I wish I could see the kids today before I go home, but they wouldn't be up this early on a Saturday. Even though I hate to show up after I might have to. Dad is going somewhere in the afternoon and as long as I come back by curfew I'll be fine. I'll call Aiko about it later.
I step out of the elevator and make my way to the kitchen. I'm carrying my backpack with me today so I could do some work in the meantime. Plus I can keep some snacks in here. I know Dad doesn't want me eating much since he said it'll make me fat. But as long as I bring healthy snacks it'll be okay, right? I'll just take some protein bar that's always left in the snack cabinet. When I turn around to grab an apple I see the class looking back at me.
"Uh- hi guys? Did you all sleep here or something? Why are you up so early?" I place my bag on the counter to throw in the apple and protein bar. I zip it up before throwing it back on my shoulder.
I hid my bruises better this morning since I got those weird looks from the class last night. But they're still looking at me like that.
"Where are you going Denki?" Kirishima watches from his position next to Bakugou on the couch. I see Bakugou grunt before shuffling farther away from his boyfriend. That was weird. Even though he never announced it, Bakugou loves being next to Kirishima. Why does he look like he wants to be anywhere but next to him right now?
"To my Dad's house! Like I said he wasn't feeling too great and since it's the weekend I can check up on him in the morning. Plus I always go home on the weekends." It's true, I always do. The only time I didn't is when the kids were here. But then again I went to work. Not anymore though. I don't work on weekends, just weekdays. He didn't like me going to someone else he didn't know.
"Oh." Kirishima looks down as if he's upset with the answer.
"We're you planning on doing something?"
He just looks up at me with a sad smile before shaking his head no. Bakugou looks at him as he does it before mumbling something. He gets up from next to Kiri and sits down next to Todoroki on the floor. Jirou looks at him for a moment with her eyebrows furrowed . She looks confused with his actions and I am too. But Kiri isn't. He looks as if he expected it.
"Okay." I nod at him before walking over to the door. I look back at my class before hearing someone whisper.
"we have to do it now!" I don't see anyone's mouth moving so I assume it's Hagakure. Ojiro tensing confirms my guess.
"Well, see you later!" I wave at them before slightly pushing the door open before I get stopped.
"Wait actually. Can we talk to you for a second? As a class. About this." Kirishima's hand on my wrist stops me from opening the door any further. I look back at him and see him nervously looking at me.
"Is this about me not showing up after school? I swear I'm coming back Sunday night. I'm just spending some time with my family." I raise my eyebrow at him. He sighs before looking at the ground. I want to ask him what's wrong but Jirou interrupts me.
"No it's about how you keep leaving without a reasonable excuse?" what? I said I was going to my Dad's house and I'm not even lying. Something is going on.
"I'm just going to my Dad's house. I already told you guys this?"
"De-Kaminari." Hagakure never calls me Kaminari. No one calls me Kaminari. "Kirishima told us something recently that was concerning to him. We discussed it as a class and others had the same concern. We talked about it last night when you weren't here and we think he might be right about it, so I think we should talk." She says before shuffling behind Ojiro like how she was last night. They're both standing behind the couches.

Everything's Not Okay
FanfictionI have it all, huh? I'm sweet and caring for everyone and anyone. Yeah, I'm a little dumb, but that's just because I'm lazy, right? Right?! I'm fine, right?! Don't worry about me, these are just minor scratches! Everything's okay [major violence, cu...