Chapter 15: Identities

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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN CHIYO'S MISSING?!" Suiren slapped and screamed at the captain who had made port less than half an hour ago and went straight to the palace to inform them of the unfortunate accident in the seas.

"T-T-There was a storm, my l-lady... And she tried to save a member of my crew—"

"Then you should've locked her below deck where she would have been fucking SAFE!" Tears were streaming down her face as she clutched the captain by the collar with both hands. "Her safety should have been your priority, captain!" She spat the title as if it was an insult.

"Now, now, Lady Suiren." The Fire Lord had gone out of the throne room followed by his generals, council and advisors, their war meeting had finished early. "What seems to be the problem?"

The stuttering captain went on his knees and bowed to the Fire Lord. "M-My lord! The vessel we took to bring the Lady Chiyo home was caught in the worst storm I have seen in all my years! Oh, it was dreadful y-your Highness! A-and the Lady Chiyo...she...she was swept overboard while trying to save a member of my crew... W-we were in the middle of the high seas! We don't even know if she's—"

Suiren pulled out a dagger that she hid in a strap attached to her leg and pointed it at the captain. "Say one more word and I will end you, you miserable old fool!"

The Fire Lord gently held the hand holding the dagger and took the weapon out of her hand. "Be careful my lady... We wouldn't want to get your beautiful hands tainted with his dirty blood."

"Oh don't flatter me, Ozai!" Suiren was clearly distraught, having dropped the Fire Lord's title in front of his subjects. The Fire Lord signaled the guards to take the captain in an isolated cell for interrogation later. He also told the councilmen to take their leave, to which they obliged with a deep bow to their monarch.

"Shall we move this to my quarters?"

"NO!" Suiren broke free from his grasp. "I need to find my child! I need to find Chiyo!"

"We will, but you need to calm down, woman!" Ozai held Suiren's arms in a tight grip and he looked deep into the honey colored eyes he had fallen in love with in his youth. Even now, in her crazed state, she was heartbreakingly beautiful. 

And she was his. All his.

"Please, use your men. Use all that is in your power to find Chiyo..." Suiren said, barely above a whisper. The Fire Lord never quite understood his concubine's obsession with her apprentice. But he will indulge her. If it meant he had her heart in his hands, he will indulge her every whim.

"Of course, my lady..."

            "So you don't know your name?" Yona sat at a stool, with her arms crossed

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"So you don't know your name?" Yona sat at a stool, with her arms crossed. It looked like she was an inquisitor interrogating the young woman. The latter shook her head sadly. "Or where you live?" She shook her head no again. "Or who your parents are?"

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