5: Awake

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Jisoo's POV

I woke up, my head throbbing like someone was repeatedly hitting a tennis ball against my skull. My vision was so blurry, I couldn't tell where I was. Or who was with me.

Gradually, I could make out a boy beside me. He looked about the same age as me. As I studied him, I began to realised that he was none other than... Kim Seokjin! I gasped. Why was he here? Why were we together? Why did he look strangely handsome when he was sleeping? I dismissed the last thought, remembering that I was supposed to be angry with him. In school, he was so snobbish and liked to boast to people about his father's famous company. I wanted to scoff at him. My mother was probably equally famous, if not more famous. But I kept quiet.

A low voice came from behind me. "So you have woken." I jumped, my heart palpitating as I turned to face a man. He was not as old as I expected. "Don't worry, little girl, you will be staying here until your mother pays the ransom."

What was ransom? Why was my mother gone? What about Tae? Hyung, please save me, I thought. "Where... where am I? Why is he here?" I spat at the man, knowing full well what I had unconsciously been embroiled in. A kidnapping. Before I could continue, I stopped myself. 

Jisoo, you can't unleash it here. This isn't the other world. You are five, be careful. 

I had to calm down, otherwise our lives would be in danger.

The man simply replied, "Oh, his father has to pay the ransom before he can go too. "

Fear seemed to have seeped though the air, into my skin, into my bones, wrapping tightly around my heart. Why hadn't anyone come for me? Narrowed my eyes, fixing a steely glare at the person above me. 

I knew it. Humans are evil. They try to manipulate you and earn your trust, then break it, slowly ripping parts of you away, then you dissolve into nothingness, emptiness around you.

Suddenly a cold hand closed on my shoulder.

I flinched, hissing at the man as he recoiled. "Don't touch me." I growled, dangerously on the edge of crossing the line.

He gave a fake frown. "I... I'm sorry, Jisoo. I need the ransom money to pay off my father's debts and my mother's hospital bills, I'm afraid. I don't want to hurt you, I am just waiting until the money arrives." 

What a pathetic liar. Why would I trust someone who had kidnapped me? His eyes looked sorry and he didn't look like a bad person, just one with many worries clouding his mind. But I saw through this face. His intentions were evil. Besides, he couldn't know who I really was. I wouldn't let him. The person I had been hiding within me, always following me, like a shadow, impossible to get rid of. 

Then the boy beside me stirred. 


Jin's POV

"Ouch... ah...." I groaned, the pain in my head causing my forehead to crease. Then I sat up. "Where am I?" I demanded. In front of me was a man and a... girl. She's so pretty, I immediately thought, staring at her mid-length hair and a small frown on her face. Then a thought struck me. I knew this girl. She... she was Kim Jisoo! I glanced away, pretending to be disinterested. The man told me that he needed my father to pay a ransom then he could release me. I stared at my surroundings. It was a large room, but dust was everywhere, making my sneeze two times.

"Are you hungry?" The man asked both of us. I nodded. Jisoo merely glowered at him. Then I remembered why I was in the alley sobbing my eyes out. 

My father had refused to buy a chocolate cone for me. He said that we had ice cream at home, but I insisted he buy a chocolate ice cream for me that instant. When he refused yet again, I threw a huge tantrum and stormed off, hiding in an alleyway where he would not find me until my anger had subsided. That was when that man, carrying the girl, had met me.

I nearly choked when I saw who was one is shoulder, asleep. Jisoo?! Who was he? Didn't Jisoo get picked up by her mother? Where was her mother? Instinctively, I knew the man was up to no good. I turned and ran, immediately regretting running away from my father. But I tripped. Before I could get up, the man had pounced upon and and tied this strong smelling cloth around my nose and mouth. My head began to spin and I couldn't see a thing. Everything went black. 

"Okay, I'll try to find something for you guys to eat. I'm not a killer, I just need that money. I won't want to starve you to death, which will probably get me into more trouble." Then he walked out of the door, closing the door behind him. Then I turned to face the girl beside me.

Her fists were clenched.


"Taehyung ah!" Jimin called out.

"What?" Taehyung snapped out of his daze. He had been spacing out. Something felt wrong. He could feel it. And the only pull he could identify with was his sister's. 

Is Jisoo in trouble? She's calling for me, somewhere, but I don't know where she is. 

"Sorry, I was feeling it again," he apologised, Jimin and Jungkook glancing at him worriedly.

"Something wrong?" Jimin asked, placing a hand on his best friend's shoulder. 

"Want some banana milk?" Jungkook innocently offered at the same time. 

"Mmm... nothing..." Taehyung dismissed that feeling. He was in class, after all. Thankfully no one had noticed him and Jimin talking. Meanwhile Jungkook was secretly sipping banana milk under his desk, his eyes wide alert for any signs of danger. 

But the voice in Taehyung's head called out again.

Tae, help. 

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