Do I regret not paying attention to Yamada-Sensei that day? Yes, I completely do. Because now I'm currently sitting on the couch in the common room waiting for my English teacher to pick me up to do some training with a Pro Hero that he might've said the name of but I can't remember since I was not paying attention. In my defense he was rambling quite a bit that I just assumed he was saying some random nonsense, but I suppose it was important now. I can't take back me agreeing to this whole ordeal no matter how much I want to. Though now that I think about it, I probably don't have a say in it anyways. I mean I'm the one getting free training from a Pro Hero, it's not like it's internships either where the Pro picks the students they want, my teachers picked this Pro based on my quirk and apparently personality. I swear it's just Yamada-Sensei hyping himself up. I don't mind though, he's my favorite teacher so the experience will be fun except the whole him having a yelling quirk and stuff. But he's the only Pro I can think of who has a similar personality to me. I don't mind whoever it is anyways, as long as it's not Endeavor I don't care. Plus it gets me out of the dorms and I'll be able to work on my quirk. I won't be behind the class anymore. This will be good for me. I just know it.
Yamada-Sensei told me to wait for him after school though he never specified when and where. So I just walked back to the dorms and got dressed in clothes other than school uniform and decided to wait for him here. If I needed my hero costume he would've told me right? Hopefully.
I sent a quick text to Aiko telling her that I wouldn't be able to make it to dinner today. Though with her cooking I am perfectly okay with that. Full offense to her but her cooking is horrendous and I'm surprised the kids have survived for this long. They're probably living off of her sandwiches. Though I was told that Toshi is aiding her with cooking now and it is significantly better which is a little surprising since he's a four year old that can cook better than a twenty something year old woman. I don't even know where he learned how to cook. Maybe it was Mr. Eto or Toshi just watched me cooking whenever I took them to the restaurant which even isn't that often might I add. When did I miss this whole chef thing? It's not that surprising. You're never around anymore. I'm shocked they even remembered you.
The notification takes me away from my thoughts which I will be forever grateful for. I check my phone to see that it's a message from Aiko. She sent a photo of her and the kids cooking what looks to be pasta, but don't quote me on that. Toshi is stirring a pot of what I think and hope is sauce, Sumie and Koji are right in front of the phone smiling since it seems like they're the ones taking the picture, Haru is watching Toshi stir pretty intensely while holding spices in his hands, and Aiko and Kai are cooking some type of meat on a pan. I smile softly at the picture. They seem to be enjoying the time they spend with Aiko. Better them with her than you. I'm glad.
The next thing I see is a blurry picture of a panicked Aiko trying to put out the fire on the pan while the kids just smile at the camera unfazed. I'm guessing this is a normal occurrence. I start chuckling. I love those kids so much.
"What are you smiling at Dunce Face?" With the nickname I would've assumed it was Bakugou talking to me, but I know him and Kirishima are off somewhere "studying". The feminine voice gives it away. Jirou.
"I-i I w-well-" I guess I can't even smile here now. Things have changed between me and Jirou ever since she lashed out on me. Even though she said sorry for what she told me, she keeps getting aggravated whenever I do something. The other day she said my heart was beating too loudly after training, which didn't make sense since wasn't everybody's heart beating fast too?
"Save your useless excuse for someone who will actually listen to you. I don't have time to waste like that. I just came here to tell you that after talking some sense into Momo, she won't be making that doll for your supposed sister." She's been acting like this for a while and I don't know what to do. I've tried apologizing and that does nothing. I even tried asking Momo but she just looked at me in pity before walking away. I just don't know what I did. I could fix it if she told me.

Everything's Not Okay
FanfictionI have it all, huh? I'm sweet and caring for everyone and anyone. Yeah, I'm a little dumb, but that's just because I'm lazy, right? Right?! I'm fine, right?! Don't worry about me, these are just minor scratches! Everything's okay [major violence, cu...