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Nialls POV -

"Watch them, get close with the friend, get closer to the girl. The girl will be the key to getting Harry." Kyle speaks, his face straight with no emotion.

" 'Nd after that ? What's next?" I ask, wiggling in the stiff chair placed on the other side of Kyles desk.

" We capture the girl, Harry will come running into our trap. Either he does what we want or he dies." A low and evil laugh comes from his mouth.

"I didn't sign up for 'tis." I stutter, fiddling with my hands slightly.

"I don't give a fuck about what you did or didn't sing up for. If you don't do what I say, I will stop paying for your mothers hospital bills." Kyle growls as a pit forms in my stomach.

My mom has been in the hospital for a while now, she has stage three cancer. I've been trying to work and do as much as I can to pay these bills that are drowning me.

I couldn't find work for a while, so I found a couple of people and now I'm here. As long as I work and do whatever I say, Kyle will continue to pay my moms hospital bills.

For Kyle, the money means nothing. He's sitting on billions of dollars, so he spends how he pleases.

Takin a deep breath, I speak, "Okay, I need her information. I'll start taking watch of what the girls do."

A evil smirk comes my way, from basically the devil in modern form.

Opening a filing cabinet beside his desk, Kyle sifts though tons of files. Pulling out three fully colors files, Kyle locks the cabinet up, tossing the folders to me.

"There. Observe , gather information, and then follow though with the plan." Kyle says, sitting back on his chair.

" Yes sir." I answer shortly, spinning on my heels and exiting Kyles office.

I turn down many long and narrow hallways, and jogging down multiple flights of stairs.

The buildings that Kyle owned were very high class, but we weren't allowed to use the elevators ; Due to security cameras.

As I exit the building, a metal shiver goes down my spine, because of the cold wind. Tugging my coat closer to me, I speed walk down the busy side walk.

I walk about three blocks, to my car. Kyle has us park a distance away from the buildings he owns. Kyle owns a very well know business, in marketing. So, if people like myself, park near the business, a bad reputation will form. Those are words from Kyle, not i. But he's the boss, so what he says goes I guess.

Hopping into my car, I turn on the heat automatically. Taking a deep breath, i pull out of the parking lot, I knew what I had to do.


I've sat across the street from Becca and Arabella's house for about three hours, nothing happening. No movement by the windows, no lights on.

Not a damn thing.

My stomach rumbles loudly, making me look down in shock. Well, to be fair, I haven't eaten all day.

I really want food. Pizza to be exact.

Waiting for someone or something to happen was very boring. Couldn't I just go and grab a pizza com right back ?

No. Don't do it, if Kyle finds out, all hell will brake loose.

Be logical, Kyle won't care if you go and eat. It's not like you can make yourself not hungry.

The voices argue in my head back and fourth.

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