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Beccas POV -

*flash back*

"Becca, what if the Purge happens and we're all the way out here in ass crack no where? " Arabella whispers as we pull up to our cabin in the woods.

"The only scariest thing about out here, is the zero wifi or cell service." I laugh, stepping out of the car.

"Oooh! Can we roast marshmallows when the sun sets completely?" Arabella asks excitedly, jumping up and down with her bags in her hands as we walk up to the cabin.

"Will that make you chill your shit?" I ask laughing, my mom unlocking the front door.

"Yes!" Arabella shakes her head excitedly.

Running into the kitchen, Arabella rummages though the plastic bags that holds the food that we just bought. Finding the marshmallows and skewers, Arabella runs down the porch stairs, straight to the fire pit.

"Awe, fuck. Make the fire stuff. I dunno how to." Arabella smiles like a little kid, shifting on her heels with the bag of marshmallows in her hands.

Grabbing a lighter, I light a piece of paper on fire, throwing it into the untouched coals.

"Thank you Becca!" Arabella yells, stabbing her marshmallows with her stick.

"This isn't cooking fast enough." Arabella frowns, throwing the stick and marshmallow into the fire.

"Fuck this im cooking it in the microwave." Arabella says, walking back up to the cabin.

"It works!" Arabella smiles at her bowl of gooey, melted marshmallows.


"Arabella motherfucking Mason! Get in this canoe right now!" I yell, pointing to the plastic canoe floating in the shallow water.

"Um, no thanks. I don't feel good.." Arabella hesitates, standing on the slip of the canoe.

"If I'm getting in then so are you." I place my hand on my hip.

"But there's scary things in that water!" Arabella shakes her head, looking worried as ever.

"We traveled like three hours so come out here, if you don't get in this damn canoe on the count of three then I will beat your ass!" I bark, stepping out of the water.

Groaning, Arabella inches toward the water. Placing a foot in the canoe, it wobbles from side to side making Arabella scream.

"I can't do it." Arabella whines, taking her foot and placing it back into the water.

"Get the fuck in there." I growl. Sitting in the canoe, many squeals of horror come from Arabella's mouth.

Once we got into the water, she loved it .. until we rocked the canoe.

With one swift motion, my paddle pushes water upwards, drenching Arabella. High pitched screams echo over the river as we pour multiple bottles of water on each other.

*end of flashback*

That was one of the best times of my life. I can't end it, I can't leave Arabella.

Gathering the strength to open up my eyes, Harry is the first thing that I see.

Harrys sat beside my hospital bed, on a chair, talking to my unconscious self.

"Becca?! You're awake!" Harry smiles.

"I can't leave now, I need to do some more things before I die." I laugh, tears brimming at my eyes.

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