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Mystery Persons POV -

"She's where?" I ask into my phone. The other side crackling a bit, signaling that I'm loosing connection.

"The hospital, the same one that Noah, her father works at. Her friend Becca is in checked into there. Find her and stay close, Harry should be where every she is also." Orders come from the other line. I'm standing at the entrance of the hospital, shivering slightly as rain drizzles on me slightly.

"I'm on it." I hang up the phone, turning around and entering the hospital.

Cold air hits my body like a baseball bat, a metallic shiver going down my spine.

Everybody in the hospital lobby was very occupied, soft talking filling the room.

Scanning the room, I take in all my surroundings. Security officers roam the room, some talking, and other eating.

There's no way I can sneak past them, I'm going to have to check in with my fake ID.

The receptionist was typing away fast at her computer, whilst another was trying to stay awake. Hopefully the tired one will let me slip by.

"Hello, I'm here to visit my close friend, the last name is Mason." I smile, holding my hands behind my back, trying not to seem suspicious.

"Okay, I gonna need ya ID." The lady speaks, a strong Boston accent can be heard.

Pulling out a few cards, I find my fake ID with the name Pete Bernard'. The tired Boston lady made a few clicks on her computer and returned my ID and also a sticker with my information.

The walk through the lobby was stressful, I can feel the eyes glued onto me. Hoping that no body can the the pistol I'm hiding close to my body.

Pressing the elevator button, the door opens quickly. Stepping inside, I check to make sure my shirt was fully covering my weapon, the last thing I needed was to get caught. Boss would not be very happy, I need my pay, badly.

Arriving at the floor that Becca was supposedly staying at, I follow the room numbers straight to hers.

Peeking my head inside the room, a sleeping girl was only to be found on the hospital bed, which I assume is Becca. Harry and Arabella are know where to be found.

Should I text boss? Or should I try and figure this out myself? Boss will not be happy if I give up now, I have to do this.

Turning around, I follow the hallway back to the elevator and go down to the main floor.

In Arabella's profile, which was very detailed, she likes Lattes and other fatty foods that I also enjoy. There's only a few restaurants in this place, McDonalds, Subway, and Starbucks.

Starbucks, what's where she is. Not needing to look at a map, I turn down narrow hallways, arriving in front of the coffee shop.

You can kinda see in through the glass windows, and look who's here. Focusing on a certain person, Arabella seemed to be sat at a table, without anything in front of her as she checks her phone.

A buff man with short hair brings drinks and sits down across from her, who I think isn't Harry.

Harrys profile said that he was tall, tattoos, and curly dark hair. This definitely isn't him.

They've sat for good, twenty minutes just talking while sipping their beverages.

I've stood in the hallway since I arrived, observing secretly.

Taking a step to the side, a strong bump hits me in the back, making me tumble forwards.

"Watch were you're going mate." I growl, turning to see a curly headed male. Well if I'll be damned, this is Harry Styles.

"It wasn't my fault, mate." Harry mocks with a smug look on his face. Pushing past me, he walking into the Starbucks.

Looking threw the window from across the hall, I can see what his happening vaguely.

Walking behind Arabella, Harry startles her. Harry takes a seat beside Arabella, chatting with the other guy while she stares into blank space with a smile plastered across her face.

After about thirty minutes of them talking, I really need to pee. Debating on whether or not to go to the bathroom, I walk swiftly to the restroom.

After doing my business, I return to the hallway where I was stationed before. Approaching where I was stood before, the disgustingly cute couple and third wheel was no where to be seen.

I begin to freak out, boss will kill me if I fuck this up. Picking my to my pace, I speed walk to the elevator and rise to the previous floor I was on before.

Trying to act as I was lost, I wonder past Beccas room. Just her by herself, still. Where the fuck could they be?

Turning around, I retreat back to the elevator once again. Stopping on the second floor, more people pile into the lift making me groan mentally.

Reaching the main floor, the people pour out of the lift. Revealing a curly headed man and a very pretty girl under his arm, waiting for to go up.

Walking out of elevator, I glare at Arabella, intimidating her slightly. Harry and her step into the lift, the doors closing and processing to go up.


"So you're telling me that you were right beside her and you didn't take the opportunity take her?" He growls, sat in his chair, the lights dimmed so I can see his expressions.

"I know you can't take Harry, you're simply to weak to capture him, but the girl." He laughs. "You could point a gun to her head and walk her out easily, he will come running after her." He snaps.

If looks were deadly, I'd already be slaughtered.

"We're going to have to wait to carry out the plan then. We wait till the girl gets out of the hospital. We lead the girl away from Harry, get Harry in our hands. And then boom we have what we want." He speaks slowly, cracking his knuckles.

"Why wait till d'girls out 'ta hospital?" I ask, shifting on my feet.

"You idiot, they won't leave her side. Ridiculous question." He snorts.

"Sorry sir." I hang my head, avoiding eye contact.

"Get out of here Niall." Boss spits.

"Sorry again, Kyle." I apologize before slipping out of the large and expensive room.


So, shits going dooooown (que music.)

Anyways, I know practically no one reads bullshit A/N but I wanted to say something.

Thank you so so so much for close to 500 views! That's crazy ❤️

I love you all xx.

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