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Arabellas POV -

Liam and I are sat in a small coffee shop in the hospital, making small talk.

He's a great guy really. Come to find out his girlfriend is in the hospital, she's had the flu for a while but she had a dangerously high fever.

I haven't told Liam why I'm here, it's not that I don't want to tell him. It just hasn't really come up in conversation.

"So how come you're here? I never asked." He read my mind.

"My best friend, well sister practically. Uh. She tried killing herself with meds, come to find out that she had tumors all over her body and she wasn't taking her prescriptions that would help. She wanted to die the way fate wanted, not to prolong it." I sigh, taking a sip of my coffee.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't of asked." Liam apologizes.

"Don't be sorry. I have to come to terms with it one day, she might actually live. I really hope she will, but she wanted to pass on, it's all up to her really." I say fiddling with my cup lid.

"What do you mean it's all up to her?" Liam asks.

"Well. I believe that when you're in limbo, between life and death then it's your choice if you live or die. Like if you fight and push to live, then you will. But if you loose all hope then it's over. But that's just my stupid theory." I say laughing quietly.

"It's not stupid at all actually, sounds logical to me. Do you have a boyfriend or someone to help you through this?" Liam asks smiling.

"It's complicated really. Well when I think about it, it's not complicated at all. Harry, this guy that moved in with my family and I recently, I don't really know. He flirts with me, leads me on then denies it. So, no. No boyfriend." I say staring into deep space.

"I'm pretty sure he likes you but doesn't want to admit it. It's funny really, I had a friend back home a long time ago, named Harry also and he always treated girls the way you're describing. But I think it's worth a shot honestly, I'd say you should talk to him. Tell him that he needs to figure out what he wants." Liam says.

"I did, before I found Becca in her room. Now we're here. I highly doubt that he's been thinking about what I said." I press my lips in a line.

"That's what you think." He says chuckling.

"What do you mean?" I'm pretty sure that I'm the last thing on his mind today.

"I'm almost positive that he's thought about it many times. He probably already made up his mind honestly." Liam says sipping from his cup.

"The thing is that, Harry doesn't seem like the typical guy. He's .. complicated to say the least." I say rubbing my temples.

"That's what every girl thinks shout every guy." He says chuckling.

"Yeah I guess so." I say playing with my bracelet.

"Well, I should see how Beccas doing and see if Harry figured out what to do." I say taking a pen from a near by table.

"Yeah I should go too." Liam says as we stand up and exit the coffee shop.

"Here. That's my number, text me if you want to get coffee again, I'm gonna be here for a while." I chuckle quietly.

"Sure thing. Are you going back to the ER part or did your friend get into a room?" Liam asks as we get into the elevator.

"Um. I don't know let me check." I say pulling out my phone, showing a new message.

*New Message*

From: Harry

Becca got into a room, floor 7 room 572. We need to talk.

"Yeah, she's on the 7th floor now." I say turning off my phone. I'm nervous about what we're going to 'talk about'.

"Well, this is my stop. I'll text you later." Liam says stepping out.

"Okay, I hope your girlfriend gets better!" I wave as the doors close.

Liam never mentioned his girlfriends name. Huh. I should ask him next time I see him.

I push the button with the number seven on it, the elevator music playing softly. I always hated elevators, I have a huge fear of them falling to the bottom of the shaft, ending my days.

"Going down." The electric voice speaks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I make multiple turns, finding myself at the closed door of room 572. I don't want to go in there, to see my best friend with wires attached to her. A machine barley keeping Becca alive isn't the most pleasant sight.

I just wish this was a complete fucked up dream, that I would wake up in a cold sweat in my bed and Becca In the room beside me. But life doesn't work out like that.

I finally build up the courage to open the door. Revealing Harry sitting on a chair with his hands folded over his face, I'm pretty sure sobbing.

"Hey." I whisper quietly, shutting the door behind me.

"Oh. Uh. Hi." Harry says wiping his face.

"You alright ?" I ask, taking a seat beside Harry.

"Yeah. I was just uh .. Thinking." Damn. Liam was right.

"About .." I hope this turns out okay ..

"Us." Harry says slowly. My heart begins to pound.

"I uh. Don't really know what to say." I say playing with the tips of my hair.

"You don't have to say anything." Harry says leaning closer towards me and pressing his lips to mine gently.

"That's the last time I can ever do that." Harry says standing up.

"Wait. Why?" I say, standing up beside him.

"Because. Like Becca said in her letter, you need someone who's going to stay with you. Someone that you can tell your darkest secrets to." Harry says taking a step towards the door.

"She was talking about you." I say, standing in front of him.

"She doesn't know me Arabella. You don't know me. Like she said, you need a solid relationship. I'm not the person for you. I'm going to walk out when I get bored, you don't need that." Harry says trying to push past me.

"Then why'd you kiss me?! I'm so fucking tired of this. You leading me on then leaving. You know what. Just go. Leave. Stay at the house. Don't come back." I say going closer to Becca.

"I'm glad you understand." Harry says, his hand on the door.

"This is exactly why I don't trust people. Walk into my life, fuck it up then walk out." I say, tears in my eyes.

"The difference is that my plan was to fuck you then walk out." Harry spits, walking out and slamming the door.


Oooooooooo Harry is a major ass hole at times. I'm updating really frequently because I'm on brake and I'm sick so I'm stuck in my room. So yeah. I hope these last few chapters have been decent.

Okay love you lots xox -Destiny 😘

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