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Harrys POV -
I wake up with a killer headache and my body aching in pain. Last night was very .. Eventful you could say. I would say that I regret getting into a fight with Mike or what ever his name is, but I really don't regret it. He just had sex with a a girl in the bathroom and then tried to go for Arabella!

Scrambling from my bed sleepily, I stumble out of my room and down the stairs. The house is completely silent, I guess nobody's home.

If I was back home I would of thrown a party without a doubt but I'm pretty sure Arabella's parents would have a fit if I did.

I lazily over to the fridge, grabbing a water and Tylenol for my pounding head ache. I gulp down the pills and the water, praying that the medicine kicks in fast.

I shiver slightly, forgetting that I only have a pair of baggy sweat pants on. Florida gets pretty chilly, it's a different type of cold in England. In England, it at least snows which can be a good or bad thing. A high pitched meow rung through out the large house, catching my attention. I search around the house, looking for the mysterious cat. The meowing becomes louder as i make my way up the stair case.

By the time i reach the top of the stair case, the meowing sounds like its within ten feet of me. I open the bathroom door, nothing. I search the guest bedroom that was located right beside mine, then my room. I have no idea why im searching a house that i just moved into with  another family, and looking for a random cat.

The last room that i havent searched was Arabellas, as i stepped towards her room the meowing growing louder and louder with every footstep. I open the door eagrly and too quick, hitting something on the floor .. or should i say someone.

"What the fuck?!" Arabella yells half asleep as she clutches her head on the floor, curled up into a ball. I cant belive that i actually hit Arabella in the head with a fucking door. Good job Dumbass.

"Im so sorry!" I say franticlly, kneeling down to Arabella's side.

"All i was trying to do is find this annoying ass cat that was meowing and i couldnt find it anywhere im so sorry Arabella i honeslty didnt mean to hurt you god im such a fucking idiot." i say quickly, running my hands through my hair.

"Okay, first off shut the fuck up with all the talking, my head hurts like a bitch right now especially after being nailed in the head with a damn door." Arabella says laughing as she takes the cat into her lap, stroking it. "And this is not an annoying ass cat, this is Skittles." She says petting the cat gently as shes still layed on the floor.

Arabella was layed on her carpet with her whole body streched out as the cat purred, rubbing its body along Arabella continusly. Her makeup was smudged slightly and her hair was is a messy bun at the top of her head but she still remined to look like a super model. Her baggy sweatpants hung lowly on her hips, revealing quite a bit of sun kissed skin.

"Why are you staring at me." Arabella asks, shoving a pillow at my chest, snapping out of my thoughts. "I was admiring your beauty." I say accidently, not thinking.

"No beauty here." Arabella says standing up, pulling her tanktop that what pushed up abover her belly button peircing. "Dont even start that." I say waving a finger in Arabellas face.

"And i didnt know that you had a belly button pericing." i say poking it gently. "Theres a lot that you dont know about me." Arabella replies while taking her phone off the charger.

"Then again, i dont know anything about you. Its your turn to tell a couple of dark secrets." Arabella says as her eyes are glued to her phone.

"No, I dont tell people my secrets because if i did then they wouldnt be secrets now would they?"

"Twenty One Questions?" Arabella asks, quirking an eyebrow.

"Will it make you content?" I ask, copying her actions.

"For a minute of so." Arabella says sticking out her tounge and scrunching her eyes closed.

"Okay, biggest goal in life?'' I as, taking a seat beside her. "To get up one day randomly and travel the world." She says setting down her phone beside her.

"Best memory as a child." She asks,crossing her legs to directly look at me.

"When I first saw snow." I answer easily.

"Biggest Turn on?" I ask a risky question.

"Intelligence." She answers with no problem, i expected something like hair, eyes, smile but this was deeper that physical features. I nod my head in approval of her answer.

"Biggest turn off?" She asks poking my dimples as she smiles widely.

"When girls act dumb, i hate it." i roll my eyes. That is the biggest thing that aggervates me.

Arabella scoots a little bit closer to me, and i do the same. She begins to play with my dimples and curls. Her warm and minty breath fans over my face as i study her features. "Whats stopping you from kissing me right now?" i ask cupping my hands over her cheeks.

"Nothing." she answers as she inches towards me, our lips centimenters apart as they brush bast each other gently.


whooop cliff hanger. who knows whats gonna happen :]

Anyways, yeah i figured id do an update because i have a bunch of work to do this weekend so yeah,, i hope this fullfills your need for a crappy update [:

Okay love you all lots, bye xoxo <3

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