Imperial Wrath Awakening

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It's time for the next duel for Y/N. Y/N is still confused about the recent events. Y/N sees his next opponent, Iggy Arlo. His friends disapprove of his dueling style.

Zuzu: Be careful, Y/N.

Y/N: I'll be fine, Zuzu. I promise.

Y/N and Iggy prepare to face off.

Y/N: Let's have a fun duel, Iggy.

Iggy: Dueling isn't fun. I'll crush you. I'll do anything to beat you.

Y/N: Dude, chill. This is just supposed to be fun.

Iggy: Dueling isn't about fun. After I beat you, I'll show that girlfriend of yours what a real duelist is.

After hearing this, something in Y/N snapped. Y/N's aura starts to pick up.

Zuzu: What's going on? I don't know but I got a bad feeling about this.

Y/N closes his eyes and when he opens them, they glow with a golden color. Y/N's puzzle changes into a cube.

Zuzu: His puzzle changed!

Y/N: You said dueling isn't fun, Iggy? Well, if you want to be serious, then I'll get serious!

The action field chosen is Bamboo Battleground.

Iggy: You're up first, loser.

Turn 1- Y/N

Y/N- 4000 LP/ Iggy- 4000 LP

Y/N: Very well. My turn. I place a monster facedown in DEF mode. Turn end.

Zuzu: (Worried) Y/N...

Turn 2- Iggy

Y/N- 4000 LP/ Iggy- 4000 LP

Iggy: Is that all? Why didn't you Pendulum Summon? You not taking me seriously? Very well. I'll show you how it's done! My turn! I draw! Since you control monsters and I don't, I can special summon

Hayate the Earth Star in ATK Mode!

Hayate the Earth Star: Level 5- 2100 ATK/ 0 DEF

Iggy: Now attack his facedown monster!

Vijam the Cubic Seed: Level 1- 0 ATK/ 0 DEF

Y/N: Vijam the Cubic Seed's effect activates. When its attacked, your monster receives a cubic counter. Then my monster becomes a continuous spell card. Since your monster has a counter, it cannot attack and its effects are negated.

Iggy: What type of monster is that?

Zuzu: (Worried) Y/N...

Y/N: End your turn.

Iggy: I end my turn.

Turn 3- Y/N

Y/N- 4000 LP/ Iggy- 4000 LP

Y/N: This duel is over. My turn. Draw. I reveal 3 Cubic cards in my hand: Cubic Mandala, Cubic Wave, and Cubic Karma.

Iggy: Why would you do that?

Y/N: So I can special summon the monster that will end you! I special summon: Crimson Nova the Dark Cubic Lord!

Crimson Nova the Dark Cubic Lord: Level 10- 3000 ATK/ 0 DEF

Zuzu: Why is Y/N acting like this? He's dueling angry!

Zuzu: Continuous Magic card: Cubic Karma, activate. I can send teo other Vijams from my deck to the Graveyard. Then Crimson Nova gains 800 ATK for each!

Crimson Nova the Dark Cubic Lord: 3000 ATK - - -> 4600 ATK

Y/N: I'm not done. Magic card: Cubic Wave, activate. This doubles the ATK of my monster.

Crimson Nova the Dark Cubic Lord: 4600 ATK - - -> 9200 ATK

Y/N: Then your monster's ATK is cut in half!

Iggy: No way!

Hayate the Earth Star: 2100 ATK - - -> 1050 ATK

Zuzu: Unbelievable!

Y/N: This is the end, Iggy. You mess with people I care about then I'll show no mercy! Battle. Crimson Nova, attack Hayate the Earth Star!

Iggy: AHH!

Iggy: 4000 LP - - -> 0 LP

Winner: Y/N

The duel ends and Y/N's aura returns to normal. His puzzle returns to normal. The stadium is silent. Y/N doesn't remember what happened.

Zuzu: (Scared) Y/N...

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