"I think you should be the one tutoring me. I've made so many mistakes in one sentences that I don't even think it's English at this point." I hand Shinsou's laptop back to him. He has a purple case which is adorable itself because everyone seems to think he's an emo that wears all black when in reality he's just a closeted cat lover. As if his laptop case doesn't prove that already cause it's littered with cat stickers and cat memes which I find adorable. I never understood why people think he's intimidating, yeah he has a powerful quirk, but if you're going by that logic then everyone should be scared of Midoriya. He breaks his bones as if it's breathing air, which is concerning itself. Shinsou is just really hot. Maybe I'm a little biased.I mean just look at the guy, who wouldn't drool over him. Stay focused Denki!
He is my tutor, but at this point he gave up on tutoring after I never showed up the first ten lessons. I practically forced him to be my friend after that and I'm glad I did. I would've never had these moments with him. Studying in his purple themed room. All in all it's one hell of a comfy room. I say it beats Sero's, and he has a hammock! Shinsou's room has a dark purple rug on the floor, a bean bag chair in the corner, and stars on his ceiling. That's an automatic win in my book.
We've been probably doing this studying thing for an hour now and when I mean studying I mean Shinsou is typing up his English essay he decided to start early while I stare at my math homework for another hour. Fun. We've been helping each other, but honestly I don't have the guts to tell Shinsou that I can't understand anything on this paper. The numbers feel jumbled together and I can't focus enough to understand the value of each. So to distract myself I'll grammar check Shinsou's English essay every so often so he won't get suspicious, but soon he'll ask why I haven't written anything down on my paper.
I give up, you win brain
"That's hilarious. The only thing I'm good at is English, and you're not even that bad. You just mix up your tenses." He isn't bad at English at all, he's just downgrading himself like he usually does. I don't have the heart to tell him that I'm not even correcting everything though. I know his teacher will definitely be suspicious if Shinsou randomly got a 100 on a paper. Not to brag, but the first paper we had to write I got a 100, which got Mic to like me a whole lot more. It also got Aizawa suspicious since it was the only class I had an A in, but that's a story for another time.
"Denki you are by far the best at English out of everyone I know. You're probably even better than Present Mic! You are hands down the biggest literature nerd I know. No one else can sit and have a heated argument with themselves about how Dally, from the Outsiders, could've lived. By the end of your little presentation I knew the whole book beginning to end without even opening the actual book. Don't even get me started on how the book is written in English and you managed to read it with no problem." He's making big gestures with his arms which really makes me think I've been rubbing off on him because he most definitely didn't do this in the beginning of us talking or maybe this is how Shinsou really acts?
"It was a one time thing, no one really pays attention when I do that anyway. So it's basically your fault for listening. You could've left the common room like everybody else." I pout before finally placing down my pencil. Who am I kidding, I'm not actually gonna get this work completed.
"Well how could I leave when you were so passionate about it. You thought the whole theory through and when Momo asked you about it your eyes lit up as if you were waiting for that moment. You didn't kill the mood or anything like that. You just really wanted someone to listen to you ramble, so I did. It's their lost for leaving anyway." Marry me. Marry me right fucking now Shinsou Hitoshi.
"I would've been fine with you leaving. I was just rambling about the book. Half of the time I wasn't even speaking Japanese."
"I know. At some point there was English and I could've sworn you were doing some sort of sign language with your hands since you were moving them quite a lot." All Might, that's embarrassing.

Everything's Not Okay
FanfictionI have it all, huh? I'm sweet and caring for everyone and anyone. Yeah, I'm a little dumb, but that's just because I'm lazy, right? Right?! I'm fine, right?! Don't worry about me, these are just minor scratches! Everything's okay [major violence, cu...