Chapter 24: Tales of Ba Sing Se (Part 2)

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The Tale of Zuko

The lunch rush has just passed but there were still a few customers loitering around, sipping their tea casually. Zuko finished cleaning the last table and was about to head to the back room when he felt eyes at the back of his head. He turned around and spotted a girl who quickly looked away, sipping her tea.

His eyes narrowed and he approached his uncle who was busy stacking the cups up on the shelves. "Uncle, we have a problem." He whispered. Iroh climbed down the ladder and leaned in to hear his nephew. "One of the customers is on to us. Don't look now, but there was a girl over there at the corner table. She knows we're Fire Nation."

The old man looked behind him, catching a glimpse of the young girl who had been stealing glances at his nephew, but he was pulled aside quickly. "Didn't I say 'don't look'?!"

Iroh chuckled at his naivety. "You're right, Zuko. I've seen that girl in here quite a lot. Seems to me she has quite a little crush on you."

"What?!" Zuko looked at him like he had grown three heads.

"Thank you for the tea..." They both turned around to find the girl they had been talking about was right behind them. She handed Zuko her payment and tucked her hair behind her ear. "So... what's your name?"

"My name's Lee... My uncle and I just moved here."

"Hi Lee, my name's Jin..." She smiled up at him. "Thank you, and..." Zuko noticed a moment of hesitation before she continued. "Well... I was wondering if you would like to go out sometime.,,"

Zuko stared at her, her words barely sinking in before his uncle had answered for him. "He'd love to!" Iroh butted in with a wide grin.

"Great! I'll meet you in front of the shop at sundown!" She turned around and left quickly before Zuko could get a word in. As the doors of the tea shop closed, he gave his uncle a death glare.

 As the doors of the tea shop closed, he gave his uncle a death glare

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Iroh had bought him a new changshan and black pants. He even volunteered to fix his hair, fashioning it into a style that was attractive during his youth. He sent him off with a wide grin and an energetic wave.

He left with a grumble, looking out the tea shop for Jin. "Hey!" she came out of the corner. She looked like she was resisting the urge to laugh. "Well, look at you! You look so cute!" She reached up and ruffled his hair, messing it up back to its original style.

Normally he would have swatted her hand away harshly. No commoner would dare touch a Fire Nation prince, much less mess with his hair. But with an action that surprised even him, he just politely pulled away, patting his hair. "It took my uncle ten minutes to do my hair..."

Before Zuko could turn back and retreat to the safety of the teashop, Jin had grabbed his arm with both hands and led him away. "So, I think we should have dinner first. I know this eatery in the plaza! They're famous for their noodles and dumplings. Also my friends work there, Aron and—"

The Concubine's Apprentice (an Avatar: The Last Airbender Fanfiction Zuko x OC)Where stories live. Discover now