Sharing Their Stories

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The Lancers are hiding in the Satellite.

Y/N (Standard): Thanks to whoever you are.

Crow: No problem. My name is Crow. I have a quick question though...WHY DO THREE OF YOU LOOK LIKE SOMEONE I KNOW?

Y/N (Standard): It's a long story.

Crow: We have time. The kids love a great story.

Y/N (Standard): This will take a while.

Crow: Grab the snacks, guys.

Celina stands up.

Celina: I'm not listening to this. I'm leaving.

Y/N (Fusion) stands in front of Celina.

Celina: What are you doing? We need to go!

Y/N (Fusion): No.

Celina: Move!

Y/N (Fusion): I SAID NO!

Celina flinches.

Y/N (Fusion): Don't you care about how others feel? If you get caught then I can't save you. Just stay here. Please.

Y/N (Fusion) was in tears. Celina hugs him.

Celina: Okay. I'll stay for you.

Crow: Now that is over. How about...

The door opens and in walks Akiza and Luna.

Crow: What are you doing here?

Akiza: Y/N (Synchro) wants us...

Akiza sees Y/N (Standard), runs to him and wraps her arms around him. Y/N (Standard) blushes.

Akiza: I'm glad you're okay.

Y/N (Standard): I'm sorry but I don't know who you are.

Akiza: What! How?

Akiza looks around and sees Y/N (XYZ) and Y/N (Fusion).

Akiza: Why do you three look like my boyfriend?

Y/N (Standard): It's a long story.

Akiza: Well, I guess you can tell us. We have time before Yusei shows up.

Crow: He's coming? What about Leo and Jack?

Luna: Leo is off somewhere. Jack won't come.

Crow: Of course he doesn't. Well, who's first?

Everyone turns to Celina and Y/N (Fusion).

Y/N (Fusion): I guess it's us?

Everyone prepares to hear the story.

Y/N (Fusion): Celina and I come from a different dimension. More on that later. We went to a school called Duel Academy. I was just a regular student. I got good grades. Fell in love.

Celina blushes out of embarrassment.

Y/N (Fusion): But there was strange things that happened. In my first year...we battled a group called the Shadow Riders. They were people who wanted to take control of the Sacred Beasts. Powerful monsters that could grant power. My friends and I defeated them and saved the world. Peace wouldn't stay for long. During my second year, I dealt with a group called the Society of Light. They tried to brainwash the whole world. I took it upon myself to win everyone back. It was personal. I lost a few of my friends. I was able to defeat everyone and got all of my friends back. I hoped for a normal school life after that. I didn't get it. During my third year, we dealt with a man named Viper. He went through great measures to resurrect his son. He didn't know what he was dealing with. He was messing with things beyond his control. An evil spirit appeared. Her name was Yubel.

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