How it All Began

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Before the split of the's a sunny day in Den City. People are rushing back and fourth all excited for the championship duel that was taking place. The day before in the finals, a girl who looked the Bracelet girls named Ray had defeated a boy named Zarc to advance to duel the world champion. The world champion had excited the crowd with the news of a brand new summoning technique. Before the competition, Ray is looking at her deck in her private room. A knock is heard on her door. She goes over and opens it to reveal a boy. The boy looked like the Y/N counterparts, Y/N Muto. The descendant of the King of Games himself.

Ray: What are you doing here? You know it's against the rules to see each other before the competition.

Y/N: I didn't get to congratulate you yesterday after you defeated Zarc. You were swarmed by reporters.

Ray: I tried to get with you but it lasted all day and before I knew it, it was night.

Y/N: You still could've asked me to come over.

Ray: My father wouldn't like that.

Y/N: You're dad loves me.

Ray: Anyway, that new summoning technique better be worth all the hype that is going around.

Y/N: It is. Don't worry.

Ray: I mean, Pendulum was introduced by Zarc not too long ago. You announcing another new one and being the descendant of the King of Games has gotten everyone stirred up.

Y/N: Can't help that I like to put on a show. Have you seen Zarc?

Ray: I haven't. He's been kind of AWOL the last few days.

Y/N: That's strange. Do you think they'll show up?

Ray: The Hanoi wouldn't dare try to do something today. They are outmatched greatly in numbers.

The two look outside to see the festivities.

Ray: It's crazy that tournament got so big. It was sponsored by the Museum of Dueling. They were excited to finally find the deck of your ancestor.

Y/N: It's nuts. It wasn't too long ago that I found out that I was related to the great Yugi Muto.

Ray: You got famous and then the tournament was set up. A world wide tournament. All just to duel you.

Ray leans her head on Y/N's shoulder.

Ray: You gonna tell me what deck you're going to use? Dark Magician? Red Eyes? Blue Eyes?

Y/N: I'm not telling you.

Ray: Not only are you famous for your descendant but also having the largest duel monster cards in the world.

Y/N: The descendant of Kaiba and I are friends. He wants to duel but you beat him to along the way to the championship. He's still disappointed.

Ray: Nothing beats my Melodious Deck. So far anyway. Have you seen Skye or Emma?

Y/N: No. They're setting up the private after party with Yusaku.

Ray: He's helping?

Y/N: They convinced him. Somehow.

Ray: I'm glad he's helping.

Y/N: Why are you so happy? You're not cheating on me are you?

Ray: We would have to be dating for that to happen.

Y/N: Yeah. I guess so.

Y/N looks a little sad but hides it from Ray.

Ray: I thought Zarc would've come at least. All three of us have been together forever.

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