♡♥《Luz x Reader》♥♡

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(Y/B/F/N)=Your best friend's name

☆☆Y/N's POV☆☆


"Hm?" I looked up to see my best friend, (Y/B/F/N).

"What do you want right now?" He/She smiled brightly and showed me..... 2 tickets?

"What are these for anyways?" I grabbed one of them and it said XYZ Tour 20xx.

"Those are the tickets for my favorite utaites!!" He/she daydreamed before snapping back to reality and saw me making a confused face.

"Ah.. that's right, you don't know what an Utaite is"


"Oi don't look at me like that Y/N-chan!!"


"But anyways, will you join?" I looked back to my phone to check if I'm free only to see that I have a date with my boyfriend.

"What if I don't join?" I mentally prayed for him/her to say no.

"Then I'll force you to join" I sighed knowing I can't get out of this madness, I need to talk to my boyfriend later.

"Fine but pay for the food that we're gonna eat"

"Deal!" Then he/she went out of my house to probably meet up with her mom. I looked at the ceiling and sighed. I texted my boyfriend to hangout later. After 3 minutes, my phone was vibrating indicating that someone was calling.

"Hm?" I answered the person who was calling me,

"N/N-chan! Ohayo!" I blinked and mouth my mouth to greet him back.

"Ohayo Luz-kun, I see that your happy, what's with the mood?"

"We're gonna have a date later!!" I blushed and mumbled some incoherent words to him.

"Awww, is the adorable N/N-chan pouting on the other side?" Luz teased me, making me blush twice than last time. I glanced at my clock and replied to Luz.

"Urusai! It's actually serious..." Luz was quiet on the other side.

"Did anything happen to you?"

"I just got forced to join a concert called XYZ TOUR"

"Oh... I forgot I have something to do, I'm sorry Y/N, I can't go out with you later"

"B-but.." He ended the call. I was shocked, this was his first time cancelling a date. I got nervous, was I a good girlfriend to him? I anxiously look for answers. But I decided to calm down and change my clothes for later afternoon.


"There you are!" My h/c friend pointed at me. Then he/she curiousy ask what happened to me.

"Well, my boyfriend cancelled a date and it was his first time doing by that after 2 years.... What's with the look?"
I looked at my friend's eyes which was filled with shock and happiness.


"Well you didn't ask" I shrugged and walked to the train station to go to Tokyo cause you I live in Osaka.

"Hey, do you even know were the concert is??" I put my hands in my pockets and replied,

"Of course, I've been there many times"

"Huh?" I continued my way over to the train but not before going to a konbini, my friend (Y/B/F/N) ran until she catched up to me.

"Dang it! Why are you so fast at running?!" I shrugged and ignored him/her again. I got my favourite foods there which contains pancake and riceball or anything I want that can satisfy my hunger. My friend got a riceball and tea. After we payed for the food, me and (Y/B/F/N) ran to the train before it leaves us both. We arrived just on time before it left us.

"Why the heck are the concerts even in either Tokyo, Osaka, I DON'T KNOW?!" The people in the train stared at my friend who was blushing in embarrassment.

"Gomenasai minna" He/she bowed respectfully and proceeded to talk to me. After a few minutes, I stopped listening to his/her babbling. I glance at my watch to check the time, it was 2:31 PM, 4 more hours before the concert.

{5:47 PM}

We finally reached our destination, many people were already lining up. I looked at my friend who was drooling at the sighf of a poster.

"Why the hell are you drooling over a poster?" I asked, he/she looked at me disappointed at my life.

"I regret not telling you about them in the early days" I stopped walking to let the guard see our tickets . After the guard signed our tickets, they let us in and of course, we quickly went to our seat. But that's only me, my friend was buying merchandise for both me and him/her. When he/she returned, he/she gave me a key chain of a girl with pink hair, a ghost with a drooling face and a ribbon wrapped around it, it was kinda cute, he/she also got me a pillow with a sleeping/lazy face. I was hugging both the ghost and pillow while the keychain was on my bag. I was about to fall asleep before I heard fans screaming ontop of their lungs, probably damaging their voice box or vocal chords, I don't know which one. I looked up from the cute pillow, just to see a trap... Yes, a trap, which I thought was a girl at first because of his hair, especially with the color pink near the bottom, and his round eyes made it worse for me to assume his gender as a girl. My friend who is beside me is also screaming ontop of his/her lungs, I don't know how fans manage to scream that high. The next thing shocked me, my very own boyfriend, Luz, came infront of the stage and started singing my favorite song, (F/S). After that he did a speech, a lovely one.


To my dear girlfriend who has been with me 2 years straight, yes, I know you guys isn't
expecting his to happen since I had a girlfriend before her, but my new girlfriend
made me feel things I didn't feel when I was dating my ex. Thank for always staying
by my side, even on the worst times, throughout the whole 2 years I have love
you dearly, because you're special to me, you're the one that cured all of my problems in life.
With you being by my side is already enough for me as a present for Christmas
Now, may I ask you one question that will change our future together?"

I saw one of the security guards going to both me and my friend's seat. The security guard stopped infront of me and told me to go with him. Once the fans saw me, they began squealing in joy because of their new ship. Nobody rejected the ship because they've been dating for 2 years and nothing could break their love for eachother. Before I reached the stage, one of the staffs gave me a microphone, I said thanks and went on the stage. I hear more cheers and compliments. Luz looked at me and smiled, he asked the same question awhile ago.

"Hime-sama, may I ask you a question that will change our future?



The crowd was silent, they were waiting for Luz's question.

"Will you marry me?"


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