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Arabella's POV -

"Does he really have to live with us? I don't want another sibling mom." I whine as I pick at my freshly cooked breakfast. The thought of having some kid come live with us isn't too exciting, he could be a complete douche or even a creep.

"Ara, it's all done and organized, there's no going back he's going to be a part of the family. End of discussion. Now eat up before you're late for school." My mom orders sternly.

"I don't hear Becca complaining like you have been." She says motioning towards my best friend. Becca practically lives with us, we're both in high school but her parents travel a lot so she's almost always at the house.

"That's because Becca complains just as much as me when you're not around. I'm not looking forward to this." I say sighing, rubbing my temples.

"I'm not thrilled about it either, But we have to just look on the bright side." Becca says turning her attention away from her phone.

"Okay, I have to go, I'm grabbing coffee with Brett before school. I'll see ya in first." Becca says as she grabs her back pack and purse before walking out the door.

Brett and Becca had the perfect relationship that everyone wanted. Brett looks at Becca like she's his queen, like he would spend every second of his life with her. They hug like they never want to let each other go. It's so cute but yet depressing at the same time.

This whole thing of this kid coming to live with us has me in a weird mood. I'm not really hungry or very social. It's not that I'm jealous or anything but someone new coming into my family just makes me nervous.


The drive to school was short sadly, this act is getting really annoying. I'd rather so much more to be in regular classes and be able to act like an idiot with my friends.

I throw my car in park, grabbing my back pack and purse. I step out of the car, trying to brush out the small wrinkles in my floral skirt from the short car ride. The wind wraps around my thighs quickly, making me shiver slightly. I'd prefer so much more to be in skinny jeans and a hoodie, but my parents find that 'un acceptable to go out in public like that'. It's quite ridiculous.

I lock my car quickly, trying to hurry because of the weather. Florida isn't freezing cold this time of year, but the weather still makes you want to chill out in sweat pants watching kids movies.

Realizing that I only have a few minutes before the first bell I jog to my locker. Grabbing a few books and binders from my locker I quickly check my makeup and head to my first period class.

"Good morning, Mr. A." I wave to my teacher as he gathers a few papers on his desk. "Morning Bella." He says quickly. He looks kind of frantic, probably has the gitters from his ten cups of coffee he has on the daily.

Brett and Becca are sat in their normal desks, gazing into each other's eyes as Brett talks aimlessly about their plans that are coming up soon. "Morning love birds." I say giggling as I take my seat beside Becca.

"So I hear, that some random is coming to live with you because he's a bad ass. Little do your parents know that this is just going to be worse for the both of you." Brett says laughing as he doodles Beccas name on his binder.

"What do you mean? 'It's gonna be worse for the both of you?'" I ask using air quotes.

"Arabella. Me, you, and Bella all know your little secret. This guy is just going to be more encouragement for you to be even more of a bad ass." Brett says smirking smugly.

"I don't have a secret. I'm not a bad ass. I'm a good girl with good grades." I say acting snobby, fixing my tucked in shirt.

"Yeah. Only around mom and dad. would you like me to bring up all of the parties we've been to. And especially when you get a little vodka in you." Becca says in a hushed manor So that way no one else but us three can hear.

"You have a point." I say laughing.

"Okay class, I need your attention. Today we're going to be doin-" Mr. A says getting cut off by the fire alarm.

We all flood out of the school doors really quickly. Come to find out, some retarded lunch lady spilt cooking oil everywhere, and some how a fire started.

"Okay, I'm going to go to the house and relax. I'm in a shitty mood, I'm ordering take out. Yours will be in the fridge when you get home. Have fun. Use protection. I don't want any nieces or nephews." I say hugging Brett and Becca and throwing my stuff in my car.

"I'm thinking of Alfonzo for the boy." Becca jokes. "Oooh great choice, and Ray'Queisha for the girl." Brett says chiming in.

"Ha ha very funny you two. Have fun, love ya both." I say closing my car door and pulling out of the parking lot and heading home.


"Mom! Dad! I'm home." I yell walking into the house, setting my bags down in the living room.

"Guess no one is here." I say whispering to my self. It sucks feeling alone, even in a crowded room. But it's even worse to feel alone and actually be alone, just you.

Small rustling noises come from the upstairs and I begin to freak out. Cautiously I walk up the steps, hearing the sound coming from my room.

I swing the door open, thinking that a robber was going to be stood in my room, rummaging through my jewelry. But I was mistaken, a boy with many tattoos and piercings is shown, looking at the pictures of me and Becca hanging on the wall.

"Um. Who are you?" I ask nervously.
"Harry. Who are you?" He spits.

"I'm Arabella. The girl who lives in this house. Care to explain why you're here." I say with attitude. I'm sorry but if he's going to be mean, then I'm going to return it like a lame birthday present.

"Oh sorry cupcake, I'm your new brother. Harry. Get used to me." He says shoving his way, pushing me into the wall.

This is going to be fantastic.


Okay. New story lol. Yeah idk I actually like this story but idk. Feed back would be great. Lots of love ❤️xoxo -Destiny ❤️

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