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Nialls POV -

"I had a great time, we should do this again." Becca smiles, biting her lip softly as she leans against the door.

Becca and I have watches numerous movies tonight. It's three am now, and I arrived at four pm, I'm glad I have to watch over a chill girl, not a bitch.

"Yeah, I'd love to. Text me later." I pull Becca in for a hug, and head to my car.

Pulling out of the drive way, Becca waves to me as enter on the main road.

I drive home quickly, wanting to go to sleep as soon as possible.


Beams of light find their way to my face, making me toss and turn in my small bed.

I get dressed quickly and head out the door to try and visit Kyle. He needs to know that I'm doing what I was told.

I hope Kyle will be pleased with how close I've gotten with them so far, I can't disappoint him. Kyle isn't pleasant when you piss him off, not that he's enjoyable when he's happy either.

But I have to keep him preoccupied (a different date every night. I'm sorry I had too.) My moms bills are skyrocketing, and I can't pay them. I've trying dealing cocaine, weed, any type of drug that I can make a profit off of, But it's not cutting it.

Getting involved with Kyle and everyone else isn't a good choice, it's a life time decision. But that's what I had to do. It offers great money, that I desperately need. The only way I'll ever spilt from Kyle and the rest is by death, but I did this to myself. It's a lifestyle now.

My mom is getting sicker and sicker by the week. Her cancer original started as a stage three when we discovered it. Now it's a stage four and it's spread, everywhere. Her liver, lung, spleen and ovaries have spots of cancer in them.

I was faced with the decision of taking my mom off the lifeline about seven months ago, but I didn't. She begged me before she went unconscious to pull the plug.

But I didn't.

It sounds selfish, but I can't part my ways with my mom. My mom has been my only friend through life, when everyone was gone; she was there.

I park my car into the abandoned car garage, about three blocks from Kyles business. I speed walk to Kyles building, men in high class suits giving me strange looks.

To be fair, someone dressed in full back doesn't fit in on a wealthy street full of up right business men.

Slipping into the back entrance, I avoid every security camera, the usual drill. Quickly, I jog up the few flights for stairs up to the top floor. By the time I reach the floor where Kyles office is located, I'm fully out of breath.

Entering the top floor, soft piano music plays through the rooms. The receptionist is typing away at her computer, her red chair into a tight bun and her face scrunched unpleasantly.

"Howard, nice to see you again. Do you have a meeting scheduled?" The lady smile is fake, I've been here for months but I still don't know her name. Howard is my fake name, that way if shit was to go down Kyle and my ass won't be on the line.

"No, I don't. But I need to speak 'ta Kyle immediately." I say, taping my foot as I search the room, the lady still typing as if I wasn't here.

"Sorry but I can't do that. Mr. Kyle is on his lunch break right now and he has requested that no-"

"Well, I'll just go up myself then." I cut her off, walking past her desk. Without her responding she huffs in defeat, not stopping me in the process.

I pass multiple offices to arrive in front of Kyles. The smell of coffee and freshly printed papers fills the room. Dressed in pencil skirts and a lowly cut top, a blonde comes bouncing out of Kyles office.

"Well someone has had a very busy day." I laugh, slipping into The office. I catch Kyle off guard as he's buckling his trousers up. "You could say that." He chuckles, sitting down in his chair.

"So, why are you here?" Kyle asks, picking up a pen and clicking it constantly.

"I wanted to tell you that I've gotten close to them. In to their house actually, Becca and I hung out. We're supposed to be doing it some time soon." I answer, a pleased look painted on Kyles face.

"Now, I sent you to this for a job. Not to be on a date, meaning that no feelings will be gained for this girl. You get in, do what I said, and get out. That easy." Kyle barks.

"I understand. Kyle, I'm only in this for the money .. speaking of. Can I have the money to pay my moms hospital bills?" I ask shyly, I hate asking for money. Even when I was getting payed for doing my job.

"Yeah. Here." Gabbing an envelope out of his desk drawer, kyle tosses it to me.

Counting the money, my mouth hangs agape. "Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars?" I squeeze out of words.

"Yeah. You fulfilled my first task immediately, so I gave you a little tip." Kyle shrugs it off like its no big deal.

"That amount of money is like a hundred dollars to me, no big deal." Kyle smiles smuggly.

"Thank you so much Kyle. I can't thank you enough." I say.

"Now, get out of my office. I have another 'appointment', if you would say." Kyle smirks, shooing me out the door.

"Thank you again Kyle, and have fun." I laugh.

I exit the office, walking past the receptionist with out saying a word. The workers in the office giving me strange looks as I walk past them, not acknowledging their presence.

Walking down the stairs, my mind is a blur thinking about the amount of money in my pocket.

This money will pay for a few treatments in the future and the ones I couldn't pay for in the past.

I need to go to the hospital and visit my mom, I haven't been down there for a few days. I hope she won't be mad that I've been gone, I normally visit her everyday.

My ringtone plays from my back pocket as I step out side, pulling out my phone Beccas name flashes on the screen.

"Hey Becca!"

"Hello Nialler!" She coos through the phone.

"What's up?" I ask, walking down the street, people giving strange looks because of my appearance.

"Nothing, I was calling to see what you were up to."

"I was uh - just bout to go to visit my mom. Can I call you back later?" I ask, trying to shrug off the topic.

"Yeah, sorry for bothering you. Stop by later if you want." Becca says.

"You're no bother at all, and I might just stop by later. See Ya then." I smile, unlocking my car and heading to the hospital.


What is this !? A longer update? It's your Christmas gift ☺️

Can you believe that Christmas is tomorrow?! Ya, crazy. It doesn't even seem like Christmas to me.

Funny story; my mom and I were wrapping some of my brothers presents and the he woke up and almost saw us 😂 we freaked out.

Anyways, I wish you all a very merry and safe Christmas.

I love you all - xx.

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