11: Hide

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The men reached Jisoo's side, immediately gagging her and binding her limbs with the ropes. Jin took the chance to run. He knew it was a terrible idea, but he had no choice. I can still find a way to save Jisoo, he thought, tears filling his eyes, although he knew it was hardly possible. He ran further and further away from the men, who were busy with Jisoo. Thankfully, they didn't see him disappear from sight into a maze. 

He panted. His heart was throbbing and pulsing so fast that it could practically burst out of his chest. Running his tongue across his parched lips, he realised his throat was burning. He desperately needed water. He out his backpack down and unzipped it, pulling out his water bottle. Gulping down the water, he thought of his plan. 

He didn't know where Jisoo was. She must have been taken away, or locked in somewhere. Looking around, Jin felt lost. Without Jisoo, he felt overwhelmed by the silver colour that reflected off in every direction. 

"What-" Jin put his hand out, touching a side of the fence. He gasped. It was smooth. There was another boy there. Who looked identical to him. "Mirrors?" His head turned, as did those in the mirrors. Oh no, he thought, how am I going to get out?  He thought again, hey, I look pretty handsome in here.

Help me, Jin.

A thought resounded in his mind. Jin was confused. He definitely wasn't thinking of that. He was hallucinating.


"Jisoo?" He called out. 

Yes, it's me, Jin...

That sound again reverberated in his mind.

"What? Why? Jisoo?" He yelped, his face crumpling, not knowing what was happening.

You can hear me, right, Jin? It's really me, Jisoo. You can hear me in your thoughts right? 

"Y-Yes..." Jin stuttered softly.

Great, it worked... you can hear me. Now I need you to help me get out. Those two men are holding me captive and want me to tell them where you are. They are finding you.


I can hear their thoughts too. They want to steal us and get our ransom money. They don't want the other guy to get that money. They've got me, and now they want you too...

"But I'm stuck in this mirror maze and I don't know how to get out," Jin whispered, afraid that the men would hear him and come for him. "Jisoo? Jisoo? Where are you?"

Jisoo said no more.


Meanwhile, in a room

The two men advanced upon Jisoo, one holding a whip.

"Tell us now, girl, where is the boy?" He snarled, face contorting into one that resembled a bulldog. 

Jisoo remained tight lipped. Her hands and feet were bound together with rope, and the rope was rough. She felt the hard hairs of it prickle her wrists and ankles, and the more she shifted, the more skin grazed off, eliciting a small throb. Without seeing them, she knew they were bright red.

"We know you saw him run away."




Jisoo felt her cheek sting. It was hot at first, before it turned into stinging pain. It was as if the pain was a sound, and the sound echoed through her cheek. She fought back her pain, biting her lip and digging her fingers into her palm.

"Tell me!"



Now it was her arm. A long, red mark appeared seconds later. Her canines bit down on her lip. The sharp teeth cut the tender flesh, and soon she felt a metallic taste in her mouth. Oh no, she thought, I have to control it. I can't let it out now

"I said no."

"TELL ME OR PAY WITH YOUR LIFE!" The other man roared, lunging at her with his fists. Blows landed on her face, head, shoulder and stomach. 



That was the last straw. Jisoo couldn't handle it any more. She opened her jaws, wide, lunging forward and sinking her teeth into the man's wrist. 

The man collapsed, falling onto the floor limply. He looked almost pale. Jisoo barely managed an unreadable smile. 

The other man backed away, clutching his whip tightly. "Tell me..." he muttered.

The ropes around Jisoo's hands and feet loosened, freeing her. She advanced upon the man, growling. 

"NO! MEANS! NO!" Teeth sank into the man's arms.

He too collapsed.

Jisoo's eyes flashed red. It had been five years. 

Grabbing the keys from the unconscionable man's pocket, she inserted the key and turned. Kicking open the metal door of the room, she strode out, leaving two men, lying on the floor, with bloody arms and wrists.

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