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Arabella's POV -

"I will drag you by your weave if you do not get your self out of this damn bed and go clubbing with me." Beccas eyebrows furrow together as she stands at the bottom of my bed.

"But , I want to sleep for a thousand years . And my hair is real fuck tard." I growl playfully. I entangle myself into the blankets even more than I already am , shielding my face from Becca.

Yanking my duvets off of me , I'm greeted with a not so happy face from Becca.

"Don't forget that I'm not afraid to swing on you, now , get up." Becca orders.

With a groan and a swift roll to the right , I'm on the floor , detached from my safety blanket.

"That's the spirit!" Becca cheers, pulling me up and planting me on my feet.

"Ever since fuck boy left , you've been hibernating in here. It's sad really." My heart aches at the rude reference of Harry.

"You need to get up and get dressed were going clubbing." Becca smirks.

And that's what I did.

After being dragged to the shower , by by choice. I washed my body , and proceeded to get ready. I throw on a small and pretty revealing little black dress , matching it with a pair of black pumps.

As Becca calls it , I 'put on my face'. And by that, she means makeup. With a few dabs of concealer under my eyes and powder to set it , I moved on to mascara. After coating my eye lashes a few times , I was done. And I looked half decent.

A arm hooks mine , dragging me down the stairs as I rake out my hair with my fingers.

With a loud slam , were out the door and shoved into Nialls car. Becca and Niall are officially dating , so we've grown close recently he's like a bestfriend really.

The car speeds out of the drive way , music blasting with everyone singing along. And my only wish was to be home.


"You do realize that I'm seventeen , I can't get in." I whisper to Becca under my breath.

"Shut up , Niall knows people here. You're fine just don't say anything." Becca says , rummaging through her purse , finding a tube of lipstick and swiping it on her lips.

After a few words to the bouncer from Niall , and we're in the door. Music is blaring with lights flashing every couple of seconds , distracting me and separating me from the group.

I push past sweaty people , as they grind and throw them selfs on others. Hands try and grip to my skin, but I swat away them in protest as i continue to push forward.

I sigh in defeat after searching for Becca and Niall. I sit on a small couch in a corner of the club , still looking for the two.

This Is not how my first clubbing experience was supposed to go.


After a couple of hours , I get up from the couch. Becca and Niall were no where to be seen. Taking long strides to the door , I struggle to get out , the club has filled up even more than it was when we got here.

I shove my way past the intoxicated people , and out the door. Without Niall or Becca , or my phone , and without a ride.

With tears in my eyes , I trudge over to the side of the building, taking a seat on the small walk way.

"Ah , nice to see someone else has joined the 'I got ditched club'." A male voice comes from the other side of the walk way making me jump slightly.

"Yeah , fantastic right ?" I sigh.

"Well , thank fully , this isn't the first time this has happened to me." The man says , rubbing his cigarette on the concrete and flicking it into the road.

"I , am Zayn. What's your name Hun ?" Zayn asks , standing in front of me.

"I, am Arabella." I smile , shaking his hand that was extended out towards me.

"Well , Arabella , I'm assuming that you have no ride. And it just so happens that I haven't had anything to drink and my cars right there." He says , pointing to a black SUV.

"Now , I understand your doubts. Why get into a car with a dude you just met on the outside of a club? But , I can seal the deal with a stop at Waffle House and then a ride home. How about that?" Zayn says , walking to his car and opening the passenger side door for me.

"You comin ?" He asks , propped up against the door with a wide smile on his face.

"Yep." I laugh , pushing my self off the concrete and walking to his car.


A/u ; I'm so sorry I've been barley updating with this , I have no excuse really except that I've pretty much lost interest in this.

But I'm gonna keep trying to update , love you all xxxx - Destiny

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