Chapter 32: Back to the Fire Nation

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"Aren't you cold?" Mai asked as she approached Zuko. He was alone on the deck of the warship, leaning against the railing, silent, deep in thought. It was a full moon that night as they sailed back to the Fire Nation Capital. Home.

"I've got a lot on my mind. It's been so long, over three years since I was home." After three long years of banishment and exile, he was finally coming home. He always dreamed of this day. But why was his heart still heavy, still unsettled? "I wonder, what's changed? I wonder how I've changed."

Mai yawned out of boredom and slight annoyance. "I just asked if you were cold. I didn't ask for your whole life story." As Zuko looked away, he felt her arms wrap around him from behind, felt her body press against his. One of her hands touched his cheek and turned his head so he would look at her. "Stop worrying..." She smiled and kissed his lips softly.

Zuko found comfort in Mai. In the flurry of events that happened, in all the anguish he felt after betraying his uncle, she had always been there by his side.

She broke away from the kiss and gave him time alone in the deck. She despised the cold air of the night and she looked forward to being in the warm Capital again. Three years she had endured the ennui of life in general. Three years she had waited for him. Now, he's back.

And with Chiyo out of the picture, this is her chance to finally claim Zuko's heart.

            The morning light shone down from the open windows and stirred her awake, opening her amber eyes

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The morning light shone down from the open windows and stirred her awake, opening her amber eyes. She looked around the room, her room; unfamiliar at first, then she recalled the events of the previous night, the night of their arrival in the Fire Nation.

She looked to her side and saw the Lady Suiren, her mentor, sleeping peacefully with a slight smile on her lips. She had insisted that she spend the night there and she didn't take no for an answer. It took a while before sleep took them. Suiren had asked Chiyo to tell her all that she had seen and experienced while she was away, and the young woman obliged happily.

One of the women from last night entered, carrying a tray of fruits and tea. "Good morning, my Lady." She said softly and smiled as she set it down on the table.

"Good morning!" Chiyo greeted back as she got up from the bed and stretched.

"I-I know it is not my place to say this but... we missed you so much, Lady Chiyo. We all did." The woman looked away to hide her tears.

She approached her and held her hand. "I'm sorry if I went away. But I'm back now... and I'm not going anywhere, Sol."

" remember me, Lady Chiyo?!" She gasped and gripped the lady's hand tight. "You remember me?"

The apprentice blinked and realized that she had called out her handmaiden and friend's name. "Yes... yes! I did! I did, Sol!"

Their laughter woke Suiren and she didn't even have it in her to get mad at the abrupt awakening. She smiled as she saw how happy her ward was. She was content.

The Concubine's Apprentice (an Avatar: The Last Airbender Fanfiction Zuko x OC)Where stories live. Discover now