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The first time Kim Jisoo laid her eyes on the newbie Kim Seokjin, she could tell it was one of those spoilt, rich, stuck up kids that had been covered in bubble wrap, clingfilm and mounds of duct tape by their parents.

She was that type too, except the stuck up and spoilt part. She was alright at making friends, although Jin seemed like the opposite. Even though she herself had enrolled in the kindergarten a week ago, she had already made two new best friends, Rosé and Lisa.

For her, making friends was actually not what she had envisioned. She knew she was five, and that number meant impending trouble. She could be seen as a hazard if she had not left that world. But they brought every child born there, the moment they turned one, to this world. To do what? Why choose this strange, complicated world? Because there were more of "this" type of people then the "those" type. No, it was far more complicated than what she thought. She wanted to communicate with her elder brother over in secondary school, but he was probably having lessons and she didn't want to disturb him. Especially when she did that, he could her what she thought and it could be quite disturbing at times.

After introducing himself, Jin made his way to his seat. Jisoo's eyes followed. All the way to the chair beside her. The girl examined his face. She saw a sullen one, just like hers.

Jin made no attempt to shake hands, or greet Jisoo. He simply kept quiet and began unpacking his things. Jisoo looked away. If the person was disinterested, she would be too. If the person was friendly, she would be too. The five year old went by that simple logic. Most of her classmates were amicable. Only Jin acted like that. It was fine with her.


"What's your name?"

Jisoo looked at Jin, unmoving. "Kim Jisoo."

"Okay. Nice to meet you." Jin replied, then went on colouring with his crayons. He was colouring in his flower, with pink petals, a pink stem and a pink pot.

Jisoo was colouring in her chicken drumstick, shading it with brown. Suddenly she pressed down hard on the crayon and it broke.

"Ah chicken." She cursed, examining her broken crayon. She tried colouring with it again, but it broken into further pieces.

"Chicken?" Jin asked, looking over to his tablemate.

"Nothing." Jisoo snapped, angry that she couldn't go on colouring her chicken.

Jin flinched, but went on colouring.

"J... jin?" Came a soft voice.

Jin looked up and noticed it was Jisoo.

"Yes?" He asked, while multitasking. He carefully drew a smiley face on the centre of the flower with his black crayon.

"May I borrow your brown crayon?" Jisoo whispered.

"No." Jin scribbled 'by Jin' at the corner of the paper and admired his work.

"Why?" Jisoo asked, lips pursed.

"I don't want to." Jin replied sassily, crossing his arms and turning his face to stare at her.

"Whatever. Go back to drawing your pink flower that looks more like a pink ball than a flower." Jisoo rolled her eyes and kept her paper in her bag.

"Hey, that's not nice." Jin waited for an apology but there was none. He stood up to go to the toilet.


The pair observed Jin and Jisoo bickering over crayons .

"Why can't they get along?" Rosé asked Lisa, raising her eyebrows. "How are we ever going to get along if we will be in the same group for the rest of the year?" She groaned at that thought.

Lisa giggled. "You think too far ahead, Rosie. They'll be fine, trust me."

Meanwhile, Jin was yelling at Jisoo for taking his crayons. She was glaring at him, unmoving, her brown eyes having turned a shade darker.

Control yourself, Jisoo, control. You don't want it to happen now, right? In the middle of class?

"I only went to the toilet for a while, it doesn't mean you can take my crayons and use them!"

"I'm not taking them permanently, I'm just borrowing the brown one for a while." Jisoo replied, not batting an eyelid. She stared straight at Jin. Such a petty boy, she thought. What a horrible groupmate too. "Anyway, teacher taught us to share. Why can't you share your crayons, when you have a 64 colour crayon set?"

Jin clenched his small fists. "I don't want to share! That's it!" With that, he snatched his brown crayon away. Jisoo pouted, crossing her arms, looking away.

Rosé and Lisa, who had been watching them quarrel, exchanged glances.

"You know, Rosie, there's a saying my mother taught me: your worst enemy could become your best friend." Lisa whispered.

Just as she finished her sentence, Jisoo stood up from her seat and walked towards them. "Do you have any crayons I can borrow? Preferably a brown one?" She asked her best friends politely. Lisa quickly rummaged in her bag and offered hers. Jisoo thanked her and sat down beside Jin. Both of them glowered at each other for a while, before returning to their work.

Rosé grimaced when she saw that. "Maybe not." She whispered to Lisa. Her best friend only waggled her eyebrows.

"Fate decides, not us."

A/N Hello everyone, this is my first ever fanfiction I've written hehe I hope you liked it and have a lovely December holiday ahead ☺️

Also I'm late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY JINNIE I only published this because of you I wanted to publish it a few hours ago on 4 December but I was on a flight so I missed it :"(

Love you💕

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