Bad Business/ Dueling With the Stars

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Skip is teaching at You Show Duel School. No one is paying attention. Zuzu is very distracted which concerns Y/N.

Zuzu: Dad, can you teach us about XYZ Summoning?

Skip: I'm sorry. I can't. LDS just started teaching it. I have no idea. Why do you ask?

Zuzu: I was just curious.

Just then, Henrietta Akaba appears with three of her students. Y/N was accused for the harm that was done to Sylvio.

Henrietta: We can't let something like this slide. We're going to do this. We will have three duels. The best out of three wins. If you win, we'll drop this incident. But if we win, You Show will be owned by LDS.

Skip: This was all a set up!

Henrietta: I assure you that we had nothing to do with the current events. Now, do we have a bet? We hope you accept because we are looking forward to seeing the Pendulum Summon!

Tate: You can't Pendulum summon without cards!

Henrietta: That shouldn't be a problem at all. We have three students here that excel in their courses. I hope your ready.

Y/N: I'll go first. Who am I facing?

Dipper walks forward.

Dipper: I will be. I'm looking forward to defeating you, King of Games.

Y/N: Put your money where your mouth is.

Dipper: I've won 91% of my duels. I'm scheduled to compete in the Junior Arc League Championship!

Y/N: Well it just so happens that I'm undefeated.

Dipper: What?

Y/N: They don't call me the King of Games for nothing. Now let's do this!

Y/N's puzzle glows.

Skip: The Action Field will be Cosmic Sanctuary!

Y/N/Dipper: Let's duel!

Turn 1: Dipper

Y/N: 4000 LP/ Dipper: 4000 LP

Dipper. I'll start. My turn. I summon Constellar Algiedi in ATK Mode!

Constellar Algiedi: Level 4- 1600 ATK/ 1400 DEF

Dipper: When this monster is summoned, I can special summon one Level 4 or lower Constellar monster from my hand! I choose Constellar Kaus!

Constellar Kaus: Level 4- 1800 ATK/ 700 DEF

Dipper: Now I activate Kaus's special ability! Up to twice per turn, I can increase or decrease the level of one of monsters by 1! I raise the level of both my monsters by 1!

Constellar Algiedi: Level 4 - - -> 5

Constellar Kaus: Level 4 - - -> 5

Dipper: I now overlay my Level 5 Constellar Algiedi and Constellar Kaus to build the Overlay Network! The light of distant stars shatters the dark of night. I XYZ Summon Constellar Pleiades!

Constellar Pleiades: Rank 5- 2500 ATK/ 1500 DEF

Dipper: With that I'll end my turn. Once I beat you I'll show your girlfriend what a real duelist looks like!

Y/N's eyes glow.

Y/N: You'll regret those words!

Turn 2: Y/N

Y/N: 4000 LP/ Dipper: 4000 LP

Y/N: Playtime is over, Dipper! My turn! Draw! Magic Card: Dark Magical Circle, activate! I draw the top three cards of my deck and if any of them are a Dark Magician card, I can add it to my hand then the other two cards I can place on top of my deck in any order. I draw Dark Magician, Bottomless Trap Hole, and Polymerization. I add Dark Magician!

Dipper: It doesn't matter! That's a Level 7 monster! You can't summon it!

Y/N: You think so? Guess again! I use Scale 1 Stargazer Magician and Scale 8 Timegazer Magician to set the Pendulum Scale! I'm taking control of this starting now! I can now summon monsters between levels 2 through 7 all at the same time! Swing far, Pendulum! Carve the Arc of Victory! My monsters are ready to swing into action! Appear, Dark Magician and Charging Gaia the Fierce Knight!

Dark Magician: Level 7- 2500 ATK/ 2100 DEF

Charging Gaia the Fierce Knight: Level 7- 2300 ATK/ 2100 DEF

Y/N: Magic card: Dark Magical Circle, activate! Since Dark Magician was summoned to my field, I can banish one card on the field! Say goodbye to your monster!

Dipper: No way!

Y/N: I could end this duel right now. But I want to show you who's the real master of XYZ summoning! I overlay my Level 7 Dark Magician and Charging Gaia the Fierce Knight to build the Overlay Network! Magic of infinite potential, evolve beyond the natural borders to reach new heights! I XYZ Summon! The manipulator of darkness, Ebon Illusion Magician!

Ebon Illusion Magician: Rank 7- 2500 ATK/ 2100 DEF

Y/N: I'm not done! Ebon Illusion Magician's effect, activate! By using one overlay unit, I can summon another normal spellcaster monster from my hand or deck! Say hello to a second Dark Magician!

Henrietta: Why isn't he one of our students?

Zuzu: I can't believe what I'm seeing!

Y/N: This duel is over! Battle. Ebon Illusion Magician, direct attack!

Dipper: Ahh!

Dipper: 4000 LP - - -> 1500 LP

Y/N: Dark Magician, direct attack! Dark Magic Attack!

Dipper: Ahh!

Dipper: 1500 LP - - -> 0 LP

Winner: Y/N

Everyone was shocked that Y/N had defeated Dipper in one turn. Y/N's eyes return to normal. Zuzu walks over to Y/N and wraps her arms around him.

Zuzu: Congrats, Y/N! I knew you could do it!

Y/N: Thanks for believing me in, Zuzu.

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