Chapter 1: Azula's 10th Birthday

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The grand hall of the Fire Nation Palace, reserved only for the most special of occasions, was regally decorated in vibrant hues of red and gold for the princess's tenth birthday. The servants hurried to make plentiful preparations on the food, the wine, everything and anything that needed attending to. The guards posted on every entrance were on high alert, even for a party. Honoured guests, esteemed officials and distant relatives alike entered the vast hall and marvelled at everything.

Truly, a Fire Nation royal party is not one to miss.

After a while, the royal family was announced by Lo and Li, Azula's firebending instructors and royal political advisors. "His Royal Highness, the Great Ruler, the Fire Lord Ozai!"

The crowd cheered and greeted the monarch with thundering applause as he made his way on the regal red carpet, and up to a raised dais that housed his seat.

"And the Fire Nation's Crown Prince, Zuko!" The young prince, twelve of age, strutted into the room, smiling and waving as he was taught to. He followed his father on the dais and seated to the left of him.

"Now, it is our honour to present, the Fire Nation's beloved Princess on her tenth birthday, the beautiful and radiant Princess Azula!"

Azula, on cue, walked into the room with her chin up high. She knew that everyone in this room, with the exception of the Fire Lord of course, was beneath her, and it was very evident in her smirk. She was seated to the right of her father who was beaming at his daughter proudly.

The Fire Lord stood up, commanding everyone in the room with his aura alone. "Let the feast celebrating my daughter's birth..." He summoned fire in his right hand and threw it into the large pit filled with firewood in the middle of the room. The fire consumed the wood and the bright, roaring flames illuminated the room. "...begin!"

The festivities started and everyone applauded. Food and wine were served endlessly and everyone indulged in the wealth of the Fire Nation Royalty. Fire breathers and dancers circled the fire pit, entertaining everyone with popular dances from all over the world. Singers sang beautiful melodies about the beloved princess and of her beauty and power. The nobles presented their gifts to Azula one at a time. They came bearing gold, jewelry, precious gowns and fabrics, shoes, anything they thought that a princess could ever want.

An hour well into the party, Lo and Li slowly approached the dais. "Your highness, Lady Suiren requests to join the festivities." Li started.

"She says she come bearing gifts for Princess Azula." Lo finished.

The Fire Lord's face suddenly changed from one of usual expressionlessness, to one that is softer, affectionate even. "Send her in, and announce her."

The twin scurried back to the large double doors of the entrance and sucked in a huge breath at the same time. "Presenting the Royal Noble Concubine, Lady Suiren!"

The crowd did not cheer nor applaud as they did for the Royal family. Instead, they stared, gawked even, in awe and wonder. 

Lady Suiren entered the ballroom, dressed in a deep red kimono, furnished with gold embroidery. Her head was bowed as she walked, as was required of her status and she made her way to the front of the dais, followed by her guards. Slowly, she knelt and bowed low, showing deep respect for the royal family. "Your humble servant greets Your Highnesses." She lets her beautiful voice carry throughout the silent room, making everyone eagerly listen in.

Fire Lord Ozai, pleased, leaned back in his throne. "Rise, Lady Suiren, and let everyone gaze upon your face."

As commanded, Lady Suiren straightened up from her bow and slowly lifted her head up, confidently meeting the eyes of the Fire Lord. To say that Lady Suiren was pretty was a huge understatement, for she was beauty in and of itself. She had high-arched eyebrows complementing her honey-coloured eyes, her high-bridged nose that went well with the high cheekbones, and her lips the hue of fire lilies in midsummer.

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