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Arabella's POV -

Harrys long arms are slung around my waist, wrapping around me like a tight scarf. His legs hanging off the bed slightly, due The to his height. A mop of curls frames a beautiful face that's laying on my shoulder. His eyes closed and his mouth agape, but still remaining to look like a model.

"What is it with you and staring at me all the time?" Harry chuckles deeply, his eyes still closed as he speaks, his voice deep and raspy ; more than usual.

"I wasn't staring." I lie, the shade of my cheeks could contradict my words easily.

"Yes you were, don't fib to me." Harry smirks, his eyes cracked open.

"I wasn't staring, and who the hell uses the word fib." I laugh, our bodies in the same position as before.

"Yes you were!" Harry raises his voice a little, not scaring me like it normally does when someone yells.

"I was not!" I match his tone, a massive smile on Harrys face.

"That's it." Harry whispers.

Harry rolls on top of me, but not placing his weight on mine. Taking my hands, he places them above my head with one of his hands still free.

"If you even dare to do what I think you're going to, so help you Styles. I will -" I'm cut off with his lips on mine, but his hand still holding mine above my head.

Detaching his lips from mine, Harry sits up with a dimpled smile placed on his face. "Calm down baby." Harry coos, my stomach erupting with butterflies.

Harry leans down again, placing soft kisses along my jaw line and up to my mouth.

My eyes flutter shut, as Harry still kisses me. Swiftly, fingers connect with my sides, making me squeal and laugh simultaneously.

I try to wiggle from Harrys grip, but my attempts fail. I laugh loud as Harry attacks my body. His hands moving from my stomach, to my neck, and any where else that Harry would see me squirm.

"Harry! I can't breathe -" I speak, out of breathe because of laughing so hard.

A soft kiss is planted on the corner of my lips, the tickling has come to a halt, thankfully. A wide smirk is wiped across Harrys face as he lets get go and lays down beside me again.

"Now that you've learned your lesson, were you fibbing about staring at me again?" Harry challenges.

"Nnn..." I start, Harrys hands lunging for mine again.

"Yes! Okay I was." I giggle, my cheeks growing a shade of pink.

"No more damn tickling." I laugh, shoving Harrys chest slightly so he's layed beside me again.

"Okay?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

"Okay." A soft smirk is on Harrys face.

(I'm sorry, I had too ;) )

"Becca looked happy with that kid in there." I smile.

"He's not good news." Harry days bluntly.

"Who cares? If she's happy then leave her be."

"You don't understand Arabella. He's not good news, at all. There's a reason why he's over here, and it's not for a good reason." Harrys eyebrows scrunch together and his lips pressed into a line, like he was trying to figure out why Niall I think his name is here.

"Stop being judgmental, you weren't good news when you came over here, but look where you are now. Everyone has a past, you can't determine how you feel on someone just from their past." I explain, Harry and I not having eye contact.

"Okay, sure. You're right. But I was never trafficking women for money, like he was. Or still might be." Harry growls.

My hearts in my throat. How could someone so innocent looking do something so horrible.

"Wait. How do you know this information if you supposedly weren't doing the same thing." I spit, inching away from Harry in disgust.

"Don't think that I would ever do that. That's horrendous, I've done a lot of had shit but nothing to that extreme." Harry defend himself, standing up from the bed, running his hands through his curls.

"You had to be in some part of it, if you know that information! Not everyone and their mother knows that kind of information!" I raise my tone, standing on the opposite side of the room from him.

"Why would I want to kidnap and traffic humans like they did to my sister?!" Harry yells, swiping a small lamp off a side desk. The ceramic colliding with the wall and smashing into bits.

Swinging the door open, Harry storms out, leaving me alone in my room. Speechless from Harrys words, I don't speak, just standing in silence.


I can't believe my views are going up this high, I never thought that my book would be this popular. I can't think you enough 💕

I love you all so much, I want you to know that you're so important and that even if today or tomorrow is shitty, everything will get better

Stay strong - xx.

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