The Pendulum Swings Both Ways

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The tournament then begins. The stadium is full of people. Mostly because of the new summoning technique and also the King of Games is compteting. Frederick duels against Trevor and wins. Allie duels against Riley Akaba and loses. Zuzu duels against Julia and wins. Y/N (XYZ) watches this duel closely and gets disturbed when Zuzu fusion summoned. Gong duels against and old bully and wins. Then it was time for the first duel for the King of Games. Y/N (Standard) was to face off against Sylvio.

Sylvio: Hello, King of Games? Are you ready to lose?

Y/N: It's highly unlikely that you'll win.

Sylvio: I got a brand new deck and it's full of Pendulum Cards! Don't think you'll easily win this time.

Y/N: Let's just get this over with, Sylvio.

Sylvio: Hmm. So impatient! Then let's do this!

Y/N/Sylvio: Duel!

The Action field chosen was Sunset Stronghold. Y/N and Sylvio get set to duel.

Turn 1- Y/N

Y/N- 4000 LP/ Sylvio- 4000 LP

Y/N: I'll start. My turn. I summon Skilled Dark Magician in ATK Mode.

Skilled Dark Magician: Level 4- 1900 ATK/ 1700 DEF

Y/N: I place a card facedown. Turn end.

Nico: The King of Games sets his field.

Turn 2- Sylvio

Y/N- 4000 LP/ Sylvio- 4000 LP

Sylvio: My turn! I draw! I activate the continuous spell: Yosen Training Grounds. This card gets a counter every time I Normal Summon or Special summon Yosenju monster! I summon Yosenju Kama 1 in ATK Mode!

Yosenju Kama 1: Level 4- 1600 ATK/ 500 DEF

Spell Counter: 0 - - -> 1

Sylvio: This monster lets me normal summon another Yosenju monster! I summon Yosenju Kama 2 in ATK Mode!

Yosenju Kama 2: Leve 4- 1800 ATK/ 200 DEF

Spell Counter: 1 - - -> 2

Sylvio: Its effect lets me normal summon another Yosenju monster. I summon Yosenju Kama 3 in ATK Mode!

Yosenju Kama 3: Level 4- 1500 ATK/ 800 DEF

Spell Counter: 2 - - -> 3

Y/N: You summoned all of those monsters but none of them are stronger than mine.

Sylvio: I activate my spell! I can remove all my counters to add a Yosenju card to my hand! I add Mayonsenju Daiback.

Spell Counter: 3 - - -> 0

Y/N: Why would you add a Level 10 monster when you can't even summon it this turn?

Sylvio: I can summon it this turn!

Y/N: How?

Sylvio: Well, it's time show you my new tricks! I use Scale 3 Yosenju Shinchu L and Scale 5 Yosenju Shinchu R to set the Pendulum Scale!

Zuzu: He can Pendulum Summon?

Sylvio: I activate the Pendulum effect of Shinchu R! Since I have another Yosenju in my Pendulum zone, I can raise its scale to 11! Now I can summon monsters from levels 4 through 10 all at the same time! Looks like this Duel's about to swing my way! I Pendulum Summon Mayosunju Daibak!

Mayonsunju Daiback: Level: 10: Scale: 7- 3000 ATK/ 3000 DEF

Spell Counter: 0 - - -> 1

Sylvio: What do you think? I will be the one to defeat you, King of Games! I activate the special ability of Yosenju Kama 1! Since I control another Yosenju monster, I can return your monster to your hand!

Yuya: Oh no! He's wide open!

Sylvio: This duel is over! Daiback, attack directly!

Y/N: You're so predictable. Trap card, open: Mirror Force! All of your monsters are destroyed!

Sylivo: What! Urk! Doesn't matter. I still have my Pendulum cards and Daiback goes to my Extra Deck and not my Graveyard. I end my turn.

Nico: Sylvio Pendulum Summons for the first time but his plan backfires. He's not out of this duel yet though! Can the King of Games take advantage?

Turn 3- Y/N

Y/N- 4000 LP/ Sylvio- 4000 LP

Y/N: Playtime is over, Sylvio. My turn! Draw! Time to learn from a true master! I use Scale 1 Stargazer Magician and Scale 8 Timegazer Magician to set the Pendulum Scale! I'm taking control of this duel starting now! I can now summon monsters from Levels 2 through 7 all at the same time! Swing far, Pendulum! Carve the Arc of Victory! My monsters are ready to swing into action! Come forth, Skilled Dark Magician! Come forth my most faithful servant, Dark Magician!

Dark Magician: Level 7- 2500 ATK/ 2000 DEF

Sylvio: No way!

Y/N: Time to end this! Battle! Skilled Dark Magician, direct attack!

Sylvio: Ahh!

Sylvio: 4000 LP - - -> 2100 LP

Y/N: Dark Magician, direct attack! Dark Magic Attack!

Sylvio: Ahh!

Sylvio: 2100 LP - - -> 0 LP

Winner: Y/N

Nico: It's over! Y/N Muto shows everyone why he's the King of Games!

Y/N: Sylvio, you've gotten better. I'll admit that.

Sylvio: You think so?

Y/N: Definitely. It will be nice to have a rival.

Sylvio: I'll face you any time!

Y/N: Looking forward to it.

Zuzu runs down to Y/N and hugs him. This causes both to blush.

Zuzu: Congrats. I knew you could do it!

Y/N: Thanks for believing in me. Also congrats on your duel.

Zuzu: Thank you.

Zuzu makes a bold move and kisses Y/N's cheek. Zuzu smiles and pulls away. She the runs off before Y/N can say anything. Y/N just smiles and touches the cheek Zuzu kissed. But the smile fades as the face of the girl with red jacket flashes in mind.

Y/N (Standard): Who is she?

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