4: Killing two birds with one stone

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Along the way, Jaewon discovered a young boy hiding in the alleyway, bawling his eyes out. He was clad in a similar uniform to the girl's. Were they in the same school? Jaewon's  eyes grew. He was the son of Mr Kim Namjoon, his boss! He knew because Mr Kim liked to bring his son to work once in a while. But what was he doing here, crying? The boy hadn't noticed him. Jaewon realised that he could kill two birds with one stone. What luck! He crept nearer to the boy and began introducing himself. He pretended Jisoo was his daughter who was asleep. 

Halfway though, the boy began to panic. He backed away from Jaewon. Shoot, he thought, how can he tell? He probably doesn't even know her. Jaewon set Jisoo down and chased after the boy. Luck was unfortunately on his side. The boy tripped, having stumbled over the uneven cement. Jaewon pulled the chloroform-drenched cloth out of my pocket and wrapped it around his face. Soon, he too went limp as a fish. Lifting both children onto his shoulders, he ran for his car. 


Jin's POV

Daddy refused to buy a chocolate cone for me. He said that we had ice cream at home, but I insisted he buy a chocolate ice cream for me that instant. When he refused yet again, I threw a huge tantrum and stormed off, hiding in an alleyway where he would not find me until my anger had subsided. That was when that man, carrying the girl, had met me. 

I nearly choked when I saw who was one is shoulder, asleep. Jisoo?! Who was he? Didn't Jisoo get picked up by her mother? Where was her mother? Instinctively, I knew the man was up to no good. I turned and ran, immediately regretting running away from my father. But I tripped. Before I could get up, the man had pounced upon me, pinning me down, and tied this strong smelling cloth around my nose and mouth. 

My head began to spin and I couldn't see a thing. I was reeled into darkness.


Namjoon's POV

I knew it. That son of mine, always throwing tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants.

"We have lots of ice cream at home, darling," I implored, but Jin, being Jin, refused to change his mind. I was not going to give in to him so easily. He would grow up spoilt, and I certainly didn't want that to happen. Crossing my arms and pursing my lips, I refused to move until Jin would give in. 

Suddenly, Jin ran off. I didn't have time to react before he disappeared from my sight. 

"Jin! Come back!" I panicked. I didn't know this place very well. It was usually his helper who came to pick him. I hurried back and forth, yelling his name. From afar, I heard another name being called out. Jisoo? Who was that? 

As I walked towards an ice cream truck, I bumped into a person. I looked down and quickly apologised. My eyes widened.



My high school classmate!? What was she doing here?

Jennie explained to me about the disappearance of her daughter. I told her about Jin. This wasn't good. They couldn't simply have got lost. It was a small place, with only a park and mostly greenery surrounding it. The ice cream truck was deserted, and no matter how we called their names, no response came. 

Maybe just getting him an ice cream would be easier. He wouldn't have vanished if I hadn't refused to buy him one. Note to self, I thought, never refused to buy Jin an ice cream even if there is ice cream at home. 

 After in hour of searching the deserted park and surroundings, there was no luck. Someone had probably kidnapped not just one, but two children. I whipped out my phone and called for the police. Jennie told me that she was already running late for work, and the chances of her hot tempered boss firing her was quite high. I promised her that I would try to find her beloved daughter, before she scurried off into her car the distance. 

"Jin..." I muttered, forcing myself to calm down. In front of Jennie, I didn't want to break down in tears, so I held them back. "Please don't get hurt." I breathed.


"Jisoo... stay safe... darling..." Jennie ran her hand through her hair, as a new wash of tears greeted her, whenever she thought about Jisoo. She gripped the steering wheel tighter. She fought back her tears but the tears won.

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