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Arabella's POV-

"Arabella!" A voice cries, shaking me out of my slumber. My eyes bursting open, revealing Becca terrified with tears stained on her checks.

"What's wrong?" I ask frantically, jumping up from my bed, Harry absent from my side.

"It - its. Niall." Becca says, my heart drops. "I'll explain later, in the car. We have to go, this is a life or death situation." Becca rambles, grabbing a few things and throwing them into a small backpack.

"Becca!" I raise my voice. "Keep your voice down." Becca shushes me, placing her hand on top of my mouth.

"There is people in the house, they want to capture us. Let go. We have to leave now." Becca whispers, a tear falling down her face.

"Wait. Where's Harry?" I ask, my stomach in my throat. Searching the room, everything remains intact and normal. Besides Becca throwing things into the small backpack.

"He's down stairs, trying to hold off these guys from getting us. Please! Let's just go." Becca begs, pulling my hand but I remain still, my body in shock ; not budging.

"I'm not leaving without Harry, Becca go. Take my keys and leave." I sob quietly. Shaking her head vigorously, Becca goes to speak but I cut her off. " I love you Becca, you're more then a best friend you're my sister." I cry, tears streaming. "Don't come back for me, if I make it, I'll catch up with you some how." I wipe my tears, throwing the rope ladder off the roof.

Loud yelling comes from down stairs, shots being fired. Heavy foot steps run up the stairs, yelling profanities and for us to come out.

"Go." I whisper. A loud shot was fired and with that, the door handle went flying. Multiple men baring into the room, where Becca and I stood in shock.

"Well well well." The biggest man says, a thick Hispanic accent playing through his words.

"Niall told me this wouldn't be easy, but this is too simple." The man laughs devilishly. "You're little boyfriend was nothing to get through, actually." The man turns around, waving a few fingers , signaling for something to happen.

Another man appears from behind the last guy who spoke, his arm held around Harrys neck with a gun pointed to his skull. "Let me introduce myself, I, am Pucho. This is my team, and you obviously know these two people very well." Pucho laughs, spitting on the carpet.

Blinking my eyes, the person that held a gun to Harrys head, was Niall. "Niall, please. Please, stop. Just let us go." I cry, standing in front of Becca.

"I would, but you see I can't." Niall speaks, pain in his voice and Harrys is still held in Nialls arms. Cuts are scattered all over Harrys face and body, most bleeding.

"Niall please, I'm begging let us go. Nothing means more to me then these two people." Tears fall down my face as I stand in place shaking like a small dog.

"I have to do this." Niall sighs. "I need all three of you, to come with me. Dead or alive your choice." Niall laughs.

"Niall please." I beg. With a loud thump, Harrys on the ground his eyes rolling back into his head. I drop to my knees, holding Harrys head in my arms as tears stream down my face.

"Arabella." Harry chokes out. "I'm sorry, for everything." Harry coughs between words. "I want you to know that I love you, more than anything." A tear slips from Harrys eye.

"Okay. Enough soap - opera bull shit. Grab the girls." Niall speaks, his voice like poison. The men grab ahold of Becca and I, trying to shove us out the door.

Loud yelling comes from Becca and I as we kick and thrash trying to escape from the men's hold.

My body begins to shake and rock back and forth furiously. "Arabella. Baby, hush hush hush." My eyes shoot open to see Harry holding me in his arms.

"It was all just a dream, calm down baby." Harry try's to calm me down, wiping a tear from my face. "Wheres Becca, is she okay? How are you? Get Niall out this house now." I ramble, jumping out of Harrys hold.

"Becca is sleeping, I'm fine, Niall has been gone for a while. I made him leave when she fell asleep on the couch." Harry takes his hand in mine, pulling me back to my bed.

"What was your dream about?" Harry asks, pulling me beside him as his arms snake around me. "What you told me about Niall, except it came true. And it was terrifying Harry." The thought giving me shivers just remembering the dream, well nightmare I should say.

"They tried to take Becca and I, you got seriously hurt. It was so scary." My voice shakes.

"Baby, I will never let that happen to you. I promise." Harry places a soft and short kiss to my lips before speaking again. "Do you want to do something today?" Harry asks, playing with a piece of my hair that was laid on my shoulder.

"Well, there an amusement park about thirty minutes away. If you wanna do that?" A smile plays an my lips. "If that's what my baby wants to do, then that's what we're doing."

"Then, let's get dressed ya lazy bag of bones." I laugh, kissing Harrys nose before heading to my closet.

"Okay, I'm going to go change in my room. I'll be back in five." Harry announces before slipping out of my room.

I throw on a pair of denim shorts, along with a loose floral crop top and pair of black converse. For makeup, I put on a little concealer, powder and mascara. I throw up my mess of hair into a pony tail, grab my phone and leave my room.

I swiftly knock on Harrys door to be met with a curly headed boy with the biggest smile on his face.

"Ready?" I ask, taking my hand in his.

"As I'll ever be Ella." Harry smiles, our hands together as we walk down the stairs and out the door.


Winter break is over tomorrow ;( Which sucks. But it's whatever.

Anyways I really wanted to update more this break but, I failed at that obviously. I'm sorry 😔

But, I love you all so much

Xx - destiny

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