Chapter 52: Forgiveness

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June tossed a chunk of meat towards her companion who greedily chomped on it. She went up to the beast and cuddled its giant head, patting its long snout. "Who's my little snuffly-wuffly?" She turned back to the others, her expression meaning business. "Okay, so who's got something with the Avatar's scent on it?"

Katara gave her Aang's staff and June held it up for Nyla, the shirshu, to sniff. The beast went in circles around them a couple of times, sniffing continuously around the path, the air, and the trees. After a couple more steps, Nyla lay flat on the ground, holding its clawed paws to her nose.

"Well? What does that mean?" Zuko crossed his arms over his chest.

"It means your friend's gone." June replied simply, patting Nyla comfortingly.

Toph placed her hands on her hips. "We know he's gone. That's why we're trying to find him!

"No, I mean he's gone gone." The bounty hunter stood up. "He doesn't exist."

Identical expressions of confusion and fear were painted in their faces. Is Aang dead? Is he in the Spirit World? What did it mean when June said that he 'doesn't exist'?

Sokka was the first to ask their questions. "What do you mean Aang doesn't exist?! Do you mean he's... you know... dead?"

"Nope, we could find him if he were dead. It's a real head-scratcher." June approached Chiyo and patted the top of her head lovingly, much like she did with Nyla. "I guess I'll see ya when I see ya, little one. If ever you need an escape from our cage, find me."

"Is there really no chance in finding Aang?"

"If Nyla can't find her, I doubt anyone can." June hopped on the beast's saddle and took the reins.

"Wait!" Zuko stopped them before they left. "I have another idea!" He climbed on Appa's saddle to retrieve his belongings. He rummaged through a bag and pulled out a single sandal. "There's only one other person in this world who can help us face the Fire Lord. My uncle."

Everyone's fingers automatically went to pinch their noses as Zuko approached. "You saved your uncle's sweaty sandal?!"

Without June commanding Nyla, the beast lunged forward to sniff the strong scent of the sandal. After a good long whiff, Nyla dug her paws through the dirt, waiting for June's permission to chase. "Alright, let's do this."

Not wasting another second, Nyla set off with June. The others hastily got back up on Appa to follow them.

"So how exactly is the mole lady your auntie?" Sokka asked Chiyo as he set up the sleeping bags for Toph and Suki. They had agreed to take turns in watching over their journey.

"All I can remember is that she was an entertainer as well who lived in our troupe quarters, but she ran away when I was very young." She pulled the cloak around her tighter, shivering from the cool evening air.

Zuko moved closer to her, taking her hand and rubbing it between his own. "You're freezing." He focused his chi onto his palms and let some of the heat flow through her hand.

"Did you at least wipe your hand after touching that foul sandal?"

"Hey! I did!"

"Fine." She smiled and sighed happily at the warmth of his hand. "I do still envy your firebending. I never really did like the cold."

He smirked and placed his arm around her. "Don't worry. I can heat you up anytime." Zuko leaned in and added in a whisper. "All you have to do is ask."

The Concubine's Apprentice (an Avatar: The Last Airbender Fanfiction Zuko x OC)Where stories live. Discover now