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"You must always remember, dearest young one." She smiled sweetly, her honeyed voice complimenting her dark ruby red lips, a stark contrast against her pale, almost white skin. "We are artists, and we are art at the same time."

The young child looked up at the beautiful woman with her wide amber eyes. "Artist and art..."

"When we move, we move with grace..." She raised her hand holding a fan and with a graceful flick of her wrist, she opened the fan. "...and power."

"Grace and power..." The child imitated her mentor and flicked her wrist, opening the fan clumsily. The mentor laughed, amused by the efforts of her five-year old student.

"When we perform, we express with everything, but give away nothing." She twirled the fan skilfully in the air and slowly brought it down to the level of her lips, the red silk fan accenting her honey coloured eyes.

"Everything, but nothing..." The young one carefully recited everything in her head, almost burning those words into her memory.

"And lastly, we are free, but we are not our own persons."

At this, the student frowned, a cute crease forming between her brows, and looked up at her teacher. "How can that be free?"

The beautiful woman smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes like it usually did. It was a sad smile. "You will learn it all eventually, little one. For now, we must practice your footwork."

The girl nodded and got into position, awaiting the signal of her mentor. Using the intervals of two claps and a pause, she did the routine her teacher had devised and taught her. She let her feet glide through the polished wooden floor, let her arms sway above her head as if blown by a sweet breeze. After quite a turn, she stepped on her skirt and fell unceremoniously on her behind, eliciting a beautiful laugh from her mentor.

"I'll never be as beautiful or graceful, or a great dancer as you!" The child pouted, looking down at her lap.

"Yes, you will never compare to me..." The most notorious entertainer in all of the Fire Nation, years later turned concubine by order of the Fire Lord Ozai, stooped down to sit on the floor, much like how a butterfly gently graces the petals of a beautiful flower. "You shall surpass me."

The Concubine's Apprentice (an Avatar: The Last Airbender Fanfiction Zuko x OC)Where stories live. Discover now