My life

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Katniss Pov
•My name is Katniss Everdeen
•I'm 17.
•I'm a rich girl. Its not something i brag about.
•Everyone likes me except for a couple of people.
•I go to Mockingjay High.
•I live with my parents.
•I DO NOT have a boyfriend.
•My best friends are Annie Cresta and Finnick Odair.
•My least Favorite people are Delly Cartwright And Peeta Mellark.
•I have a cat named Buttercup.
I wake up when my alarm goes off for the first day of school.

I groan and get up. I take a shower, get dressed and put on my makeup.

I walk down stairs and sit at the break fast table.

"Hey sweetie," my parents say at the same time rather creepily.

"Um hi," I say.

"We got you something," they say again at the same time.


"Um ok," I say unsure.

"Follow us," they say walking outside.

I follow them outside and watch my parents open out large garage. I see a brand new green camaro!

"Thank you guys so much!!!" I scream hugging them. Now I'll start off the new school year with a new car!
I run in side and find Prim at the table.

"I got a new car!" I scream.

"I know I picked it out," she says calmly..

Dang. I should have known. She always picks out the presents that my parents pick because she is in "my generation." Whatever that means.

"Thank you," I say hugging her.

5 minutes later>
"Bye Mom! Bye Dad! Come on Prim!"
I say climbing into my new car.

Eventually, Prim comes out of our house looking gorgeous

"You look beautiful Prim!" I say buckling my seat belt and backing out of my driveway.

"Thanks," she says.

We finally make it to school. I get out and everyone is telling me hi, waving, all that good stuff.

I make it to my locker and see that one of the few people in this school that hates me has a locker right next mine.
Peeta Mellark.

Well we don't exactlly hate each others but we aren't even close to being friends.

"Mellark," I say giving him a nod.

"Everdeen," he says the same way I did.

We each part to go our separate ways, but it turns out he has 1st period with me, the only reason I know this is because when he passed a friend they asked and he said he had Math.

We finally get to math and he holds the door for me.

"Thank you," I say passing him.

"Your welcome," he says as I walk away from him.

I walk over and sit by Annie. Annie is talking to Finnick, who is beside her.
I pull out my phone and get on Instagram.

The bell rings and my Uncle Haymitch walks in. WAIT WHY IS MY UNCLE TEACHING MY MATH CLASS!?

I get up and walk over to him.
"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I could ask you the same thing," he says giving me a hug.

"Um, I go to school here..."

"Well, I teach here so...." he claps his hands together to get the attention of the class.

"Hey everyone, I will be your math teacher this year and this is Katniss, my niece, you probably all know her, just a warning, you hurt her I will hurt you 100x worse than you hurt her, which in most cases means death, soooooo..... Here's some advice, stay alive," he says taking a seat in his chair.

I go sit down and listen to the lesson boringly.

The bell finally rings and everyone rushes out the door including Annie and Finnick. I walk slowly passing my Uncles desk.

"See ya later Uncle Haymitch," I say waving as I walk into the hallway.

Someone bumps into me and all my books drop to the floor.

"I'll help you pick them up," a voice says.

I look up and see Mellark.

He gets down on his knees and helps me pick them up.

"Thanks Mellark," I say standing up.

"Anytime Everdeen," he says walking away.

I get up and walk to break. I find Annie and Finnick outside by the giant oak tree.

I chose a small group of friends because we are more close than other groups. I could chose anyone to be my group and they would do it cuz I'm rich. Ugggggghhgg.

"Hello friends," I say sitting down.

"Hello Kitty," Finnick says smirking.

"Hello Finny," I say grinning.

"Hello Kat," Annie says.

"Hey Ann," I say.

"So we need to compare our schedules!" Annie squeals.

I pass over my schedule and she highlights the subjects we have together. I have science and lunch with her. Her and Finnick have the same schedule.

Finnick starts to go on a rant about some new Xbox game. We really need to find another guy to be in this group. But since there is no other guy in our group of friends at the moment me and Annie listen and nod our heads and try to be respectful.

After his rant is finished, a girl with long dark hair and red bangs walks over.

"Hey, I'm new here and I'm going to be in this group, got it?" we all nod.

We may be a bit intimidated.....

"By the way, I'm Johanna," she says plopping down by Finnick.

"What's your name pretty boy?' Johanna asks Finnick.

"Finnick," he says with a smug look.

"I'm Annie," Ann pipes up.

"Katniss, but everyone calls me Kat except for Finnick who calls me Kitty," I say.

"No, ill call you brainless," she says leaning up against the tree.

We trade schedules again and she has all her classes with me.

"Sleepover at mine at 8:00," Finnick busts out.

"I'll be there," I say along with Annie.

"Yeah I'll come," Johanna says hesitant.

"It's not that bad, we usually play games, watch movies, and eat pizza," I say to Johanna who's face lights up at the word pizza.

Just then the one and only Peeta Mellark and his group walks up.

"Mellark," I nod his way.

He does the same.

"What do you need?" Johanna asks feeling the tense feeling between the 2 groups.

We want........

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