Chapter 8: The Return of the Dragon of the West

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The retired General Iroh smiled as he gazed up at the palace he had grown up in. It held a lot of memories, both good and bad, but memories nonetheless. The former Crown Prince lightly chuckled at the thought that he could've become the Fire Lord once, but following the death of his beloved son, Lu Ten, he realized there were things more important than power.

The soldiers that guarded the entrance greeted him with a deep bow. "It is an honor to have you back, General Iroh."

"It's retired general, now." He smiled kindly and he was led into the palace. First order of business, to see his little nephew.

"Uncle!" Prince Zuko ran to the uncle he looked up to like his own father and hugged him tight.

"Nephew, how you've grown!" Iroh smiled and appraised the young man, but he knew right off the bat that something was not quite right. "Come join me. I am in great need for some fresh jasmine tea."

They had their tea in the Royal Common Room and Iroh told Zuko of his adventures, some believable, others, too otherworldly for the young Zuko to comprehend.

"Tell me, Prince Zuko, there seems to be something bothering you. Is it your sister, Azula?"

"No, uncle, my sister is her usual self... manipulative and psychotic—" that earned him a gentle slap on the arm from his uncle. "It's just..."

"Is it a girl?" Iroh asked teasingly, but the reaction from the young prince confirmed it so. In a swift movement that even Zuko was surprised his uncle could pull off, he sat beside his nephew. "So who is this young woman that has my nephew dazed?"

Before Zuko could reply, the Common Room doors opened and Lady Suiren entered. "I heard that the Dragon of the West has come back to the palace." She smiled widely at her old friend.

"Suiren!" Iroh laughed and got up to greet her. "The most notorious entertainer of the Fire Nation!"

"You flatter me too much, Lord Iroh."

"Come join me and my nephew for tea, Suiren. I brewed it myself!"

"I am afraid I cannot be away too long, you see my young ward is still sick—"

Zuko had approached them by then, "How is she?"

Suiren bowed her head. "She is still the same, my prince. I still cannot permit you to see her. No matter how much you try."

This piqued Iroh's curiosity and instantly he made a connection. "Zuko, I would like to have a word with the Lady Suiren. We will take our leave first."

"But uncle—" The adults had already gone out the door, leaving the frustrated, young prince alone in the Common Room.

Suiren led her friend along the maze of hallways back to her wing of the palace. If there was someone who knew what to do with Chiyo, it just might be him. "So I have heard you have taken in quite a talented apprentice, Suiren. The news of the young fire lily has traveled all across the nation, and even through parts of the Earth Kingdom."

The lady smiled gently. "Yes, she is indeed a gem."

They entered a room where Chiyo lay in bed, thin and pale, her dark curls sprawled over the pillow. Suiren moved to her side and gently touched her arm. "Chiyo... There's someone who I would like you to meet."

Slowly, the young girl opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was an old man with a kind smile. She carefully pulled herself up to a sitting position and bowed her head. "It is an honor to meet you, Sir. My name is Chiyo."

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