Chapter 46: Revenge

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Sleep eluded Chiyo that night so she decided to take an evening walk. As she passed the spot where Appa was sleeping soundly, she caught sight of Katara and Zuko. She had begrudgingly asked for Zuko's help that night. In the cover of nightfall, they donned on dark clothes and prepared to find the Southern Raiders. "Going somewhere?"

"We're going to find the Southern Raiders. There's nothing you can do to stop us."

"I'm not stopping you." She looked away, towards the horizon where the sky met the dark sea. "I know how you feel. I want revenge for my mentor as well. I want to make everyone who has pushed us around like we were mere dolls pay. Especially that monster who calls himself the Fire Lord."

Katara looked at her with a softened expression. "Thank you. For understanding."

"But do know this." Chiyo turned her amber eyes towards the waterbender. "Revenge is not for the weak. The Avatar was right when he said that it was a two-headed rat-viper. My mentor, Lady Suiren, wanted to take revenge against the Fire Nation royalty. In the end, her revenge was futile because she chose to save me instead of fulfilling her purpose."


"All I ask, Katara, is if you really want revenge, you must be prepared to go all the way, or else you'll lose it all."

Katara squared her shoulders and nodded. "Okay." She woke Appa up and tossed the supplies into the saddle, climbing in.

Zuko approached Chiyo and held her hands. "I'm still thankful that you are here, Chiyo. I will forever be indebted to Lady Suiren for choosing to save you."

"No matter what anyone says, I'll always blame myself for being a part in her death. But I will carry her resentment with me as I avenge her and myself, and I can only hope that she will forgive me once I meet her in the spirit world."

"There is nothing to forgive." Zuko hugged her tight. "Lady Suiren loves you whole-heartedly. As does everyone that has had the pleasure of meeting such a wonderful person like you."

Chiyo closed her eyes as she felt the comforting warmth of his words and embrace. "You guys better go now." She pulled away and busied herself by arranging Zuko's tunic. "I'll take care of things here."

"I'll be back soon." Zuko kissed Chiyo quickly on the cheek and turned around before she could even react. He climbed up on Appa and once everything was settled, they set off.

She stood there, stunned, as she watched them fly away on the sky bison. She gingerly lifted her fingers to touch the cheek that he had kissed, blushing madly as she went back to her tent.

 She gingerly lifted her fingers to touch the cheek that he had kissed, blushing madly as she went back to her tent

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"So... They left, huh?" Sokka concluded as he looked around for his sister. Chiyo only shrugged as she stretched her arms and shoulders. "What are you doing?"

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