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I open the door to the house. It still creaks as if it was a haunted, it's always been like that. I don't need to say 'I'm home!' since the door is loud enough, though I don't know if he's sleeping or not. Maybe he's not even here?

Hopefully. I've always found him annoying, but what can I do? He's my guardian.

I immediately drop my bag and head towards the kitchen. It's always been a little cramped, there's not a lot of space, but it's functional so I shouldn't be complaining. Especially if some people don't even have houses where they could have kitchens. I open the fridge. There's not much. Barely anything, really. Some leftover sauce from last week's dinner, half a gallon of juice, a molded cake, and a lot of beer bottles. I take the sauce out.

I could maybe make some pasta from this? The sauce isn't really specified for spaghetti, but it will have to do.

I quickly start the work.

"Denki~." He calls me after closing the door.

My body freezes after hearing his tone of voice.

He's drunk.

"H-hi d d-dad." I whisper back to him.

I've always found it intriguing how you can start stuttering from fear or a feeling of nervousness especially when you weren't feeling that before.

"Are ya cooking? Let me see whatcha got for us." He starts walking towards me.

"I- i I." I dropped the bowl of sauce right onto the floor. The sauce and pieces of ceramic scatter to the ground. My breath hitches and I start to tense up until the door bell rings. He grumbles a bit before going to answer the door. He was so close to me.

"Who is it?" He swings the door open so hard that it bangs on the wall.

"Delivery for a Denki Kaminari?" The mailman says. It must be that ointment Recovery Girl recommended.

"This is his address, but he's not here. He's at school. I'm his father though, so I will sign it." He deceives the mailman and I can't do anything about it except cry. He is not my father.

"Perfect! Just sign here." He hands him a notebook and pen. Mr. Akagi signs it with probably a fake name. "Thank you, have a nice day!"

"You too." He says before closing the door. He lets out a huff and I can tell his lustful mood has changed into an aggravated one. And it just makes me tense up more.

"Clean this shit up. Now!" He yells before going upstairs with the package. Guess I won't be needing that.

I quickly drop to my knees to clean up the mess. Slightly thanking whoever is out there that this bowl wasn't glass. I try to pick up the pieces as fast as I can, but my shaking fingers keep dropping them. The sauce even managed to get under the fridge. It'll be a pain to clean up.

Now what am I gonna make?

I check the time. 3:08. I don't have much time left before the kids get here and when Haru comes back from the bookstore. Pasta doesn't seem like an option now.

I hate having to do this.
"Den Den!" The five year old girl hops. "I missed you soooo much. I thought you had left me!" The tears well up in her eyes.

"You know I'd never leave you. Never ever!" I booped her nose.

"Pinky promise?" She holds out her small pinky.

"Pinky promise!" I agree. She laughs before running off to the living room where Haru is reading a book. I turn to look at the other 3 boys. "Now what did you do today, Koji?"

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