Saving Celina

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Y/N (Fusion) was thrown into a cell after being held down by five officers. He was beyond angry.

Y/N (Fusion): Let me out and take me to her!

No answer.

Y/N (Fusion): I will kill you all if you lay a single hand on her!

No answer.

Y/N (Fusion): You're all dead!

Y/N (Fusion) falls to his knees and starts talking to himself.

Y/N (Fusion): I failed. I broke my promise. I promised that I would protect her and wouldn't let her get captured again. She's been captured many times. I almost lost her to the Society of Light. What type of friend am I? I'm a failure. I couldn't even keep our relationship together.

A figure walks over to Y/N (Fusion) and stands beside him.

???: Then do something about it. You know that you can't be stopped in your ultimate form.

Y/N (Fusion): No. I promised Celina that I won't use that form again.

???: Then you will always fail.

Y/N (Fusion): Yubel, I'm hearing him again.

Yubel: I am aware but you must resist. It took a miracle to get you back to your senses the last time.

Y/N's (Fusion) cell opens and he looks to see who it is. A man walks in.

Man: I'm the head cellmate. I run this operation. I heard you were a powerful duelist and came to challenge you. I want to see if you're really as strong as you seem to be. If you win then you'll become the head of this place.

Y/N (Fusion): If I win, can you guys help me find my friend?

Man: We'll do our best.

Y/N (Fusion): Fine. I accept your challenge. Then you'll help me.

Man: I won't go down easily.

Y/N (Fusion): I don't expect you to. Get your game on!

Turn 1- Y/N (Fusion)

Y/N (Fusion)- 4000 LP/ Man- 4000 LP

Y/N (Fusion): I'll start. My turn. I summon Black Stone of Legend on ATK Mode.

Black Stone of Legend: Level 1- 0 ATK/ 0 DEF

Y/N (Fusion): Black Stone of Legend's effect, activate. I send this card to the Graveyard and then special summon one Red Eyes monster from anywhere in my deck. Appear, Red Eyes Black Flare Dragon.

Red Eyes Black Flare Dragon: Level 7- 2400 ATK/ 2000 DEF

Yubel: He's not messing around.

Y/N (Fusion): I place a card facedown. Turn end.

Turn 2- Man

Y/N (Fusion) 4000 LP/ Man- 4000 LP

Man: It's my turn. I draw. I summon Krebons in ATK Mode!

Krebons: Level 2- 1200 ATK/ 400 DEF

Man: Now I activate the spell: Emergency Teleport. This lets me special summon a Level 3 or lower Psychic monster from my deck. I choose Serene Psychic Witch.

Serene Psychic Witch: Level 3- 1400 ATK/ 1200 DEF

Man: Level 2 Krebons tunes Level 3 Serene Psychic Witch! My flames of hatred, blazing within the abyss of my heart, become the black raging waves that will overrun this world!


Man: I Synchro Summon! Appear now, Magical Android!

Magical Android: Level 5- 2400 ATK/ 1700 DEF

Legends Never Die (A Yu-Gi-Oh Story) Book 5Where stories live. Discover now