I never thought I'd be in some American themed diner with my English teacher after crying my eyes out for a pair of glasses I almost didn't get. I don't think this is real. Am I dead? Finally.
"You see something you'd want to eat?" Mic is looking at the selection of drinks they have on his menu. I don't really care what I eat. If it's edible it's going in my stomach.
"Oh I'll just get a cheese burger." I just picked what looked the cheapest without making it seem like I'm eating nothing. If my assumptions are correct then Yamada Sensei is like a mother hen. Wonder how Shinsou lives with it.
"And what about you guys? You're awfully quiet." Mic places his menu down to look at the kids. Haru isn't even looking at the menus, he's just staring at the coloring book placed in front of him. Toshi is pointing out the colors of the crayons that they were given to Haru as if he was colorblind. Sumie and Kai are sharing a menu, but they're on the side which only shows desserts. Koji seems to be the only one actually trying to figure out what he's looking at, which makes me thankful that he's the oldest. Soon he tugs on the sleeve of my jacket, so naturally I go down to his height.
"I don't know what these are." He points to the menu's choices even though they have pictures right next to them. The other kids turn to Koji before looking at me. I know they can all read even Sumie and the twins, but that's not what they're asking exactly. I think they're trying to ask which one tastes good.
"Can I see your menu, Koji?" He hands over his menu and I look at the choices. Why is broccoli an option? Who abuses their children that much to get them broccoli and why is it so damn expensive? The cheapest option is chicken tenders and french fries.
So chicken and fries it is.
"They'll just get the chicken tenders." I give Koji back his menu so he can color it like the rest of them.
The amount of purple Sumie is using on one bunny is concerning....
"Good choice!" Mic collects my menu and stacks them on the side of the table. As soon as he does that one of the waitresses makes her way over to us. Maybe that's a way to signal them that we've finished deciding.
"Have you gentlemen figured out your meal?" She picks up the two menus and places two tall glasses of water in front of both Mic and I. Then she grabs five disposable cups with straws from another table and puts it in front of the kids. They look at me before I nod my head so they can drink. Toshi helps Kai hold his drink with his two hands before picking up his own. I'm glad they don't fight or hate each other like other brothers might.
"Yeah I'll get three bacon burgers with a coke soda and some fries on the side." The waiter scribbles something down in her notepad before looking at me.
"Okay. And for you?" Her hand is right above her notepad waiting for me so she can write down my order and get on with her day. She looks tired.
"I'll just get a cheeseburger, and they'll have two chicken tender and fries meal." I say with a smile.
"Will that be all?" She raises her eyebrow. Clearly she's judging my order cause what teenager doesn't abuse the power to get anything they want especially when it involves food? Me. I'm that teenager.
"For now, yes." Mic replies for me. I'm actually surprised no one has recognized him by now. Either that or everyone is just amazing at keeping their cool. If that's the case then hats off to them cause I could never.
"Your orders will be out soon." She walks back to the kitchen that's behind the counter where you could see a man flipping burgers. Well, isn't that just cool.
"Only two orders? You sure you guys won't get hungry?" Mic frowns at me before taking a sip of his cold water.
"They're small. They don't each much anyway and I ate before I came." I in fact did not eat beforehand, but does he really need to know that? No. The answer is no. He doesn't.

Everything's Not Okay
FanfictionI have it all, huh? I'm sweet and caring for everyone and anyone. Yeah, I'm a little dumb, but that's just because I'm lazy, right? Right?! I'm fine, right?! Don't worry about me, these are just minor scratches! Everything's okay [major violence, cu...