a high school student when I joined into this school. My life was peaceful and quiet until a girl named Hanatan spreaded a rumor about me. I didn't know why I was their target and from then on I was being bullied. One of my rumors was me being blind, which is kinda true. My eyes were E/C but I replaced it into A/E/C since I don't wanna wear glasses anymore. I wanna run away from all of this cliché drama but it keeps getting worse everyday. I sighed, going to my classroom to get away from all the stupid words that comes out from their disgusting mouth that they only use to say bad things. Dang, do they not know how to use it? Pfft, they don't even know the difference of good and bad.

The teacher came in and greeted us with a warm smile, his name is Luz. I know that it's wrong to have a teacher and student relationship but I love him too much. I don't even know if he loves me back. I got my pencil and play with it. The teacher noticed me and smile at me, I got flustered seeing how cute he did that. But that couldn't change how I'm feeing deep inside. I just wanna go home and cut my wrist, slap my fade, tie a rope around my neck, and so much more. My thoughts about suicide got bombarded with questions about how I may get a better life in the future, I shook my head and just focused on the lesson first. Luz opened his mouth to say something but he was cut-off by a girl named Hitomi.

"Hey there hottie~" she purred in his ears. I stared at my sensei's face who has the look of disgust. I almost let out a laugh at how dumb the girl is. Hitomi looked at me and sneered.

"Eww, what are you doing here" My emotions faded away when she looked at me.

"Are you dumb or something? You even have a clear eyesight and I don't yet you can't see me, I think that your eyes is just a waste" She got angry and tried to slap me but my hero Luz came to the rescue. I guess he's the only person I can rely on...

•~•~《 Timeskip 》~•~•

Everyday, my eyesight gets worse, the bullying gets 2x worse.I can only see things that are near me, all glasses and contact lenses are not working. I'm now out of money and my parents can't even afford us our needs. By that time I got depressed. I thought I'll never be depressed eversince he came, but I was wrong. I got my blade under my bed and started to cut my wrists. The red liquid quickly poured out of the wound, dripping on my clothes and on the floor. This is the only thing I can do for them.... if I'm gone then they wouldn't have to worrg about their needs, they can provide enough for the both of them. I chuckled at the thought of it, sitting down not caring if I stain my clothes more with blood, I started sobbing. I punched the wall so many times, it left a stain on it. In that point my hands starting to bleed and open up. I cleaned it up and got my jacket to protect my arms fromthe dangers of the world. But my hands weren't coverded that much so people can still see the wounds. I hear stomping outside my room as I prepare my rope to choke on.

"Y/N, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" I hear a concerned voice near my figure. I turned around and saw Luz, in a panting mess. He saw my wounded hands and arms, he quickly told me to stay there. Knowing that I can't escape,  I just nodded my head. I also let go of the ropes and prepared for the punishments I'll be getting, but nothing happened,  he was just there being calm about the situation and walked back to me. He got a first aid kit and started to treat my wounds. I can still see his blurry figure as I try to reach out my hand to trace his gorgeous face.

"How'd you know?" My voice was almost above a whisper. He looked at me and hugged me.

"I've had a bad feeling eversince I woke up, when I saw that you weren't in class today, I got worried and looked for you because I care about you" I almost cried again, he was the 2nd one, apart from my family, to care about me. With that, I fainted from the loss of blood and exhaustion, but before I closed my eyes, I saw Luz, leaning down to me and kiss me on my lips.

"I love you, my princess" then I fell into slumber.

A/N: Sorry if it wasn't what you wanted Nyachiko-chan

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