Epilogue- A New Era

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It didn't take long for Link summoning to become a thing. The duel field had changed and Link monsters became a necessity. People could travel through the dimensions freely. Y/N (Fusion) had been able to create a new type of duel disk where you didn't need an actual deck in place. Technology got so advanced that people could enter a world called VRAINS where a new type of duel called Speed Dueling appeared. The four Y/N counterparts became very big celebrities in their selective dimension. When they entered the VRAINS, they went by code names. Each one used a name that gave a shout out to their respective. Y/N (Standard) became Dark Magician. Y/N (Fusion) became Red Eyes. Y/N (XYZ) became Stardust. Y/N (XYZ) became Utopia. Link summoning became very popular where some duelist had to adapt very quickly. Those who didn't have link monsters were at an disadvantage. The Y/N counterparts don't really duel anymore but would answer a challenge every once in a while or even a tournament. Duel Idols became very popular. Among the most famous was a girl named Blue Angel. She appeared on television one day while standing in front of reporters.

Blue Angel: I issue a challenge to one of the dimension counterparts! I don't care who! I'll take you all down.

Y/N (Standard) sits in his room with Zuzu.

Zuzu: Are you going to accept?

Y/N (Standard): Speed dueling really isn't my thing. I prefer to duel with my feet on the ground.

Zuzu: Not many people do that anymore. Ever since the change, Yuya has struggled.

Y/N (Standard): I told him to adapt. He still won't. Anyway, I'm sure that my other counterparts have seen the challenge and one of them might answer it. Mostly Yuki.

Zuzu: I'm still not used to you calling your counterparts by their last name.

Y/N (Standard): It's to avoid confusion.

Zuzu: Well, I think you should answer the challenge.

Y/N (Standard): You sure? I hate being away from you girls. Especially after all that's happened.

Zuzu: We'll be fine. Just beat her quickly.

Y/N (Standard) gets a phone call. He leaves Zuzu for about a minute and returns.

Zuzu: Who was it?

Y/N (Standard): Declan. He wants to see me.

Zuzu: Then you should go.

Y/N (Standard): Okay. I'll see you later.

Y/N (Standard) entered LDS where his other counterparts stood beside Declan.

Y/N (Fusion): I knew he would be late.

Y/N (Standard): In my defense, I was contacted last.

Y/N (XYZ): Why are we here, Declan?

Declan tosses a file on a table. The four counterparts look to see a man dressed in white while wearing a mask.

Declan: I'm going to introduce you to the Knight of Hanoi.

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