Chapter 18: Journey to Ba Sing Se (Part 1)

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They reached Kyoshi Island after a full day's travel. Lily had sold off the elaborate kimono she had previously worn as well as her silver bracelet, anklets, and rings, all except for the ring made out of red amber resin. Kai had stopped her from selling it, telling her that they had enough money and that she should keep it in case it brings up more memories.

The money was used to buy two ostrich-horses for the journey; half of what was left was used to rent a boat that would take them to the island.

Kai told her the story of Kyoshi Island, how it used to be connected to the mainland of the Earth Kingdom, but because of Chin the Conqueror's ambition to take all of the Earth Kingdom under his thumb, Avatar Kyoshi decided to separate the peninsula from the mainland and move it far away in the middle of the seas.

Once on the docks, the crew pointed them in the right direction and they found the settlement easily. Unlike the other Earth Kingdom settlements, their houses were made of wood and had steeply pitched roofs compared to the stone houses of Kai's town. They also wore blue clothing instead of the traditional green of the Earth Kingdom dwellers.

They asked around the people and they gladly took them to the hut of the village leader Oyaji. Kai and Lily bowed in greeting. "Good morning, Sir."

The old village leader reciprocated with a slight bow of his head. "So what brings you young travelers here in Kyoshi Island?"

Lily stepped forward to explain. "Sir, I was saved by his family after a day out on the sea, but I have lost all of my memories of the past. But recently, I had this slight flash of a memory. A younger me, and... and I had white face paint, and two golden fans. They told me that I might have been a Kyoshi warrior!"

Oyaji nodded his head deep in thought. "It is true that our warriors are distinguished by their paint and fans. But sadly, the warriors are not here."

"Why not?" Lily blinked, confused.

"Our warriors were inspired by the Avatar to join the efforts in ending the Hundred Year War. They are now at Full Moon Bay, guarding the ferries that will take the refugees to Ba Sing Se."

Kai comforted Lily with a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Sir, I do not mean any offense, but this is a small village. Perhaps, she is a familiar face to you?"

Oyaji looked over the beautiful young woman, noting her amber eyes, pale skin, and short cropped wavy hair. "I'm afraid not. If I had met her, I would not forget such a beautiful face."

Lily looked down, disappointed that the trip came to a dead end. "Thank you, Sir."

"But, I do recommend that you go to Ba Sing Se University." Oyaji added quickly after seeing the beautiful woman's sadness. "There they hold the most extensive records of any organizations and groups from all across the four nations. Meet the Kyoshi warriors at Full Moon Bay. If it so happens that they cannot help you, ask to go to Ba Sing Se University. Hopefully, you will find answers that you seek there."

"Did you hear that, Lily?" Kai smiled and looked at her. "We're going to Ba Sing Se."


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